Well guys it’s time for our August Chat thread. Here is one of my favorite pictures from St. Agathe. Another month with a major event. VH-1 is kickstarting the revamp of their fantastic series Behind The Music featuring Adam. Will everybody be watching on Sunday night???

Enjoy this month’s sandbox and as always please follow our Guidelines for posting, be nice and have fun!


1,261 Responses to August 2011 Chat

  1. milwlovesadam says:

    Yes. It’s me. I’m crawling back to my keyboard after much real life, and a sore back to boot. Ron, move over, I’ll need to share your heating pad…

  2. milwlovesadam says:

    The wedding photos, Lee Cherry videos and pics, and the gifs galore at Home Planet are helping quite a bit, though.

    I’m off to a bored meeting. Yes, I spelled it that way. Yawn city.

  3. luval says:

    Mils you are correct about Staten Island and the ep. It was determined that Mad World was taken from this show. This was the only encore. He did not sing WLL or TCB.

  4. Kradamour says:

    Love your notebook, luval! You are the corporate memory of glamnation!

    Hi, mils! I take my smartphone to all bored meetings now and check blogs. Can’t really watch vids, unfortunately, it becomes too obvious that I am not paying attention to the bored…

  5. Kradamour says:

    We haven’t heard from Ron for a while. Do we know how he is? Frown

  6. cgesq says:

    Glad to hear everyone from the Va-Md area is ok after the EQ. I live in northern NJ, and I didn’t feel a thing. I was with a friend who got really dizzy, like she lost her equilibrium during the EQ, but we were seated in a restaurant at the time, and didn’t even know there was an EQ. It was only later that she connected the EQ to how she was feeling. Pretty creepy!!

  7. Ceddies says:


    Another one of those “vote for your favorite” Adam is leading and is pretty far ahead of everyone else. I looked at their offerings up thru the one in the 50th place. Some good looking candidates. It’s all in Spanish, so IDK what all was being said. Just saw Adam’s picture as #1. A fellow Adam fan who is a FB friend had posted this, so of course I had to see what it was all about.

  8. luval says:

    Cgesq … Just about everyone I work with (except me) got that dizzy lightheaded feeling. Very strange.

    Adams’s acquaintance Prince Poppycock will be on this hour on America’s Got Talent…NBC

  9. Ceddies says:

    adamized, if you’re on here—you’ve got mail.

  10. Kradamour says:

    LOVE Prince Poppycock! Smile
    For those of you looking for something to do this evening, I posted another (half) chapter on the Ste Agathe thread. Smile

  11. luval says:

    haha Poppycock singing “Feeling Good”! Kradamour…I’m looking for something to do Smile so here I go!

  12. Ellessay says:

    Prince Poppycock out-feathered Adam, but he couldn’t outsing him.

  13. jlurksacto says:
  14. Ceddies says:

    jlurksacto, I can’t believe you are still awake and on here too. I was just on the Ste Agathe thread complaining (well, not really complaining) that Adam must be keeping us awake at night because so many of us are on here at these late hours. Now I come here and you posted the video about Adam driving us crazy and keeping us up all night. What a coincidence. Thanks for the video.

  15. luval says:

    Poppycock is a great singer but only for his genre…opera. Unlike Adam who can sing anything. Well maybe not rap although we haven’t heard that from him yet! I’d bet he’d surprise us all. I’d still go see Poppycock anytime, though.

  16. luval says:

    Good morning Ceddies! Usually I’m the only one up with the cows and chickens!

  17. Kradamour says:

    I would def go to see Poppycock but I don’t really see him touring. Hmmm.

    Re the vid – I think that most fan vids will include at least a scene or two from the Ste Agathe concert even after we have more concerts/tours/choices. He was so expressive and creative that night…and that crazy fox tail added the je ne sais quoi. Thanks for the vid, jlurk!

  18. Kradamour says:

    I bring this to you from the really, really shallow end of the pool but it made me laugh…a message I received from our local farm market:

    Chef Jeff Tabb has joined the Get Fresh Cafe crew …Wait until you see what he does with an Eggplant!

    Bet he can’t do as much with it as someone else we know… Wink

  19. luval says:

    That is funny, Kradamour. I had eggplant parmesan last night….yum.

    No Poppycock probably won’t tour. He was on the AGT tour but that never came to my town. Maybe I’ll contact a couple of venues around here and see what they say. Smile

  20. nkd says:

    jlurksacto, thank you for posting that video. Yes, he keeps us up all night! Smile

    Wait until you see what he does with an Eggplant!

    Hmmmm?!!! Grin

  21. jlurksacto says:

    I can’t believe you are still awake and on here too.

    But I’m cheating – west coast – small thing like a three hour time difference.


  22. ultimathule says:

    More and more talk about a November album release. Actually, I believe it HAS to be November – anything else is getting too late. Adam and his people must have a feel for time fleeting (David C. certainly waited too long – and then came out with an album that was past its sell-by date). Time is definitely of the essence – anything later than November would be a big disappointment for his fans. The excitement is building towards that month – can’t let it deflate.

  23. ultimathule says:

    Thanks for the pic, jlurksacto – lol – Adam’s always got a glass in his hand.

  24. milwlovesadam says:

    Nice vid. Love the pic of the boys at the wedding.

    Sauli looks so much like my son’s best friend it is positively eerie.

  25. ultimathule says:

    Adam and Sauli at Burning Man – latest rumor – VERY unlikely – but wouldn’t it be fun.

