Well guys it’s time for our August Chat thread. Here is one of my favorite pictures from St. Agathe. Another month with a major event. VH-1 is kickstarting the revamp of their fantastic series Behind The Music featuring Adam. Will everybody be watching on Sunday night???

Enjoy this month’s sandbox and as always please follow our Guidelines for posting, be nice and have fun!


1,261 Responses to August 2011 Chat

  1. milwlovesadam says:

    Here’s hoping all you east coasters are safe and sound!

    BTW. I am hoping for a skeleton key myself, but will make a gift to myself of the peace pendant. I love peace signs. To me, I’ve said it before, the peace pendant is the most “Adam” of all so far. He describes himself as a lost hippie, he’s always flashing a peace sign ( especially shirtless in a certain beloved Lee Cherry photo used for the EP cover), Burning Man, Rabbit Hole, Hair.

    And, for anyone who is impatient like myself, the “key” seems to be very fashionable lately. Anyone who likes Fossil, like myself, can see and buy key motifs galore in jewelry and purses this season. I swear, I saw a big display at our Fossil store, and I just saw Adam everywhere. Bought a key charm for my bracelet, and was fondling a wallet and a purselet with the key motif, but had to put it down. I told myself to save my Adam money for the tour. But, I do have a key now. TeeHee. Nobody but us knows why…

  2. Ceddies says:

    It looks like Avril Lavigne and David A are ahead of Adam.

    Oops, sorry for the misinformation. I hurriedly looked over the page. That’s what I get for “hurriedly” doing it. Thanks, adamized, for making the correction.

  3. asifclueless says:

    Happy Birthday … adamized.

    And an early Happy Birthday to … kradamour.

    Stay safe ladies!!!

    After the storm, then celebrate and have a wonderful time!!! Grin

  4. Kradamour says:

    Y’know, Mils, I thought about Fossil bags as soon as he did this last tattoo! also thought about the key pendant that I bought in Raleigh just before his concert there. So that is my Adam skeleton key pendant for the moment until PennyRoyal does the “official” one.
    (Ironically, I romoved the key from the Fossil bag I bought last month and replaced it with a similar-sized Eiffel Tower.)

    Off to bed now so that I can get some sleep before the storm hits – the heavy rain is supposed to start at about 4 am.
    G’nite, peeps!

  5. asifclueless says:

    cwm … excited much!!! Wink

    Envy that BB tweeted you. Grin

    Thanks for all the goodies you provide us here.

  6. eywflyer says:

    8/26/10 (sorry I’m late, just got back in town this evening) – the Glam Nation Tour was in Roanoke VA:


    Thanks to cwm for keeping us informed on last night’s twitter party (and congrats for getting your question answered!), also thanks to luval for her notebook of concert tidbits!

    Everyone on the East Coast in Irene’s path – stay safe!

  7. milwlovesadam says:

    cwm, congrats to your on your tweet moment!

    Ron, sad to say, I caught yer bad back. Jeepers, who woulda thunk you could catch an achy back?

    Kradam: I may just cave on something Fossil…I wear a lot of their stuff anyway, watch, earrings, bracelets.

    Hey, everybody, what’s next in Adam world? Besides singing along to True Blood’s opening song. Which, by the way, I do every week. TeeHee. Love that show…

  8. jlurksacto says:

    Okay, got the pic, now need the video!


  9. luval says:

    jlurksacto…you are good at finding things. I’m sure you can dig around to discover the video. Smile

  10. Oksana2000 says:

    jlurksacto says:
    08/27/2011 at 11:42 am
    Okay, got the pic, now need the video!


    Is that Adam at Brooke’s wedding? SINGING???
    And who is playing guitar? Could be Tommy, but it could be Sauli.(???)

  11. luval says:

    At first I thought it was Sauli, but am pretty sure it is Tommy on the guitar. Sauli has silver hair now and Tommy has the jacket on in the all the photos. Don’t think Sauli can play a musical instrument. Sure fooled me for a split second!

  12. Oksana2000 says:

    BTW, I got my EW magazine, and not only there is a blurb about Adam’s new album, but also his picture on page with all other “most anticipated” album peeps. So whoever splurged for that magazine just to see The Blurb will be rewarded with that cool photo.
    I have subscripton. 10 bucks a year. Can’t beat the price. Smile

  13. luval says:

    adamized…Hi…I wasn’t really sure of Adam’s brooch at Brooke’s wedding until I saw this closeup. I’m sure it’s current but it really has an antique look about it. Love it.


  14. Oksana2000 says:

    Luval, I think that Adam’s brooch can be worn as a pendant. It has that little eyelet at the bottom.
    Pretty thing, tho.

