- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
The Adam dolls in the Link you provided Oksana are very well done. Great detail to the face and clothes. I don’t see these particular ones available on eBay. I did find 3 up for auction but obviously made by a different person. The bidding for them is at $120.00 plus. I wonder what the opening bid/Buy It Now cost will be for these, in my opinion, better caliber Adam dolls?
All of this made me wonder what my 18″ talking Johnny Depp “Willy Wonka” figure might be selling for these days. I bought this figure brand new 6 years ago and paid $42.99 for it. There’s one available on eBay today that’s selling for … $204.99 in its original box. I still have the box mine came in. Wow! If I wait a few more years, Mr. Wonka is going to help me retire.
testing to see if avatar took. Did I do it?
ETA: yes, altho a bit too small. May try something else. Am excited now-since Ste Agathe trip with you all, I’ve done BOLD, Block quoting and an Avatar! You all inspire me. THe pic is the one from The G-A-Y bar in England where Adam did an early promo. Looks ok on ALF but too small here.
little dutchess, leaps and bounds! No baby steps for you!
Calgary, thanks for the info. It would be so exciting if she or Adam were performing, and brought the other on stage as a surprise for a number! Yes, her voice is a national treasure too.
Can someone tell me which is the REAL Adam Facebook page? I know RCA runs it, but want to find the real one.
Talking about the dolls, etc., yesterday hubby took 13-yr old granddaughter to dentist. During the ride, she suggested Nana (me) should get some Adam Lambert pajamas. He asked me in all seriousness if there was such a thing. My turn to do eyeroll. (There isn’t, right?)
Hello, 8/10/10 found the Glam Nation Tour in Erie PA. The big news from this show was the first performance of a new encore:
Oksana, it is not unusual for this sort of custom doll to sell for hundreds of dollars at a convention. I have even seen dolls with re-rooted human hair.
Ah, Erie Pa show. This is where the intermission dancing in the aisles/seats started with our own Jamie Glambert. What fun. I still occasionally watch the youtubes with the peeps so excited. I recognize a few as well. Don’t Stop Believing.
eywflyer…I see the Ste Agathe thread fell off the recent posts column. Since we are still doing re-caps, etc. is there a quick way to get to the thread?
Luval, yes the Sainte Agathe thread can be accessed from the front page of the site (it appears immediately below the August chat), or by using the drop down menus at the top of every page, where it appears under both “Chat Threads” and “Non-Tour Gigs”.
thanks, eywflyer!
riskylady, there is no Adam Lambert pajama (yet), but you can always get Adam Lambert thongs…
Also his Facebook run by RCA is http://www.facebook.com/AdamLambert
After VH1 special he is getting like 100,000 friends DAILY.
I know that Adam has his own FB account, but it’s not under his name. I don’t blame him one bit.
jlursacto, Happy Birthday and welcome to the the 70’s. Your starting and I’m almost to the end of my eighth decade at 79. I think we have at least one or two other seventy-plus here also. I honestly believe that age is more mental (although sometimes the body disagrees with me) You have to grow older but you don’t have to grow up. Adam has really opened some new fun and excitement in my life. I envy your trip it sounded great.
I’m watching SYTYCD.
I’ll vote for Sasha later.
It’s the finale. My last chance.
Sasha’a 3rd number didn’t get good words from the judges. I thought it was good but her partner was weak.
Oh well…over all she is good.
Oh, this is going to be a close call. Sasha deserves to win this, but two of her numbers tonight have not been a favourite of the judges. Who gave her these choreographers?! I have to admit she’s best doing dances without shoes, and as Sasha Warrior Princess!!
Finished voting.
DialIdol shows Sasha is leading.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY …jlurksacto!!!
May all your wishes come true.
I am so upset about the way sytycd is going. Nigel has been pimping Melanie for ages. But does he have to trash Sasha? GRRRR
Two tweets from Adam. LOL
@adamlambert Adam Lambert
U hear me?! Vote 4 @D8Sasha!
about 1 minute ago
@adamlambert Adam Lambert
Vote 4 @D8Sasha !!!
Sasha Mallory
Ahhh I’m so happppyyyy!! Doesn’t matter what happens now.. Nothing can get me down .. Blessed.. Thankful.. Dhkadjalsb this has been an amazing summer ♥ shoot let’s go. I’m ready to take on the world
Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes. Like you JOJOSIE, Adam has really opened life up to some new fun and introduced me to amazing people. I’m ready for the next concert and road trip. Now it’s Sasha voting time ! ! !
Late happy birthday, jlurksacto!! Let me just say you rock for undertaking that road trip. I want to be just like you when I hit 70.
I’m voting to the max for Sasha as well. She had a very rough deal with the types of dances and choreographies tonight. Melanie is terrific too. I really have to remind myself not to blame her for the blatant pimping that has been going on.
