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This is good to know. We can relax a little, get our mystery pendant, and the Trevor Project wins!
At last! Pouch pendant contents revealed! One mystery solved!
Of course we sleep. Just in different time zones!
Oksana, loved your thought of the new piece being whatever is in the pouch! But if I am right about that (a condom) don’t know that I want that on a necklace, even for the Trevor Project…
Off to the park…really, this time!
Originally I thought for sure it was going to be the key, but now I’m pretty sure it’s not. Have no clue what it could be. I can’t wait to see it!
Two tiny Outlaws of Love?????
Time for afternoon coffee with some unhealthy and fattening pastry..
Mystery solved
Oh dear …. Have never liked peace symbol anything.
I’m with you luval. I really wanted to like this pendant alot. hmmm
Ok…I like it a little more now.
What to do, what to do. Had my credit card ready but…..
Adam is an old soul.. hippie child of 2011…
Re pendant…so disappointing and so generic…how hard was it to design a peace symbol?
Regretfully, I think I’ll pass on this one. Can always donate directly to Trevor Project.
But I am speaking as a 29 yr old. If I were younger, I would probably like this.
(Still waiting on husband and haven’t left for amusement park…glad I was here to see the pendant, even though disappointing.)
luval, Pennyroyal site is still down..
You have 4 weeks to decide. I know that Pennyroyal gives at least 30% to charity, (not bad, not bad at all)..
Kradamour,I’m with you on this one, but we are 29’ers… but for young generation this Peace symbol could be something fresh and new
(I was hoping for The Key..
HannaBec Hanna B
RT @WshUpnASta: $60 bronze/leather cord $100 silver/leather or $110 ,silver/chain 20″chain or cord
Comments on her twitter aren’t very positive.
Hauled myself out of my
deathsick bed because I have to sit up for a little while.I’m with both of you. Of course I appreciate what it symbolizes and the meaning behind it but it looks like something Pebbles Flintstone would wear.
ETA: Maybe a casting agent for “True Blood” lurks on this blog and will hire me! Looking just a tad anemic in this new avatar. Maybe I could play Lafayette’s twin brother?
Anyone post this yet? Enhanced Sauli photo
I’m gonna pass on this one.I didn’t wear it the first time around, and not gonna wear it now, when I’m 29.
I would love that snake design necklace that Adam is wearing in many photos (check calendar), but snake and Trevor Project do not go well together, right?
Kradamour, your comment “so generic”, is exactly what I was feeling. I was hoping for something fresh and unique.
However, reading Adam’s comment on the choice for the design eases the disappointment a little.
Translation of Sauli’s blog about the awards ceremonies:
Ron, I was wondering where you were. You have been sick? I do hope that you are doing better.
And sweetie, you are way too “anemic” to be Lafayette’s twin!
Ron! was missing you! so sorry to hear that you are not well…here is my suggested cure: a kir. Crème de cassis has lots of vitamin C. Dry white wine relaxes achey muscles.
Or, if you want to pull out the bigger guns…One part fresh squeezed lemon juice, one part strong tea, one part white rum, sugar syrup to taste, over crushed ice. Drink as much as seems medically necessary, then fall into bed and wake up fully recovered except for a hangover – treat that with a steak breakfast with tomato juice.
Srsly, Ron, hope you are better soon.
No hugs, though, don’t want to catch it. 
People on Twitter are saying the same thing I just did
BTW, did you watch Ricky Martin’s BTM? It was also about him being gay, gay, gay and not that much about the music. I wish people would stop complaining about Adam’s BMT.Srsly.
Kradamour, thanks for link to Sauli’s blog. I really respect him for not mentioning Adam even once. No riding the coattails for him.
Hi nkd!! Back troubles.
At least the x-rays taken didn’t confirm my doctors suspicion that it might be a protruding disc. Pulled back muscle? Muscle strain? I don’t know. What I do know is that I can’t move around a lot. It’ll run its course (but it’s been over a week).
Hi Kradamour!! I LOVE your cure! Thank you. I’d gladly trade back pain for a hangover any day.
Back to bed now.
Maybe Adam is saving his “other” ideas for an as yet unannounced event or project.
Ron, I hope you’ll feel better after the bedrest. When I read Krad’s recipe I recalled story from the past. Once I had really awful cold (fever, chills, runny nose).
My friend called me and said “You should take 4 citrus fruits.
Orange, lemon, grapefruit and mandarine. Cut them into small pieces, add little water and bring to boil.Squeeze the juice.
Pour it into big cup, add one FULL cup of BRANDY and drink while it’s still hot. You will start sweating like a pig, but in the morning you will be like brand new.
I followed her advice.
She called me the next morning and asked :”Did you sweat a lot?”
So, Ron, next time when you’re sick..
Well, jlurksacto, loving Adam is not exactly hard to do. Perhaps I’m among those who are simply over straight female performers proclaiming their love for gays. To me it sometimes feels exploitative.
But must admit, it’s more difficult for female comedians NOT to sound shrill (just like women politicians). Still, the comedians I prefer are those more in tune to the human condition – with a sense of irony about life – not those with an unyielding sense of correctness about their own opinions. HumorLESS, actually.
The late Richard Jeni is a case in point – brilliant – and someone to whom any sentient human being could relate. If he used a curse word, it fit in. Not so much KG.
Think the peace sign pendant would be perfect for a thirteen-year-old I know. Everything old becomes new again.
Hey, Adam, some of your fans have been there before – lol.
Sauli strikes me as extremely smart – and damn funny, too. I crack up at some of the things he says. He definitely knows what he’s doing – looking forward to getting to know him even better. (You struck gold, AL.)
