Well guys it’s time for our August Chat thread. Here is one of my favorite pictures from St. Agathe. Another month with a major event. VH-1 is kickstarting the revamp of their fantastic series Behind The Music featuring Adam. Will everybody be watching on Sunday night???

Enjoy this month’s sandbox and as always please follow our Guidelines for posting, be nice and have fun!


1,261 Responses to August 2011 Chat

  1. eywflyer says:

    8/31/10 – the Glam Nation Tour plays Clowes Memorial Hall in Indianapolis. As we know, the Glam Nation Live DVD was filmed/recorded at this show. The official boxscore was about as close to a sellout as possible without being one, 2082 of 2086 (99.8%) available seats were sold. There were several dates on the tour with a tiny handful of unsold seats, I would presume that those were seats held by the band or venue until the last minute then released.


    The September 2011 chat thread will be posted later this evening!

  2. luval says:

    Eywflyer…looking forward to see what photo you’ll give us for the September chat thread.

    So Adam has hunkered down this week to work on his vocals for singles from his new album. It’s getting closer and closer. I would think he has to be a little nervous although he doesn’t show it. He’s human after all. Smile

  3. milwlovesadam says:

    Yes. Luval. The severe shaving and the torment it caused us!! So many laughs, but only half in jest. I was meeting him in just a few days and was worried that he wouldn’t have hair!!

    Jeepers, that was a year ago.

    Thanks for that tumbler. Got lost in it. Either I’m a nut job, or a good fan, or both. I recognized all of it….

  4. jlurksacto says:

    dcglam, flattery is blush producing, but nice. Thanks to ovationimpact for the photo.

  5. milwlovesadam says:

    Luval, yer right, that stripper/dancer was the same guy in Peoria. What a night that was. I keep saying it, but, man, our road trip was a year ago this week.

    What a year it’s been.

  6. milwlovesadam says:

    Very quiet week in Adam-land. Hope his quiet means that something great is coming….

  7. milwlovesadam says:

    Post ho here. Just wanted to say that I’m glad that everybody came through the big storm OK.

    And to thank eywflyer for the excellent and ongoing job.

    I’ll see everybody on the new thread.

    Need to snuggle up under that jaw, near the neck and say goodbye first……geebus. I’m gonna miss this picture…

  8. dcglam says:

    Sneak Peek at the Majors and Minors Talent Competition — Adam sighting, too!


  9. luval says:

    G’Nite mils. See you and everyone on the other side…September.

    Will Adam/Sauli go to Burning Man? I’m thinking where Adam is now, if there was a choice between Burning Man and Bali he’d choose Bali. But perhaps he’d want to show Sauli a bit of his past. We may never know. That’s ok with me.

    Ah, September. Summer flew by. The sun is lower in the sky. It feels like fall in the air. Adam can soon start wearing more layers!!

    eta: thanks for that dcglam!

  10. eywflyer says:

    September 2011 chat thread is posted, so we’ll move our active chat there. The Ste Agathe thread also remains open for additional items related to that show. Enjoy!


  11. Ron says:

    Kradamour says:
    06/02/2012 at 12:15 am

    Perhaps you have me confused with someone else, there were so many in Ste Agathe.

    I know.

    There were so many people that I hugged and kissed and got into bed with in Ste.-Agathe. That was then and this is now so it’s hard to keep track. I’m scratching my head here.

    No, I’m pretty sure it was you that I sat very gently on the very edge of your bed got into bed with while you wished I would go away and I made passionate love to you hugged.

    mhm-hmh, mhm-hmh, must have been you. Laugh

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