- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
luval, speed is just as good or better than waiting for ‘the best’. Then we know what to look out for, and I think most of us update our links/downloads on a pretty regular basis in the eternal search for the best of each!
julurksacto — thanks for pointing out the NOH8 pics. I had made a guess last night on the large-group photo and I guessed right! (Yes, you being the only male was a definite clue!) I didn’t know that there were two groups of you having photos done. It’s cool that you all did that together.
Album release date Nov 4 IN GERMANY, SERIOUSLY ADAM, GERMANY gaahhh
It is on 24/7
And it’s on the Sony Music International Press Release…under ALBUM
Okay, nekkid, what on earth did you google to get to that Adam pic?
Love it!
Nekkid Adam!

It was on adamquotedaily.
Of course!
LOVED your recap chapter 2 that you just posted on the Ste Agathe thread!!!
Good evening, getting caught up on the Glam Nation Tour recaps:
Concord NH 8/16/10:
and the very memorable Providence RI show on 8/17/10:
Album release date of November 4 in Germany, hm. Assuming a simultaneous worldwide release (which I seem to remember Adam saying would be the case this time), we should see the lead single by late September or early October. Maybe just over a month away now!
Housekeeping stuff – I have restored all of the GNT dates to the drop-down menus (most of them disappeared after an unfortunate WordPress database error last week), will try to get the “Pre-Idol” and “AI” menus restored tonight.
Kradamour, I saw your call for a “pre-cap” thread, I want to discuss that idea with Adamland. I’m a bit concerned that too many threads will make it more difficult for us to administer the site, and also more difficult for folks to find things and know what goes where. One of the main principles of this site so far has been to keep things as simple as possible with a minimum number of active threads at any one time.
And the Providence 20CB encore proved that Adam was an equal opportunity osculator!

eywflyer, thanks for all the work that you are putting into this site. It is the first and last site that I check out each day!
I have a subscription to the Orlando Sentinel newspaper on my Kindle. Today there was an article about the VH1 Do Something show on Thursday night and I was tickled to see the list of presenters. The author listed Adam Lambert first, then “America’s Got Talent” Nick Cannon, “Extra” host Mario Lopez, and “Two and a Half Men” star Jon Cryer. There was NO reference to American Idol–like everyone knows who Adam Lambert is, no explanation needed. Yes!
This came across twitter today.
I love this performance of Beth. They just added some sparkle!
Hi Ellessay! There is progress! Imagine that, Adam Lambert mentioned without AI runner-up beside his name. Woohoo!
Ok, I realize that I just posted an AI performance! Haha!
ITA, ewyflyer. But this one unique topic does seem to be getting a lot of attention, and would be something that I think peeps would refer to over and over and add their own remeniscences as the blog continues and more peeps join. I think we all love to hear how we each
got sucked intoembraced Adam fandom, such great stories! and I don’t think they should be scattered throughout other monthly threads, they are really the core of why this blog came to be – because we needed it! I don’t see that as a thread that would necessarily get a lot of posts on a regular basis, it would be a specialized thread that would just always be there for peeps who are interested, not a place to post the monthly chat stuff. I don’t speak for everyone, of course, and those are just my thoughts for your entertainment!The “Pre-Idol” and “AI” menus have been restored. I added the event and date info to the items in the Pre-Idol menu, and added links to Adam’s audition and Hollywood performances in the AI menu.
thanks, eywflyer, for this and for all that you do!
Emmys 2011: 10 Reasons Why ‘American Idol’ Should Win
Thanks AL for the link.
I can’t wait.
Ron, how many days is this, until November 4? I count on you now to keep track of the magic days!
I also remember that Adam said his next album would release simultaneously around the world. FYE took amost a whole year to circle the globe, France and Italy were October 4 2010 and I think there might have been even one more country to release after that.
Love Anderson Cooper.
His giggle makes me happy, lol, grin from ear to ear, and want to confess something about him and Adam.
cnn – anderson ‘cia’ cooper – the ridiculist – best laugh ever
And I love Gerard Depardieu too.
I watched his Green Card and My Father, the Hero, hundreds of times.
asifclueless, I get “This video is private. Sorry about that.”
when I try to watch your URL, but this one works –
jlurksacto … thank you very much. It’s good that I get to watch it again from your link. I’m in tears right now. Sooooooooooo funny. AC that is. Love his giggles. This link is only his laugh 1:29 min.
A fun watch — always love me some Sleepwalker!
I recommend beginning at 2:45.
Just think of it, Kradamour. Only 78 more days to go! But with all of us here together, the time will fly by.
LOL….. I love your new avi, Ron.
You are one very distinguished looking dude!!
Ron I love that you bring such excitement to the blog with your cliffhanger recaps and your ever changing avi. Absolutely love this one. Sort of reminds me of Sherlock Holmes era coachman. Hopefully your back is better by now.
Another stage collapse? Four now. WTH is going on? Think of Adam in Quebec with that windstorm coming up. Damn scary.
ultimathule, that’s exactly what I said on the concert thread.