  15. luval says:

    Thanks for pointing that out, Oksana. I’ll bet he’s worn it in the past as a pendant. We know how he recycles/reuses things. Smile

  16. adamized says:

    asifclueless thanks for the birthday wishes. Went with my son to see “Our Idiot Brother” with Paul Rudd last night. Don’t let the silly name dissaude you from seeing it. Quite funny and very warm hearted. I have really liked Paul Rudd since “Clueless” and “Object of my Affections”. He always plays a very sweet soul.

    Oksana2000 good going. Glad you got more than the expected blurb.

    Hoping we get a vid to go with the picture. Would love to know what he sang. I too thought for a split second that it might have been Sauli at the guitar but then remembered Tommy was there.

  17. asifclueless says:

    Thanks … jlurksacto for the photo of Adam singing at Brooke’s wedding.
    And now the vid, please.

    Here are more photos from the wedding.
    Sauli’s head on Adam’s shoulder is PRICELESS!!! Grin

    My heart melt!!!

  18. asifclueless says:

    OOOOPS!!! Forgot the link

    Adam Lambert and Sauli Koskinen at Brooke’s wedding


  19. asifclueless says:

    adamized … I love Paul Rudd and Alicia Silverstone.
    Guess .. where asifclueless is from?!? Rolls Eyes

    My daugther and I watch this movie together many times and we know all the lines.

    Haha …Paul Rudd is kind of a Baldwin.

    I have to see “Our Idiot Brother”.

  20. asifclueless says:

    Krads … Are you still celebrating your BD in the closet?

    Stay safe ..darling.

    The other day I went to see “Midnight in Paris” and thought oft you and Adam and Sauli, off course. Grin

    I like the movie and would recommend it to you unless you don’t care for Woody Allen.

    My DH said he didn’t get Woody’s. My DD and I love the movie and plan to go back to Paris again.

    In the movie I saw the restaurant “Polidor” where we ate there a few times.
    It’s where in the old days, writers and artists hang out which is featured in the movie.

    If you see “Midnight in Paris”, please let me know what you think.

  21. jlurksacto says:
  22. adamized says:

    asifclueless Do you mean do I know that “Clueless” is an updated version of “Emma”? I think I have watched “Clueless” about 100 times. By far Alicia Silverstone’s best role.

  23. turquoisewaters says:

    Happy Birthday to Adamized and Kradamour!!!!!!

  24. asifclueless says:

    Yes!!! Woo..Woo..!!!

    adamlambert Adam Lambert

    So much work to do this upcoming week. Finishing vocals on three different singles! woohoo.


    Whazzat?!? We will get three singles?!? Grin


  25. eywflyer says:

    8/27/10 – the Glam Nation Tour plays The National in Richmond VA:


  26. nkd says:

    Whazzat?!? We will get three singles?!?

    I think that he probably just meant three songs, but I’m hoping for more than three singles off this album!!!
    Yes, woohoo! Finish that album bb! Smile

  27. luval says:

    The Richmond show is when Tommy wore his dad’s sweater. His dad passed away around 8/6/10.

  28. asifclueless says:

    Thanks nkd.

    Alrighty .. three tracks. How many more to go?

  29. JOJOSIE says:

    No Kradamour today, she’s probably without power as I heard there were over half a million without in her state. I sure hope that’s all the problem she’s having. Love seeing Adam and Sauli out in public so much and happy. I think this says alot about the strength of their relationship.(I sound like Dr. Phil now) Dad has been tweeting but haven’t seen any from Neil lately. Has anyone else?

  30. nkd says:

    When the album was so far off that it seemed forever, it was difficult waiting. But now that it’s close and we’ve gotten a taste of it with Outlaws of Love, this wait is excruciating!!!!!!!!!!!!

  31. nkd says:

    I talked with Kradamour via text earlier today. They lost power just after noon. She was sitting in the sunroom watching the storm. Rolls Eyes It was early in the storm for them, hopefully all is ok. They expect some flooding from the tidal surge. All good thoughts for those in the path of the storm.

    Happy birthday Kradamour! Wink

  32. cgesq says:

    Adamized and Kradamour, Happy birthday!!!
    Random question while I wait for the brunt of the Irene to arrive (I’m in northern NJ where its already pouring and windy, but we are told its going to get a lot worse) Did you guys renew your subscriptions to Adam’s fan site? I joined last year, primarily to obtain the presale codes (which was a bust) and have to admit to never using it! I’m not sure if I’m going to renew or not. Thoughts anyone??

    PS Hope Kradamour stays safe and dry!!