Anyway, I do hope the glamily will come through for Sasha tonight. After all, none of us seem to be able to say no to an Adam request. Certainly not I.
Hi everyone! Happy birthday to jlurksacto and rachiel. I think some of us need hand/finger therapy after all that non stop Sasha voting. Haven’t done that since S8.
Sasha 4 the win!!!
cwm, re Adam blowing kisses into the crowd. He was happy and blew kisses at the crowd several times, mouthing “I love you” a couple times . These weren’t really directed at anyone special in the crowd, but a few times he directly looked toward the sound booth at the back where Sauli was and blew a kiss or two and mouthed “I love you”. A person behind me said “Awwww Sauli’s blowing kisses back and mouthing “I love you” back to Adam. Sweet guys.

It was a great crowd though and the Canadians deserved whatever he threw their way. They really showed some wonderful enthusiasm and were a good mix of ages and sexes.
A Canadian I met in St Agathe told me that when they lined up for the balloon festival last year hours before Adam took the stage, security would not allow anyone to sit down all day. Anyone who tried to sit on the ground were asked to get up. He and his girlfriend got great spots, but their legs were hurting so bad that night. How mean can security be? Goodness me. They got in line at 12noon for a 10pm Adam stage arrival.
Thanks for answering my question about the blown kisses, cher. Sweet.
Happy B’day jlurksacto— Sorry a tiny bit late. The Duke is a couple years older than you and takes on unbelievable drives like you. 2 years ago–3000 miles in New Zealand!!!It makes no difference since we all feel 29 when it comes to Adam.
Yes. me too. Have only voted for Adam and now Sasha . She’s great and so isn’t Melanie…it could go either way. Hate the pimping from Nigel. Those girls stand on their own! But wouldn’t it be fabulous if Sasha was the winner? Keep it in the Glamily.
Happy Birthday, jlurksacto!!
Cher, are you serious about security not letting people sit down at the Balloon Festival? That’s cruel and inhumane. I wouldn’t have lasted for sure. I’m glad that didn’t happen in Ste. Agathe. I’ll be sure to bring a doctor’s note if I every try GA again.
The DDD site doesn’t think too highly of Monte’s skills – more charitable towards TJ – but not much. Anyone have any thoughts on this?
Northern spirit, you remember that oriental couple at our SpaWatel dinner? The tall guy taking the pics? He told me. Said they wouldn’t allow anyone to lay blankets or anything on the grass/dirt and kept telling people to get up. He said the next day his legs were still stiff and hurting. He’s got great photos on his flickr account from the balloon festival and other concerts. Ask Ron for my email address and I’ll get you his flickr info. Has fantastic pics from 8 GN concerts. Says everyone is welcome to see them if they wish, just not hijack them as some Glamberts have already done. He didn’t know he had to watermark his photos until he saw some being sold on ebay and other seller sites.
Obviously never knew about capitalism in America and OTT Glamberts. 
Can someone reminde me what DDD is again?
read here luval
jlurksacto or riskylady can explain more to you about this site
They compare all his high notes on S8 here and rate his notes by scale
Hi luval!
It’s Digital Dream Door – a forum where they discuss the top vocalists. Eywflyer has the link to their site under Blogroll in the right hand column (above link to mjsbigblog). Go to the last few pages to see the discussion about Monte and TJR.
ETA – Oops saw that Cher was faster than me! Oh well, info is still good!
Go Sasha!!!
thanks, guys….
yep Al!! Sasha 4 the win!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last night was the first time I voted (for Sasha of course) on SYTYCD. I’m not being prejudiced here, but I really think she is better than Melanie.Her duet with Mark was stunning! They both danced far beyond the talents of anyone there. Hope I’m home for the show tonight.
Yes, cher…Sasha for the winnnnnnnnn!
Lots of nice pics to look at and play “I can tell you exactly when and where that was”.
Oksana, Thanks for the info about the thongs (lol) and Adam’s Facebook. One I used and the other, passed on. You can probably guess which…..
His Facebook is getting a lot of traffic since BTM, yeeeaaaa!
It’s a slow day here for me so I have AdamLambertVEVO on as my music background so that it can get more hits.
cwm, you have mail!!
No biggee
Cher, thanks. I remember that couple and I also remember that I had met them at the Albany concert last year. Ron sent me the link to his Flickr account earlier. I was bummed that I couldn’t download some of his photos because he has them locked
but I understand why. He has some great photos, even from our dinner at Watel.
I’m glad my experience at Ste Agathe was different for what others experienced at the Balloon Festival. We were in amongst some great people where we were, close to the stage, and someone even lent me their blanket so I could sit on it, and even a sport seat (why I forgot to bring mine, I don’t know). I just love the Glamily.
