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cher … lol
Just finished watching SYTYCD.
cher I agree with the Runner-up Club tshirt.
not gonna say, kradamour
I need an emoticon to be a stuck-out tongue at you, luval.
asif, thank you.
Well, Sasha is in very good company! I know another runner-up who has done quite well!
But really a shame. I hope that Adam is on the phone to her stat.
Everyone I work with that watched SYTYCD did not like Sasha. But they could never give me a good reason. But here we go again. The cookie cutter all American wins again. That’s ok. As we know, coming in second is really the best thing. Look at Twitch and Mark…huge successes in the the dance world.
From MJ’s:
Or maybe…
(: – P or : P)
and that’s the twuth! 
Did you make that up, Ron? I think you did.
Hey, I don’t like being spammed with made-up tongue sticking out emoticons.
AL and I are obviously experts at sticking out our tongues.
Such crap!! There’s no way Melanie got 47% of America’s vote.

TPTB rule. Business first. The winner was set all season. We voted for nothing.
luval, most people like that don’t even vote. Yep, runner-up club tshirts coming up, asifclueless.
Thanks for the helpful posts, guys!
(but this is only in fun, cherie!)
Ooooooh….I’m sorry if I’m a spoiler.
Oh well … the cat is out.
Must be something with the title Season 8. AI S8, SYTYCD S8.
Sasha will be fine like BB.
That’s been around for a long time, luval. Just type the letter ‘P’ at the end.
(nods head in agreement)
cher…I totally agree with you. I am really sick and tired of the voting situation on these shows. I just don’t understand why voting isn’t done like Dancing With the Stars…a flat controlled number from each voting source. It would be much fairer. Sasha was truly the best dancer.
Last time that I vote for my favorite on a US TV show. Every time I do, the person comes in second!

Ok, Ron…I believe you. Actually it does ring a bell.
kradamour…I love having this kind of fun!!
I know AL!!
If I like someone on any of these reality shows it’s usually the kiss of death for the contestant. They’re usually the first one voted off the island, eliminated from the race or shown the door.
I looked upward after Adam’s audition and said to the universe, “No! I don’t like him! I really don’t like this guy!”
Speak for yourself Ron.
Besides, mine is bigger. : P

