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I feel that people who are buying the pendant are doing so in support of Adam and/or The Trevor Project, not so much because they are in love with the design.
This reminds me of all the times throughout the past years when I have made purchases in support of a worthy cause. IMHO, this is really not much different.
Unfortunately for Lane – true.
I will repeat what I said on MJ’s. I love Maroon 5, I think Adam Levine is a brilliant musician and I loved the way he loved his team on the Voice…but the man should not speak in public….evah. To clairify, he doesn’t think about the consequences of his remarks, has no kind of filter, and his remarks are usually hurtful to someone (directly or indirectly)…STFU Adam Levine!!! (He should spend some of his dough on some professional public speaking courses)
Haha, PlanetFierce, you are so spot on. And, what a delicious twist of fate that he doesn’t even mention Adam Lambert by name in “OUT” but everyone reporting the interview DID and the articles became about AFL.
I’m baaa-aaa-aack.
Anything new? I haven’t taken much time yet to catch up.
Anyone out there who can help me? I’ve been away from Adam-world since the 8th. Going through serious withdrawal and need for updates…..
Hi Kradamour,
JD = James Durbin
Welcome home, mils!
Check out Suz’s video of the Equality Awards. Also, Red Carpet footage and a duet of Adam with Kathy Griffin singing, “Mad World” as an appetizer while you settle in.
Ron, I hope your back feels better. My husband has back issues which aren’t fun, so I too am familiar with various remedies/potential fixes. If you want, Cher has my email and phone numbers.
Not such a fan of the pendant either…Pity, it has such potential!
Does anyone know why Lane was switched, and more importantly, is this good or bad for Adam?
MILS, Glad your back. Hope you had a good time. Door County is great,I’d really like to visit there again. One area I missed you in was Adam attended 2 events and was wearing some previously worn pieces (I didn’t want to say recycled) and who knows more about Adams wardrobe than you. Adam, Sauli and Adam’s mom all attended and looked gorgeous.
Hi cgesq!
Nice to see you! I rested/slept most of the day/evening so feeling better now. Thank you!
Let me add myself to the list of people who loved your recap! Well written, interesting and very unique. It’ll always have a special place in the Ste.-Agathe archives. I’ll look forward to reading more!
Been away for a couple of days…must say I LOOVE the pace sign pendant. While I thought it was way overdone in the 60’s and early 70s, this time around I think it is just perfect!
Ron, it’s good to have you back with us today!
Welcome back mils! The jacket jojosie is referring to, is the one with the zipper edge. He wore it to AI finale, but I know we saw it before that. Perhaps in Jan, Feb, Mar, at some event or party. I think I saw it on a red carpet type event.
I should spend this much time on my own wardrobe!
Hi Calgary! Welcome home to you, too. Now that I’ve seen the pendant, I realize I was looking for something “sleek” with a bit of “elegance” thrown in.
Those are two words I’d use to describe Adam. To me, this design looks a little “rough around the edges” and that’s not the way I think of him. I’m glad you like it, though!
Hi nkd! Thank you! It would be great to talk with you sometime soon. I’d love to hear all about your New York adventures!
cgesq – from what I read Adam is still with 19 and RCA, but switched management (Katy Perry’s mgmt). On AO it said Lane is “bummed,” but a pro.
Calgary, welcome home! It’s taking me some time to warm up to the pendant design.
That’s been my problem with all of these pendant designs. I have yet to purchase one as I thought, I won’t wear that ever.
But, I feel like I missed out, so I might buy one of these in support of Adam and the Trevor Project.
Ron, I’d love to talk to you anytime! About anything!
another dot
ron, nkd – I’m not fond of the “rough around the edges” look, either. That’s why I bought the Janet Kofoed
silver Eye of Horus that was offered as a prize on On The Meaning of Adam Lambert blog. I loved it so I went to Janet’s website and found she was selling it and ordered one. It is elegant and I get tons of compliments on it. Sadly not one person has recognized its significance!
Hi ALL and welcome back mils!!!
I’ve been away and have a lot to catch up too.
Guys, About the Peace Pendant … like it or not, just go for it. I’ll wear the other side with BB’s quote and signature out.
How’zzz that?
I’m still catching up with recaps and stories from Ste. Agathe thread.
Thank you all. Each of your story and recap is unique and touching. Devour every morsel and still hungry for more.
I’m a slow reader and I also have to stop to wipe my tears off.
So, could you guys do me a favour?
Since I’m a slow reader, could y.o.u. w.r.i.t.e. v.e.r.y. v.e.r.y. s.l.o.w.l.y. , p.l.e.a.s.e. ?
Ron …Hope you’re OK.
Haha Ron! It’s ok, you’re medicated!
Welcome back asif!
I had already thought about that! We’ll just wear it on the signature side!
Thanks nkd.
Ha!! nkd. We spend too much time in the corner together, so we think alike.
Here again people, photo of the pendant …both sides.
“Believe in you”
(signature) Adam Lambert
Whew. {{{Gasping for air }}}. I’m all caught up.
Holy Shmoly, I go away for a week and the Adam world literally exploded!!
So, here’s my take on things:
The outfits were both fantastic. The hair, the eye makeup, everything, he really stands out!!
The picture of him with tears in those eyes accepting his award is just breath-taking, and is now one of my top favorites.
That he wore the Galliano suit, and talked about ” I’ve had it a long time, way before the scandal”, is just fine with me. It’s all over his fansite, twitter, calendar.
