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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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BTW. Very funny at Home Planet tonight. Planning for ERA 2. Getting lots of GIFS ready for the onslaught. I’m personally a fan of the ovaries exploding one.
Is anybody here hesitant to use “LOL” after the recent Curb episode? I’m very
“LOL ” conscious lately!!!
Thank you mils! I knew it was red carpet and about that time, but I couldn’t find it or remember what all events he attended.
Yes, daughter back at school. I helped her move some things last week. 105 degrees. I was getting sick.
I don’t watch Curb, so is it not cool to use LOL?
Hello Gorgeous!
I’m very glad you can have some peace of mind now! No more hair pulling. You can relax a bit until the day when I’ll finally get to meet you.
nkd, it was so funny. A friend of Larry’s would say LOL, in conversation, instead of actually laughing, she would say “LOL”. So Larry called her out on it. Let’s just say it didn’t go over very well. Classic Curb moment. Very funny.
Oh Ron, so sweet. But, I’ll need a car load of loonies to pay for my share of his debt!!
Nekkid, son’s dad will drive him up to college. I don’t delegate much but this I am delighted to delegate! I’ll wave from our driveway and then go inside and happy dance!
Srsly, I love him very much but no child should be at home for more than 18 years. That is a very long time.
Gah. What am I doing here? Awake and typing, I should be horizontal, snoring and drooling by now. Work beckons in the morn. Crap. I hate it when that happens.
( I know. I’m lucky to have a job in this economy. I shouldn’t complain, yada yada).
To stay on topic. Does VH1 simply adore Adam or what? They positively pimped him, and ignored other celebs at DSA’s. Not that I’m complaining.
Kradamour, I understand the happy dance!
mils, I’m with you on needing to be sleeping.
And…LOL should not be used in spoken conversation! That is funny! LOL!
Hi, mils! yes, feeling your pain. That’s why I send my husband on this errand and stay home. My excuse is that there is no room in the car for me with all the son’s stuff. I’d have to ride on the roof.
You mean like this?
Oh, @AdamLambert, we can never get enough of that smile: http://www.vh1.com/photos/gallery/?fid=1669129&pid=6469471 #Glamberts, don’t you agree? #DSAwards
18 Aug
Don’t know about you #Glamberts, but WE LOVE this pic of @adamlambert at the #DSAwards! FIERCE. http://twitter.com/#!/VH1/status/104267976299126784/photo/1
18 Aug
Ooh la la what a stance! I hadn’t seen that one before.
Even MTV has joined in the pimping:
Have to admit, it is a GREAT foto!
And then there’s this from GQ (they really are incorrigible, but this time I can’t decide if they’re naughty or nice, but no such thing as bad publicity….) YOU MUST READ THE COMMENTS, HILARIOUS!!)
8/20/10 – the Glam Nation Tour continues to spin, this time on the rotating stage at the sold out South Shore Music Circus in Cohasset MA:
haha…GQ…they always have to say “gay” whatever. I would say they make me sick, but maybe he’ll do a spread for them someday and I’ll have to take back my words. Ya never know. Thanks riskylady.
I know, luval, but I specially loved the notorious queenrosered’s comment about Adam’s necklace, lolol!
So Adam has had that many conquests??
The question would be, ABC execs had that many teeth?
Adam would love this dance interpretation and wild performance of Fever.
Yup, they did him proud!
Brooke’s new hubby is super cute! Wishing them lots of happiness. Wonder if anyone special was there? ( Besides bride and groom).
Luval, Oh honey. Methinks Adam could make a few necklaces….
Just visited the thread from 8/20/10. Most interesting to me was the severe shaving and the fun we had, and the fansite being pre-leaked by Adam. Saw goatie’s post about buying VIP’s for Peoria and Des Moines. Little did I know I’d be joining her, in Rockford as well! We got our M&G’s that day too!
Mils, that brought back memories. I saved Goatie’s first e-mails to me re the Labor Day trip, so I went back and read them. You folks are all nice, but really how many of you would do what Goatie did, inviting a 78 yr old person sight unseen on a 3 concert trip to see Adam. I not only got to meet this fun, smart, patient,and so likable Adam fan, but also a few other fans including the one and only Mils. All this lead to a later trip to Hawaii, More about that later. I sure hope to make a concert or two or more next year.
On twitter it’s reported that a friend of Brooke’s groom reported that he and Adam sang at the wedding. Hope it’s true. Also the couple has a wedding page. You can find it on Adamquotedaily site. Need pictures of wedding guest stat.
Thought I would come here to escape my frenzied household–made crazy because my daughter is packing up and moving into her college dorm tomorrow, and what do I find??? More talk about people moving their kids into college! I guess we are all going through this together!
Ps. If any of you have any suggestions as to how to fit the half a house worth of stuff she has packed into half a tiny dorm room, please let me know.
Just been there did that. Think vertical! Bed headboards, bins under beds, towers in the corners, things hung on door hooks…younger son went to college today – the nest is empty! Woot!

Love him to death but little birds gotta fly…!
All six of mine have left – it all works out.
Brooke looks beautiful! and her groom is a cutie patootie!
This will be my final post and thread here on this site. Have fun and behave for eywflyer…And enjoy your love of Adam and the future as his fan.