I say major raspberries to the pimping and the voting system!
What makes it possible is that we have actually met in person. You even put a chocolate on my pillow lol!
It can be tricky to aim humor at someone in a post if that person is only known in print.
Part of it worked Ron. Stuck around for the final!
AL please … not here!
So true, Kradamour!
I should be saying nitey-night but for some reason I’m all wound up.
There’s another picture on 24/7 from that tv show Majors and minors. His hair looks nice and high!!
Wut? It’s just a capital P!
Did anyone else notice that after Sasha’s first performance tonight the entire panel of judges stood up? The entire panel … except Nigel.
This, coupled with what he said to the two remaining guys last night, makes me not like him very much.
Yeah .. I should have known better that I’m a jinx.
When my family and friends gather to watch our fave sport team competing, they always find an excuse for me to go out.
Can you get us some more drinks and chips? Can you go and pick up our son next door?
But dear ?!? .. we don’t have a son?!?
Now I understand why … I jinx their team.
My mother always voted for the candidate she wanted to lose in the presidential elections. Seemed odd at the time but it is starting to make sense…
Ron, you are such a gentleman. I @#$%&#@$%{$&? HATE THE GUY AND HOPE ALL HIS BAD KARMA COMES BACK TO HIM A MILLION TIMES OVER. (I don’t like him very much either.)
Thanks..luval.. for the link.
Also from News 24/7:
New Single/Album Cover Photo Shoot?
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Celebrity Makeup Artist Kristee Liu tweeted a few hours ago that she’s about glam Adam for a new photo shoot! Wonder what this is for?
From 24/7
Woot! I get to see it live!
Dear riskylady, (BIG hug to you!) you can be so vague at times.
I wish you’d come right out and tell us how you really feel. 
I lost a lot of respect that I had for Nigel after last night and tonight and won’t be able to look at him in the same way again.
Big hug back, Ron! I will try to be more specific in the future…..
Good morning everyone. Still bummed out about SYTYCD last night. But am sure we’ll be seeing Sasha somewhere on stage…Emmy’s, Academy awards.
Notice there’s a couple of continuing sagas over at Ste Agathe thread. Off to read them before work!
Well, I think it sucks that Sasha didn’t win. I checked in at DialIdol and she was WAY ahead and she loses? I thnk Nigel pulled a fast one. I really think these reality shows should be forced to post the voting results. I mean if it’s all legit, then what do they have to lose?
I wouldn’t put it past Nigel to “exchange” one’s results for the others, especially after saying the really sh*&%ty things he said to the boys. Just put a cork in it already!
OK venting is over. I’m sure Sasha will be just fine and get lots of dancing gigs.
Quote from an article from mjs.
Tee…hee..heee .. want to be a fly on the wall.
BB: Sasha..baby..! Here is a Runner-up Club t-shirt.
SS: Thanks ..Boss. F@#$%f%^&@#k%$#@kf@#$%@#k.
(still upset)
BB: Now, now!! Be gracious!!!
Who is the winner, again?
BB & SS: ROFLTAO (Roll on the floor laughing their arsses off)
BB & SS: PLUCK!!! (Borrowed from Oksana!)
Here’s the Lyndsey Parker’s interview with Sasha where…
Reality Rocks – SYTYCD
There are a lot of great recaps at St.Agathe Concert thread. I’ll read them after coming back from seeing Glee 3D or The Help.
I’ll be back this evening. My vacay is closer to the end. But no complains here.
asifclueless…I’m serious. We are discussing design and colors right now. There are 7 of us going to the SYTYCD opening show in Orlando on Sept 17th and we will be wearing Runner-up Club tshirts with Adam’s and Sasha’s names and some kind of design. I kid you not!
maybe something like what I saw on twitter last night. #2 is the new #1!! lol
8/12/10 – another sold out Glam Nation Tour show, this time in the Philly suburbs:
Coming up this weekend – a couple of non official tour date recaps, one also in Pennsylvania, and another in front of the largest crowd Adam has ever performed for (so far anyway).
For those who are curious, since Sainte-Agathe the site has been averaging about 1000-1500 pageviews and 150-200 unique visitors per day. The busiest day so far was of course the concert date on July 29th, when we had 5346 pageviews and 712 visitors. I don’t know what our traffic numbers were for Moscow as I hadn’t installed the wordpress stats plugin yet then. It will be interesting to observe the trends going forward.
That’s impressive eywflyer! I should have put the link on twitter that night too but was on too much of a high from that concert, not to mention soaked!!
What great fun we had, huh? Adam gets betterer and betterer!!
Thanks for those stats, eywflyer. I love that stuff.
Was at Upper Darby…with someone who was not an Adam fan but wanted to go anyway. Liked WWFM. They hated the audience (flailing, screaming, dancing, shouting, etc)…thought they were going to get a sit-down show like Harry Connick. LOL! They thought it was like a high school musical. Had to explain that no one, absolutely no one, TPTB, Adam, knew the success that it turned out to be. Had to explain no record company would put millions into a tour that could have been a flop.
The only thing we agreed on was Upper Darby. What a mess. Thought I’d never again experience a show with a non-fan, but it happened once again….
Posted at MJ’s – Adam’s album in November. Discussion about how long second album should take. If the performer drops out of sight for too long (David Cook?) interest may flag. Adam’s been good about keeping people interested – no argument there.
Oh coooooolllll!! look at this!Somebody at CNN has Adam’s cd
OT – The Help is really, really, really good.
I reccommend.
Good book, good story, good acting.
I’ve seen 5 movies so far this summer and this one is the best. I’m so tired of special effects right now; so good acting is really appreciated.
The topic ties to Adam is .. after 2012, I was the only person stayed for the song and credits. This time most people stayed on. If the movie is very good people stay on to see the credits and listen to the music.
We will see Glee 3D later. That will be fun and relaxing.
Now off to St. Agathe thread to read.
Thanks for the stats, eywflyer.
You’re so resourceful.!!! Great Job!!! Two Thumbs Up!!!
ultimathule, where is that post on MJs? I’ve been looking.
cher … Love your Runner-up Club tshirts idea.
I’m also looking for Adam’s album in November post. I can’t find it.
that post about the music on CNN has some great comments. The two burning questions can be found at each end of the pool:
At the shallow end: what is Adam’s inseam? If we don’t know this, I’ll be surprised.
At the deeper end: Can Adam read music? one poster was of the vague memory that Neil said Adam can’t. Do we know this?
Ah, the burdens of being the research librarians of Adamland…
It was posted by someone in the Headlines thread, I believe. I’ll go back and look.