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Entertainment Weekly:
Already with the comments …
Damn – went to that EW article. Knew I should have taken Ron’s hint about the comments. At least (I think – didn’t go to second page), there seem to be more positive ones than not. Didn’t post – just left – getting more stoical here.
Gonna go look at some pretty pictures – that’ll make me feel good.
Ron, I read the comments. So what else is new? I read the same crap on other boards, most likely posted by the same people. It will never change, I learned to ignore it. I even recognized one person recently banned from MJ, cause the comment was exactly the same he/she posted over there.
I’m not surprised anymore by people who bother to read articles about person they despise, bother to register and bother to write hateful comment.They must have too much time on their hands.Bored and lonely? Whatever they write it’s not gonna change one thing for sure; It’s Adam who is getting BTM special, not their fave.
Here’s the BTM clip so no more EW hits required.
Ron: JUST JEALOUS! Notice how nobody dares claim the Adam can’t sing or isn’t talented.
And then there is this comment that just made my morning:
Yep, to each their own reality.
New studio pics from Lee Cherry!
The Thinker
Adam in studio
If I had nothing else to do, I could spent all day reading what people are tweeting TO Adam. I’m surprised that he answers sometime, he must be getting 100 tweets per minute.
With Glambert army behind her, Sasha has a chance to win SYTYCD.Not that she is not a fantastic dancer anyway.
I was voting for her like crazy, she is indeed Sasha Fierce!
turquoisewaters, I was laughing at this comment too.
As Mr.Big said on Sex and the City (pardon my french): Absof**ckinglutely. *shrugs*
Do you agree with me, that Lee Cherry should do new album cover? Adam would be crazy not to use him.
I am thinking that there is a strong possibility that Lee Cherry will do Adam’s second album cover. I am also thinking that the cover will be the total opposite of FYE — more of a serious, reflective pose. That seems to go along more with Adam’s comments, so far, about album #2. However, I doubt that it will be any of the pics that have leaked. Adam will most likely want to surprise us.
Hi, all! I just wanted to comment that although I got Ron’s subtle hint that some of the comments on the EW article were less than favorable, I must have been in a masochistic mood and peeked anyway. My only solace is the fact that I’ve noticed the same types of ignorant comments posted to articles about EVERYONE, be they homophobic, ethnocentric, along political lines or gender-based. The sad fact is, there are a LOT of really shallow people out there. Happily, Adam has attracted a huge group of admirers both in the general public and the professional world whose devotion should help him to enjoy a successful career. It is also fortunate that Adam is so freaking smart and has wisely surrounded himself with an amazing friend/family network whose unconditional love and support help to keep him happy, grounded, and able to see the haters for the ignoramuses they are!
Love your post, Teri63.
I’ve not read the EW article many of you are referring to but, DAMN Teri63, what a really great, well worded response. Very good indeed!
As for the speculation of Lee photographing the album cover: Adam seems to stay very true to his friends, and put their talents to use. I’d only imagine he would ask Lee as his first choice.
Guys, this is a very fun read. Norma’s comment is one of my favorites…..
ETA: BTW, this all matches up perfectly with your wonderful response, Teri63!
Hello, 8/4/10 saw a Glam Nation Tour date at a venue that will live in infamy, the “Pavilion” at the Lone Star Events Center in Lubbock TX. This former slaughterhouse was certainly not up to the usual standard of GNT venues, to say the least. This date also saw what was likely the slowest ticket sales of the tour, with one newspaper account implying that less than half of the available capacity was sold. Nonetheless, Adam and company soldiered in a professional way, with the twitter list at the time indicating that folks enjoyed the show.
Eywflyer, that horrible venue gave us one of the best rendition of WLL.JMO.
Anyway, whoever did the booking should have been be fired. WHAT.WERE.THEY.THINKING???
Yes, this performance will definitely live in infamy, eywflyer. In spite of the conditions, Adam and crew carried on with utmost professionalism. Knowing Adam (as we do), I wouldn’t have expected anything less.
Ah, the
slaughterhouseabattoir! An amazing fierce Sleepwalker, too. Loved those vids, Adam was always best in the looser venues.Teri, let me add my thanks for your articulate post.