Well, I have some time to think about it but right now it’s a “no” on the peace symbol pendant. Over time I have had comments on the eye of horus and/or the infinity pendant and explained the idea behind them. Peace symbol? Who wouldn’t want peace…afghanistan, iraq…Trevor Project?
I am disappointed and was ready to spend, but not at the moment. I loved the snake pendant idea too! Would have loved a silver pouch pendant. Don’t mean to be shallow but I buy the stuff to actually wear it and honestly don’t think about the reason behind it. Would never wear a peace symbol necklace.
Hope you’re not reading this, Adam. I love Sauli, though!!!
cwm, thank you for the email! Enjoy!
Sadly, I wanted to do more DVDs but cannot find any more showings of Adam’s BTM. Have emailed VH1 to see if they plan any more. Usually they repeat these things ad infinitum, and it’s not like they have urgent programming that cannot be substituted….
Well, have to confess I am buying the peace pendant. Peace signs are pretty popular with the tween/early teen set down here right now, but mainly it’s because I skipped the first two Adam projects and promised myself I would get this one. So, b-day gifts for my tween granddaughters…they LOOOVE Adam too, and will be very happy to wear them.
RON – The cure? “Jewish Penicillin” and lotsa booze.
haha riskylady…I do remember you saying you were going to buy this one because you missed the first two. I’m sure Pennyroyal will have no problem selling them. (hell, I may break down and buy one…Adam will hypnotize me into buying one. He does this, you know).
“NO” for me too on the peace symbol pendant, Just too passe for moi. Wish I’d gotten in on the Eye of Horus one but that’s another issue!
I actually love the peace pendant. I loved the Eye of Horus too, tho I didnt buy it, I never know what it was till Adam came out with it, so now when I play a game on Bigfish, I know what an Eye of Horus is, thanks Adam!
On another note, Ron, if you would like to e-mail me, I know every freaking thing there is to know about backs, I had 2 discs removed 25 years ago, so I deal with the back thing all the time, but I still run my dog in agility. I can give you lots of pointers if your interested. I love talking about backs lol. My e-mail is cpertz@ymail.com. I will trade you information for telling me how in the world I can get my avatar on here, its such a good one, and I have tried and tried.
riskylady, who is your cable provider? I may find for you all the showings of Adam’s BTM during next 2 weeks.
Miss Chaos…I assume you have gone to gravatar.com. Once there, when you sign in just make sure that you are using the same email as you use to register here. Your password on gravatar is independent of the username and password here.
Just make the email matches!
I believe directions were given on page 1 or 2 of this site,
Welcome to AdamLambertLive thread.
Good luck!
riskylady, use this link. It is TV guide, gives you data for 2 weeks, but you have to enter your location/provider data.(On left hand side, in red)
I don’t see Adam’s BTM now, but VH1 repeats everything ad nauseam, so just be patient.
I bought Eye of Horus pendant, although I was
stupidtoo slow and I don’t have the numbered one.I wear it from time to time, it’s really pretty.
Thanks, Oksana, I will keep looking!
I like the Peace Pendant. Especially since it’s obvious how much the symbol means to Adam. I think it’s pretty. And his inscription on the back is cool. Plus I live in western Oregon, which is like hippie central, so a peace sign fits right in here. LOL Actually I have a collection of pendants that have “peace” written on them in a bunch of different languages, so this one would fit in nicely with that collection.
I had been assuming that the design would be the skull key, and I wasn’t so sure I needed or wanted that. I’m actually considering buying this one, though.
Oh who am I kidding? It’s Adam, it’s something that means a lot to him, it’s got his signature and quote on the back, it’s for a good cause, it’s the Trevor Project, I like it… Of course I’ll buy it. I’m hopeless. Here, Adam, let me just open up my wallet and you can take out however much you like. Haha
Hi all! So,Ron, nothing definite on the back pain, huh? Strained or pulled muscles can be mighty painful, especially if there are spasms too. Just time, icing, heat and gentle stretching is what I’ve had to do in the past; of course it helps enormously if you can drink yourself into oblivion
I’m not too impressed with the new pendant either. The Peace sign is kinda passé for me and the design is not quite as refined as I’d like. I’m very disappointed as I really wanted to buy this in support of Adam
I was expecting something nicer and could not wear this pendant. I wonder how much of the selling price is actually going to charity?
Guys, have we discussed Adam Levine’s interview with Out magazine here? I only ask because Lyndsay Parker tweeted a YahooMusic article about it (which has a couple of misstatements about our Adam/Idol in it), and then a very very interesting dialogue has resulted at MJs which you ALL should read, because it became more about OUR Adam than Levine. There are some WONDERFUL posts in there.
(Hope I am allowed to say this here???)
There’s more: In my Google search this morning, the Out interview has been around the world,even in more than one publication in several countries, and in almost EVERY article in EVERY language, it became about OUR ADAM too!!!!
And positive. So thanks, Levine and Out, for the free publicity!
ETA: Note, I have very mixed feelings about Levine’s statements and his motives, and about Out’s motives too….but still, I’m pretty sure they never expected Levine’s interview to become about Adam, so: Bwaaaahaaahaaahaaa to them.
angelowal,I believe that last time it was 30% of selling price. Not bad.
Risky lady you made me chuckle!
Oksana2000 – Thanks for the info
If it is 30% of the selling price on those pendants, then I’m impressed! That’s enough to make me reconsider making the purchase…….or maybe I’ll just buy one and give it as a gift.
Lane – from AL to JD? True?