Hi adamland-where are you going? Have you found another Adam?
Another site? Moving into a dorm and won’t have time for us??
Awww, adamland — going away for good?? We’ll miss you! Where are you going? I sure hope everything is ok.
Thank you so much for everything that you did with eywflyer and suz526 to get this site conceptualized, up, and running, and for creating and running the threads we’ve been playing in for the last 2 months. I really appreciate your time and effort!
And I’ll miss your voice and your perspective.
8/21/10 – the Glam Nation Tour plays a sold out show in Hampton Beach NH:
The NH show. Checking my notes, I had written “fans after buses”. I think I remember the buses had to have police escort and fans were chasing the buses down the street.
All these Northeast shows. “just one more show” (thanks csegq)…makes me regret not going to more. But at the time I didn’t want to appear as a loony to people I know. Don’t care now! My how one year has made a difference.
Also, I think the fansite started about this time too.
Dear adamland hope you are leaving for a fun reason and that we will see you again. Thank you for your hand in creating/maintaining this site. Much appreciated!
For all of you “empty-nesters” enjoy the time when your house is relatively calm and clean. Soon the “birds” will return for short and extended visits bringing back with them even more crap then when they left with. The real question is to where to put all their stuff when they return to the nest which has mysteriously filled up with other crap while they were gone.
Cool to wake up to posts from luval and adamized, two of my three travel partners to Ste Agathe!
luval, love love love your notebook with little items about each concert. That is such a virgo thing to do. I hereby make you an honorary virgo.
adamized, so true re the multiplication of crap. I know for a fact that I did not buy/obtain/acquire all this stuff. Someone comes in during the night and leaves their stuff here. I need to set up some surveillance cameras.
The beginning of the fansite was so exciting when we were finding ourselves too often aggravated by haters on other sites!
But the beginning of this one was way more exciting! Many thanks for your part in it, Adamland, and best wishes for the future!
adamland, I want to thank you for your participation in setting up this site and keeping it going.
I’ll repeat the good wishes for the future.
So how come none of us virgos thought to keep a notebook?!!!
ETA: I shouldn’t speak for the other virgos, but I didn’t think to keep a notebook. Sure wish I had!
Oh how the crap does multiply when they return home, and they do return!
I’m a note person big time. At work there are post-it’s all over the place. Of course it’s a hospital so things have to be documented but geez the people who don’t make it scary! Reminders to sign and date, sign and date…constantly all day long. You’d think I was the doctor! I was told if I put a white coat on no one would know the difference because I’m so particular.
Some of the GN tour dates have nothing in my notes. Must have been routine run of the mill shows.
If that could be possible…no way!!! Each one had it’s own interesting little things going on. They really are all different.
eta: I hope someday Adam or someone from the tour with permission from Adam could give us insight from behind the scenes. Would someone have kept a journal????
If the rumor about Adam singing at Brooke’s wedding is true it would be a favorite song of Brooke or the couple. Wonder what that might be? Don’t know much about her or her likes in music, etc.
Brooke is my favorite of Adam’s dancers. She keeps a low profile, would love to know more about her. The wedding photo was lovely, she is so beautiful and her guy isn’t bad either.
Adamland, I hope you stayed around here long enough to read the “thank you” posts. I want to add my words of appreciation to you as well. You didn’t post often, but we knew you were here with us…working mostly in the background to make our Adam experiences even better. I know you haven’t found a “new love” and departed from Adam’s world, so I hope we will see you around here and there sometimes. Thanks again.
Hi, Kradamour, your third travel partner is here and accounted for…I just lurked earlier this morning before I went to church with my sweet friend and out to lunch and have just now returned from our 3-mile walk at the Sportsplex. Thought I’d check in for a short moment before I
start lunch for Momlie down for a nap (heck, let’s get real here!).Tim Foster, the founder of and designer at https://www.pennyroyalstudio.com/ tweeted a long series of tweets last night about Adam’s Peace Pendant to benefit The Trevor Project. Tim has set a goal of selling 2,777 pendants, to raise $75,000 for The Trevor Project. If that goal is met, that would make a total of $1,000,000 raised by Adam’s fans for charity. (He also addresses questions about a pendant based on Adam’s key tattoo.)
Here is his series of tweets. I’ve run them together for ease of reading:
Renee Snyder also posted an article about this new goal on Examiner.com:
$75,000 is a great goal. I hope they sell bunches of them.
Damn. Might have to buy a peace pendant.
Since there is a fundraising goal, wonder if he would reissue the other two pendants, perhaps made out of a different metal to distinguish them from the first editions? I’d rather buy one of those than the peace symbol. I’m really too old to wear that with any credibility.
Oh kradamour — what? You’re never too old!!
Although, if you felt weird about it showing, you could always wear it under your shirt, in silent solidarity.
kradamour…I may have to buy one as well. Went to Pennyroyal’s site and they have a bronze one too. Was thinking if I did buy one I would superglue one rhinestone (or maybe more) on the pendant so it doesn’t look so “peace sign-ish”. Maybe black rhinestone on the silver or something like that. If it’s small enough it could also hang from a charm bracelet rather than around your neck. Eye of Horus was too big for that. Infinity is smallish. Looks like this one is too. Will think about this some more.
What a great idea about a reissue of the previous 2 in a different metal!