Hi guys, sorry for taking so long to drop by, took me a while to come down from cloud 9, and been busy voting and preparing tweets for trending on Saturday. It was so wonderful to meet so many of you, all of you already know how great the concert was, I feel so blessed to be there. I’d love to share my adventure in finding the secret spot
. On the morning of the concert, I and kdd43 were planning to get coffee at Tim Hortons, we stopped by the venue entrace to see what’s going on. There was a group of Glamberts waiting for Adam to arrive, it was around 10am. We decided to circle the outside of the venue, we walked up the street and around the back of the venue and we saw a trail leading up a hill, not even sure if it’s private property, there were adults and a bunch of kids playing some sort of sport, but nobody stopped us. We walked up the trail and saw a big cross, don’t think it’s religious, could be a power station, either way, it’s a good sign, LOL. To the left was another trail, we kept walking and starting seeing yellow security tapes, yay! we’re not supposed to enter, looks like the right direction
, then the trail ended and it was all woods and bushes, we climbed into the woods struggling through the branches, it was trecherous, along the way kdd43 was making special marks like making a loop with the security tape and remembering a certain type of plants and a tree trunk lying on the ground, I had no idea, I have no sense of direction, there’s no way I could find my way out if not for kdd43. We eventualy ended up in an area where we could see the front of the stage, there were beer cans and cig butts everwhere, so people were there before for free concerts, LOL, Yay! that means we had a good chance of watching the soundcheck, SQUEEEE. We planned to go back there at around 3pm to wait for the soundcheck, it wasn’t a big secret, we told some of us here
. Comes 3pm, we went back to the venue entrance and we could hear people testing the equipments, there’s a big black cloud above us and it looked like it’s gonna rain, I and kdd43 were hesitant to go back in case it poured, with our very much needed encouragement from Northern Spirit, we decided to go, thanks NS
. We’re not sure if the soundcheck would start anytime, so we ran, Geez!! and did kdd43 run fast, I was running the fastest I could, 30ft behind her
, I thought I was gonna die of a heart attack, a young girl was following me closely, but I had no breath to talk to her, somehow she disappeared along the way. We followed all the marks we made and found our way back to the spot, it was about 15,20ft from the fence that circled the venue, we saw tech people on stage testing equipments. We hid behind a big rock and some trees, mosquitoes were coming for me, not for kdd43, WHY ME???? We ate our Subway sandwich and waited for over an hour, we ducked when workers walked to fence, many many times
,they were so close we could hear their conversations. THEN!! I saw Monte and Tommy, it was very far away, but we saw them. Then ADAM!!!! You all saw him with his white t-shirt, black shorts with his tail, and flip-flops I think, or bare feet, can’t tell. I took videos, never expecting the sound would turn out so good. We stayed for a good part of the soundcheck, then we got a call that they’re calling for numbers, it was way pass 5pm, NOOOO!! we had to go
. We’re not sure if we should go down and follow the fence to see where it leads to, could be a shorter route, or go back the way we came, that’s when you heard kdd43 said “we gotta go, we gotta go, where do we go?” LOL. The other highlights in addition to Adam were seeing Sauli
and experiencing the best pouring rain. Adam didn’t sing Soaked, but we completed it by getting SOAKED 
Hey, thanks for that, Milkyway. I hadn’t heard some of this detail. And, I’m so glad you used those pleading eyes on KDD to get her to get back to the secret spot.
How’s that giant mosquito bite (no hyphen intended betweent “giant” and “mosquito”) doing on your knee?
picture of Adam from Majors and Minors. Looks like the flames are gone.
I think the flames would have scared those kids.
Milkwayfairy and kdd, pleasure to have met you in St Agathe. You ladies totally rock. You made the glamily proud with your fantastic effort to vid the soundcheck. I was wondering which nutty person(s) went thru those bushes! I knew who when I saw your name on the vids and I laughed out loud. One of our peeps went to the portapotty area before the concert and wondered aloud why security people were putting screens against the fences there to block the view. They must have seen you earlier!! lololol
Great job!!! Sorry about the mosquitoes. Several of us had wasted insect repellent. What a shame you had to endure those critters, but we love you and kdd for your effort!!
Did y’all see the pic Adam tweeted? Scissor Sisters hair salon with a pirated photo of Adam! supposedly in Cyprus. LOL
It wasn’t posted but I am assuming that everyone follows Adam.
OHHHHH!! the suspense!! Why do they have to wait until the show ends to say who the winner is????? Gaaahahhh!! Go Sasha!!!!
Someone on twitter said if Sasha loses after all our votes, we have to start wearing Runner-up Club tshirts. lololol
Please post this on the Ste Agathe thread? It really should be part of the archive there. So wonderful!
ETA: nvm, Ron was pro-active!
oh crap
Luval does that mean that Sasha is not the winner?