The jacket with the zippers? I’m a bad fan. I just can’t place it. Sorry Jo.
That’s not a banana, a sausage, a cucumber, Sauli hapiness, or anything else on his leg. It’s a cell phone. If that were “him”, I’d call a doctor. And pronto. It has corners. TeeHee.
Kathy Griffin, I think she’s hilarious. But, she went OTT on Conan. Pretty crude. IMHO.
I would wear the peace sign. And intend to buy one. It’s so Hair. It’s so Burning Man. It’s the most “Adam” of all the pendants so far.
I loved his arm candy.
And, people. I’m a little disappointed in all of you. Tsk-tsk. Nobody mentioned that Leila seems to have invited two new “girlfriends” to the party. Just sayin’.
Ron, I hope you feel better soon.
From my experience in the domain of sore backs ( bulging lumbar disc, sciatica) the best thing you can do is HEAT. HEAT. And more HEAT. And Ibuprofen.
Also, walking in water helps, in a pool. Then, a good long soak in a Jacuzzi. Followed by a massage. Then, a large drink to knock you out.
Either that, or you can lay in bed, under the covers, suck your thumb, in the dark, and moan in pain. Not too bad either!!!
And, people. I’m a little disappointed in all of you. Tsk-tsk. Nobody mentioned that Leila seems to have invited two new “girlfriends” to the party. Just sayin’.
Ha, Mils, I noticed but didn’t want to be the first to mention it. LOL. Welcome back!
ETA: Crap, I’ve been off here so much that I just forgot to block Mils’ quote. Sorry.
BTW: Totally off topic. My vacation spot is one of my favorite places in the world. I’ve been overseas, to a lot of places in the US, to Israel, to Hawaii. But, Door County, Wisconsin is so gorgeous, so full of beaches and scenery, and quaint shops, motels, no commercial businesses allowed, all very Scandinavian, Norwegian, Swiss,etc. So, to tie it in with Adam, it’s also Finnish!
Thanks Ceddies!! I just couldn’t resist!!
mils, I thought about it but decided to leave that alone. I don’t feel comfortable about subjecting Adam’s mother to that sort of speculation/scrutiny. But it wouldn’t be my place to criticize anyone else who wanted to.
Awww. Just having a little fun. Sorry. Not meaning to offend either you or Leila.
Good night.
mils, I don’t think any offense was taken. But Leila sure did look good!
I don’t remember this interview – release of DVD in Quebec, and the first suspicion of a concert in Quebec, reported on Quebec TV show:
ETA: no offense taken, mils, and I know you didn’t intend any. It’s a very fine line, I think, and I certainly don’t feel qualified to say where the line should be.
I’m clueless?!?
Did I miss something here?
Some of you have made reference to other articles that picked up the Adam Levine quote about gays and AI in Out Magazine.
Do you have links to those articles? I only read the discussion at MJs (which was really interesting), but haven’t seen other press about it and how it got spun around to AFL. I’d like to see some of them. Thanks!
asif, lovely photo on that article! Is that the skingraft vest that he wore in Quebec? I hoped that the rain wouldn’t have hurt it!
ETA: asif, enhancement surgery
Hi Ron. (Hope you’re feeling better soon!)
If you look around on the Penny Royal Studio website, all of the Penny Royal pieces have a rough-hewn look to them. That appears to be a fundamental aspect of the look of all of their pieces.
Kradamour, that picture is from the NewNowNext awards. I don’t think that it is the same vest. The one in the article seemed more assymetrical than the one in Quebec. But I could be wrong!
Wow!! nkd … you know all of BB’s wardrobe. Impressive!!!
Oh!! krads…I get it.
I don’t think it’s the es. I think it’s the dress. Look at this photo.
(Here are HQ Pics from Equality California)
You can see both of them very well. I mean Adam and his mom.
this quoted on AdamQuoteDaily:
Probably not, nekkid! You’re amazing about this.
yawn…time for bed. Amusement park had some nice shows, I could totally picture a young Adam working in one of them but I kept that thought to myself to avoid eyerolling by the spouse.
G’nite peeps! Sweet Adam Dreams!
I think that this may be the vest worn in Quebec.
The Extra interview at The Grove, Grammy week
Yup, that’s definitely the vest! I loved it in Quebec, and loved that he wore something already in his closet but punched up/rethought/repurposed.
Uh yeah! Black tank top? But ooooh I was so glad he wore that when the rain came! Wet black tank top!
I think the boots were new, the leaf necklace we’ve seen, don’t know about the pants, and he did get some mileage out of that tail!
Didn’t we all! ! ! !
So jlurksacto — which one is the pic of you guys?? Are you willing to tell us? And are you willing to tell us who was part of the photoshoot, even if you don’t reveal who’s who?
A new video of the Mad World “moment” with Adam and Kathy Griffin has been posted. This one has excellent audio and video of the whole thing. I just love this. KathyG was right — “that was a f*cking moment, ladies and gentlemen!”
Also, here’s another beautiful photo of Adam from that night:
There’s a collection of nice photos from the Equality Awards here:
wrong thread
Cwm..watched that new KG tape this morning. Just the best one yet! Wish this was out before I sent the first one to people. I have to learn to wait and be patient. There are always better youtubes that show up.
Montreal NOH8 pics:
I’ll let someone else supply/reveal names of participants. Being the only male,
guess I’m a given.