  26. HK fan says:

    Thanks jlurksacto for the video and pic links. Enjoyed both of them!
    Very quiet on here lately…

  27. Kradamour says:

    We’re gearing up for our hurricane on Saturday. Hope everyone who is in its path will take precautions and be safe!

    Heard an idiot peep say today that our earthquake and the hurricane are God’s wrath for allowing gay marriage. Um, so it makes perfect sense that God would smack a couple of states that do NOT permit same sex marriage and likely won’t until forced to. Rolls Eyes

  28. luval says:

    If Adam and Sauli go to Burning Man I’ll be anxiously waiting to read Sauli’s blog.

  29. Kradamour says:

    If Adam and Sauli go to Burning Man I’ll be anxiously awaiting to read Sauli’s blog.

    Definitely! and with pictures!
    I wonder if Adam could go to Burning Man now – would the paps follow him? For that matter, I wonder if he is in a mental/emotional place where it would even make sense for him to go. I got the impression that his trip to Burning Man was a search for what he has found.

    YES for November release of CD! Holiday sales. Two years from CD #1. Definitely should not wait longer than that. Plus we will all explode if there is a delay. Smile

  30. luval says:

    That’s interesting, Kradamour…about Adam going to Burning Man or not. I suppose if there’s nothing else going on (barbecues lol) on this holiday weekend, Burning Man sounds like a fun alternative. It’s always nice to have someone special to be with on holidays, at festivals or fairs…things like that.

  31. jlurksacto says:
  32. turquoisewaters says:

    Bet he can’t do as much with it as someone else we know…

    Haha. Wow, kradamour, you just couldn’t resist, could you? Don’t worry: last time this eggplant topic came up I got myself sent to the corner big time, too.
    I haven’t posted much lately, but I sure looked at those wedding pictures. I have to say Sauli can hold his own next to Adam. He has a spark of mischief in his eyes and in his smile that is just irresistable. And Adam and Sauli together – just too much.

  33. Kradamour says:

    thanks for that jlurk! what an interesting read about Burning Man!
    Further down the thread was this post from Q3, who tends to be very reliable:

    As far as I can determine, Adam’s album in completely recorded and they are doing post-production.

    But Adam can work on this album until October and based on past projects, I think he will take every minute he has.

  34. Kradamour says:

    turquoise, nice to see you! That eggplant comment is as risque as I get, so if I haven’t been sent to the corner yet, I think I’m safe!

    I’m loving those wedding pics too…especially interesting to see what Adam chooses to wear to a dressy “family” event, not a red carpet. Understated (for Adam) but punchy. Love the grey silk shirt with the tuxedo collar and french cuffs that he left uncuffed.

    And totally agree with the perception of touch of mischief in Sauli’s eyes! Just the phrase!

  35. nkd says:

    That eggplant comment is as risque as I get, so if I haven’t been sent to the corner yet, I think I’m safe!

    Hahaha! You’re the one that does the sending! Wink

  36. Kradamour says:

    Um…good point, nekkid, and spoken by one who has the credibility of experience! LOL

  37. nkd says:

    I love that last picture posted of Adam and Sauli at the wedding. Sauli has some gorgeous eyes too!

    And yes I have experience in the corner. I may be heading back there before I finish my recaps on the Ste Agathe thread! Wink

  38. nkd says:

    double post! Why does it do that?!!

  39. ultimathule says:

    What I see in Sauli’s eyes is contentment. The essence of his dream has come true – to walk down the street, eyes meeting the perfect other, smiling, then being together.

  40. Kradamour says:

    Nekkid, anything worth saying once is worth saying twice, is what I always say LOL

  41. nkd says:
  42. Ron says:

    Dear Kradamour and nkd!

    I want to tell you how very much I appreciate your kind and thoughtful emails!

    My troubles with a weak back ended about a week back. Wink

    Bending forward isn’t as much fun as it used to be Smile but I’m otherwise fine.

    Big, BIG {{{Hugs}} to both of you!

  43. Ceddies says:

    Did these get posted?

    Tell me he doesn’t have a frikkin tail on with this suit!!! Does he?? I never saw a full length pic of this night until just now. It’s a great pic, even if there is an extra tail associated with that suit.

  44. Ceddies says:

    Good to see you posting tonight, Ron. I haven’t been here much either, but I’ve just been extra busy. I’m happy to hear that you’re better.

    Good nite all.

  45. nkd says:

    Tell me he doesn’t have a frikkin tail on with this suit!!! Does he??

    He has a feather thingy hanging on his suit! Smile

    Hi Ron! It’s good to see you here!
    BIG HUG back to you!

  46. Ron says:

    Thank you Ceddies!

    If only I could be sitting on your blanket again with dear Adamized and nkd and you!

  47. Ceddies says:

    Ron, I think we would all love some of that blanket therapy. Oops, I guess this is the wrong thread, so I’ll stop there.


  48. jlurksacto says:

    All of you on the storm coast, be careful and be safe. Mother nature
    isn’t a lady to be betting against.

  49. nkd says:

    I second what jlurksacto said!
    Make sure you have your supplies. Some in my town were without power for over 2 weeks when Ike hit 3 years ago. And that’s 50 miles inland.

  50. nkd says:

    I’ve been trying to work on recaps for the other thread, but this is what I’ve been doing!!! Razz


    I thought maybe some of you would want to watch too!
    It’s an old one, but one can never be too old to enjoy, right? Smile

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