It is very scary, ultimathule.
No concert is worth risking lives. These outdoor venues provide lots of money due to the fact that they can house many people. I feel that this is the main factor that stops them from canceling shows. Hopefully, this recent tragedy will showcase the seriousness of the situation, so that appropriate measures can be taken to prevent this from EVER happening again!
We are very fortunate that there was not an incident at the Quebec show – the winds were really howling through that venue during the thunderstorm. I was shocked at the time that the show was allowed to continue in those weather conditions.
More site housekeeping notes – I’ve cleaned up the drop-down menus with more concise labels for each item, so there should be less need to scroll down to see all of the items in the lists.
Also, I have noticed the posts from Kradamour calling for a dedicated “how I become a Glambert” and/or meeting/recap thread. I do want to keep this site as simple as possible to use and not have info spread across many different posts (such as occurs on the ALF site or on AO), but could see a need for a permanent home for these sorts of posts. What do you guys think – would you rather keep the how I became a Glambert and first meeting/first concert type posts in the monthly chat threads or the applicable concert thread, or would you rather see these go into a separate thread?
No GNT recap today – the tour resumed on 8/19/10 with one of the rotating stage shows in Massachusetts.
Finally, I hope that the 11/4/11 release date as advertised on the German RCA site holds up, but this seems quite soon to me, given that Adam has recently indicated that songs are still being written/worked on. The album would need to be fully recorded by late September at the latest, in order for RCA to have time to sign off on it, and to allow time for the CD mastering/production process. Seems like a very short timetable to go from still working on songs to having them all recorded in a month. Adam has been pretty quiet on twitter lately – hopefully that means he is hard at work.
I loved watching Adam enter the stage through the audience during these shows.
He and his crew certainly handled the revolving stage quite well!
OMG….. I just watched an 11-year old sing the National Anthem at the Eagles/Steelers preseason game this evening. How adorbs!! I told my hubby that it reminded me of an 11-year old Adam. He agreed with me in that it actually looked like him.
This was tweeted by The Trevor Project.
eywflyer…I would love to see the “How I became a glambert” or something to that effect on a separate thread. It’s going to be quite a while until the tour (?). I think it would bring out lurkers who have a story to tell and have no one to tell it to. So many of us are closet glamberts around our friends and families who just don’t get it. Although this is only the third monthly thread, the stories we have to tell are peppered throughout and it would be wonderful to have them all in one spot.
The rare one-off concerts like Moscow and Ste. Agathe are fine as separate threads, but it would be great to have an area where we can put down our thoughts and not bog down the monthly threads.
Thank you again for having this wonderful site!
I knew I could count on you, Ron!
And yes, it will, just as you predicted for Ste Agathe!
(Wow. Your avis are really pumping up the sartorial splendor!
Adam Lambert, Do Something Awards 2011
My sweet sunshine … Cute Couple!! Adorable!!!
Adam Lambert, Do Something Awards 2011
More of Do Something Awards at adamquotedaily
Enjoy and G’Nite ALL.
One more before I go to bed.
The Voice Bulgaria BG The Voice Duet’s battles Adam Lambert’s Sleepwalker
Performance of Sleepwalker by Adam Lambert!
Many thanks for all the Adam goodies this evening, asifclueless. That pic of Adam and Sauli is one of my favorites — breathtaking! They totally radiate happiness.
You’re welcome …dcglam.
Agree. My heart is full.
Album #2 will be awesome. I’ll pre-order a few along with my Il Divo.
Good morning everyone. I love the picture of Sauli and Adam too but wouldn’t you just hate sitting behind them thinking “could they have made their hair any higher??? As an Adam fan I wouldn’t have had any complaints but if I was there to see the Beibs…..
Too funny, adamized!
This weekend I actually sat behind high hair at a movie, and got over my exasperation by thinking of Adam’s hair and how I wouldn’t mind the hair ahead of me if it were Adam’s…unfortunately, though, it was just some random woman…
You just solved the mystery for me, adamized…. I was trying to figure out why the girl sitting behind them had a big frown on her face!! LOL
Speaking of high hair……
Scroll down to the third pic of Adam (there are four) — love the caption!
dcglam Too funny! Did ya notice how young that audience looked? Probably there mostly for the Beibs. I still do not get it but then again I am a far cry from his demographic.
Michelle Collins is hysterical as usual.
I saw this on an Adam thread over at ‘You Know Where’
Although very cool, I’m wondering how this works. Does anyone know if it is per hit, or if it is adjusted to population. Some of these countries have less than 10 million people. I believe only Iran has over 50 million. How can they beat out the States?
Also, anyone know how to ‘pull a trend line’?
I thought it was very nice and appropriate of VH1 to pair Adam with Rose McGowan. From her Wiki profile:
She has had a tough life. Her parents were cult leaders in Italy, then she emancipated herself from them at 15 after coming to the US at 14. She learned English at 14, speaking only Italian before that. Also, a very bad auto accident almost destroyed her face…..