  33. luval says:

    cgesq…I will renew my subscription. Am worried that the site might close down if not enough people renew. It really didn’t do much for me either but I’ll do anything so I don’t have to rely on Adam Official for information. haha..I really don’t go to the site but were you notified that your subscription was to expire? I can’t remember when I signed up.

    eta…just went to the site to “manage my account” and it said mine doesn’t expire until 8/21/2012. I don’t remember ever signing up for 2 years. lol!

  34. cgesq says:

    Yes, I got a notification in my email.

  35. adamized says:

    cgesq Hi! I recieved my 30 day renewal notice a couple days ago. I figure I will do the $10/yr once my time is up just in case it turns out that having access to the early ticket code works better than it did this last go round. I ended up using StubHub much more than the getting regular tickets though a bit of that was my own fault for hesitating. I don’t visit the site for anyother reason.

    Been raining hard since about noonish and wind has picked up a bit over the past 4 hours. Haven’t lost power yet.

    Kradamour, I think you should declare a do-over birthday for next weekend. That’s what I’m going to do.

    Stay safe everyone.

  36. JOJOSIE says:

    I know the hurricane isn’t funny but sometimes humor helps folks cope. Someone has a twitter site for Hurricane Irene and already has over 50,000 followers. It’s about as funny as the Bronx zoo cobra one was. I have several years paid on the fan site as I had 2 M&Gs and you got a year free with each one. Not a regular there but I do use it to send messages and occasionally to check on something.

  37. Ellessay says:

    I got my notice and have renewed my subscription. I really haven’t spent much time on the site though. I only signed up the first time to support Adam and to help get info on the tour.

    Also wanted to throw my Happy Birthday out to my fellow Virgoans. Mine is coming up on Tues. the 30th. I’ve had 30 years experience at being 27. I may go ahead and move up to 28 next year. I hope some day to be 29 like the rest of you.

    Stay safe east coasters. We’ve had our share here in Florida in the past, so I know how tough this is.

  38. HK fan says:

    Have been watching a bit of the hurricane updates on Fox news. We get Typhoons which I think are very similar, although they don’t really cause so many problems any more since all the shanty towns were demolished, deaths due to the storms are quite rare now, mostly just fallen tree damage, collapsed scaffolding etc. we’re in typhoon season now. but so far this year have only had a couple of mild ones. 1999 was a pretty bad year, we had several big ones, in fact my 4th child is named after one that hit 2 days after he was born!
    Hope Irene doesn’t cause too much damage to you all, and that those without power will get it back soon to let us know you are all OK.

  39. luval says:

    Wonder if Adam is going to have a 2012 calendar? I would think 2011 was a huge success.

  40. Oksana2000 says:

    cgesq, I renewed my subscription, $10 is not a big deal,it’s a way to communicate with some peeps that I don’t know e-mail address, and I got that beautiful calendar last year.
    I have to admit that there is much more activity on other sites, but I want to support Adam any way I can.

  41. luval says:

    eywflyer will be putting up the link for last year’s Raleigh show. Kradamour was there! Hopefully we’ll hear from her today.

    This show was when they played Sweet Caroline during intermission which supposedly “brought the crowd down”. Krad would know. Smile


    Cute video brought over from 24/7 m&g where little boy talks to Adam about his cat.

  42. eywflyer says:

    8/28/10 – the Glam Nation Tour plays a sold out date at the Memorial Auditorium in Raleigh NC:


  43. jlurksacto says:

    Thank you Karen!

  44. Oksana2000 says:

    Do you remember when someone said on MJ:

    Adam Lambert reminds me of a wolf for some reason. Some pictures that I see I think of a wolf. The shape of the eyes, the nose and forehead and high cheekbones, right down to the smirk like smile.

    Well, it didn’t take too long
    Look at this:

  45. nkd says:

    lyndseyparker Lyndsey Parker
    So Britney Spears just won the Best Pop #VMA for “Till The World Ends” -a ripoff of an Adam Lambert video from 2009 -LP #justsayin

    She loves Adam!

  46. milwlovesadam says:

    nkd: thanks for posting the Lyndsey Parker thing. Exactly.

  47. milwlovesadam says:

    I also had my M&G, so re-upped for another year. I think it’s worth it. It gives us a chance to talk one on one.

  48. luval says:

    Adam’s “friend” Jessie J was the best singer last night on the VMA’s. She is absolutely fantastic IMO.

  49. apal123 says:

    Just had to delurk to say that I totally agree with you about Jessie J. I was wishing that half the People didn”t perform so we could hear an entire song.Her voice has a pleasing tone and some power also. Hopefully we will hear more from her in the future.

  50. jlurksacto says:

    Got it luval – thank you! !

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