Re the comments. I don’t think anyone can question my Adamfan credentials. But I am also cursed with more objectivity than many – which made me a good lawyer – and I have to say that although some of those comments were clearly posted by troglodytes, some others struck me as fair under the circumstances. Re the peeps who don’t know that Adam has released any music, and think he is just famous for being famous, a talentless celebrity like Paris Hilton. Some of these peeps are justified in thinking that. They may well live in my city, or one like it – Adam has never been played on any radio station here except the one that runs the Ryan Secrist show, and that is not our hottest station by any means. This market numbers about a million and a half listeners, very very few of whom have ever heard Adam on the radio, and then very seldom, and only WWFM. For the most part, Adam only exists here as an old idol contestant who may or may not have released a record. He’s the gay guy who goes out a lot.
Trolls will always be out there. (shrug) But peeps who simply live in markets like mine will probably succumb to Adam’s voice when they finally hear it. Until then, their opinions reflect their reality. It makes me sad, but I don’t blame them or lump them together with the trolls.
My two cents.
Sasha in the finale!!!!
Kradamour. Agree totally with your post. 90% of people in my immediate circle of friends and acquaintences don’t know who Adam is… have no idea he had an album, was on tour…etc etc. I think people hear WWFM on the radio but don’t associate it with the Adam we know.
btw I sent part one of your recap to my sister (who is a meh Adam fan) and she loved it and felt she was a part of your adventure. She can’t wait till the next chapter. I can’t either and I was a part of it (feels like a dream, though).
Of OUR adventure, luval! Even though I am writing it, it is the recap of the experiences of many more than just me.
Taking pain meds tonight for the neck and back and shoulder pain resulting from 2000 miles driven in a Jeep, so I’ll fall asleep pretty soon.
Chapter 2 tomorrow: “The Reunion”.
G’nite, peeps!
Sasha!!!! I posted a long time ago, maybe after just a couple of weeks of SYTYCD, but: I predict Sasha to win it. First was Sutan/Raja, now Sasha. Adam surrounds himself with Sure Fire Winners!
Kradamour, hope you feel better soon.
Mils, you hadn’t posted for awhile so I was hoping you were at the Idol Tour tonight in Milwaukee. I was so glad Suz and Adamland went earlier so that there were great pictures and opinions.I know Adam isn’t on Idol this year but this long time viewer is still interested. Does this make me a bad Adam fan? I hope not. I hear that Scotty(first) and James (second) are getting the most audience love.I need more recaps of the Canada concert. We are patiently (not) waiting.
Hi Jo! No, I’m not there. I’m saving my entertainment $$$$ for Adam’s eventual tour. I’m just not interested enough in this year’s Idols to pay to see the show. Kinda sad, because, there were still a lot of seats available for tonight’s show. It was still being advertised this morning while I got ready for work. And Naima is even from here too.
When our boy and Season 8 came to town there were two things at play. Gokey is from here. And the Glamtsunami was beginning. The show sold out in a very short time. I got my tickets from a ticket dealer here. And thus began the flow of cash from my wallet toward Adam. That was just two years ago…..and many many $$$.
Is it August 7th yet????
Right???? I can’t wait! So far, although the snippets seem to include a lot of the material covered on True Hollywood Story, it appears that Adam is interviewed more in this one. More Adam always equals happiness!
Thanks, mils, the drug is kicking in. Thought I’d stop in and take a quick peek before my eyes won’t stay open any longer.
Gokey…a while ago I googled “Kradamour” and was amazed to find my Idol tour Baltimore recap from MJs posted on several Gokey sites! Absolutely loved that concert. Anoop in the clouds…Megan Joy is releasing an album this summer, I think. Love her song Boy Next Door, it’s on her myspace page.
Remember how after the last concert in Manchester NH she clung to Adam for the longest time? and various posts from very jealous peeps?
Hello everyone, no GNT recap today, as 8/5/10 was an off day after Lubbock, posting of the Oklahoma City (8/6) and Springfield (8/7) recaps may be delayed until I get back home from my West Coast trip.
Echo….echo….where is everybody?
Adam is in love….is on a sign in Cyprus…and is leaving 19….knock knock who’s there?
Come out and play with me…I’m broke, just got back from Costco…somebody please take away my membership card, it’s dangerous to let me loose in a Costco…wait, here, let me just push some merch out of the way…OK…all better…think I’ll eat one of my Healthy Choice No Sugar Added 100 calorie fudge bars. YUM!! I have a big box of these frosty treats…anybody out there?
I’m here Mils…
What does leaving 19 management mean for Adam, does that mean no more Lane, although I did read somewhere that she is employed directly by him now and not 19?
So glad to hear Adam say he is in love, although it wasn’t hard to guess judging by the way his face lit up everytime he mentioned Sauli..
And cute his picture being on that hair salon…wonder if the owner actually knows what scissor sisters are??
Did you see on MJ’s the 2 new pictures of him in the studio from Lee Cherry, gorgeous and very reflective.
mils, peeps were on the concert thread tonight, reliving the “one week ago today” event. So grateful that we have this blog for that.
Hoping for a Lee Cherry photo on the new album cover! His work is incredible. I’d love a big coffee table book of his Adam photos. That could actually happen one day.
ETA: links for the new photos? the ones posted a while ago didnt’ work for me.
try http://twitpic.com/60t711
and http://twitpic.com/60tgha
A big coffee table book of Adam’s pics! What a wonderful idea – more money for Adam – more deliciousness for us.
Thank you, HK fan!

I love black and white photos of Adam. Color ones, too.
All of them, actually!
Morning everyone! Here is Lydsay Parker’s preview of Adam BTM special. Very nice.
Hello!!! Got to think twice and post on this thread if it’s not about Sainte Agathe!
Anyway, like I said on the other thread I don’t think we’ll hear anything new but maybe get some new home videos. I tried not to watch any of the previews but ending up watching anyway. Like movie previews, they give you the whole damn story ahead of time! I hate that!
Sigh. I’ll have to wait for youtubes. Not gonna watch the previews, luval is too right about how they spoil the story ahead of time. A brief teaser is fine, but the “previews” give away too much and take the edge off the experience of watching the whole.
Thanks for posting the Lindsay Parker piece, adamized! Liked the comments, too.
One year ago tonight 8/6/10 was Oklahoma City. Tommy’s dad passed away so no Tommy that night (if my note is correct).
RON, I remember how much you love Lucille Ball and Hallmark Channel is having “I Love Lucy” episodes all day in honor of what would have been her 100th birthday. I just finished watching the show where she and Harpo mimic each other. Great comedic lady. Where has all the great TV gone? Can’t watch all day as grandson’s birthday party calls. Can’t think of an Adam connection, but I’m sure there must be one.I know, we love Adam and we love Lucy.
You’re so thoughtful! I’m watching TCM: “The Long, Long Trailer”.
I’ll look for the Lucy episodes when this ends.
Thank you!
Happy Saturday everyone–
Adam’s getting some good promo for his BTM episode. In addition to Lyndsey Parker’s piece that adamized posted above, here are a couple more promo pieces:
The Hollywood Reporter: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/idol-worship/adam-lambert-music-i-was-218783
The Insider: http://www.theinsider.com/tunes/43186_Adam_Lambert_Behind_The_Music/
mils — I sent you an email.
I just posted some soundcheck vids on the concert thread, also some more mp3s. I don’t think they have been posted before but I’ve been crazy so maybe I missed them. Adam soundcheck is too funny, he is wearing that raccoon tail with black shorts!
Adam spotted in NYC. Looks like he’s checkout out of hotel. To the plane? Twitter party??
He’s back in LA now.
It’s almost August 7th.
Tomorrow night has waaaay too much on TV. True Blood. Curb. And a little something for all of us.
Well, not for me until someone puts it on youtube
I posted part 2 of my recap! Caveat: it’s long!
Go buy a tv already!

Me too – but not because I don’t have a tv – because we don’t get VH1 out here in the wild west of Canada.
mils, we took your suggestion and hired a rickshaw for a little trip through Central Park. What a blast! He then continued to take us to the Met! Well, 5th Ave which runs on the east side of the park is one way in the opposite direction from the museum, so he proceeds to Madison Ave, which he carries us for 11 blocks, darting around traffic and through traffic lights. We thought we were going to DIE! It was an experience we will never forget!
It seems as if we were a day ahead of Adam at the Met! Oh well!
And…looking at the map just now, I realize that the morning we were walking all around the West Village and SoHo, that we were a block away from his hotel, guessing from the pictures posted today! Drats!!!
nekkid, I have a TV! It is a huge 4″ screen, remember? But I don’t get cable. Not sure how I would connect it to a 4″ TV anyway. Can you imagine the installer’s reaction when he arrived to install the cable? I’d have to make a video and post a youtube!