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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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Biebs won.
Oh, well…
This was voted in by fans award. I’m surprised that Gaga didn’t win. I guess Belibers gave Little Monsters run for the money.
So what was that thing that Bieber got award for??
I’m sorry but Bieber, amazing hair? It looks like a little girls pixie cut, surely they can’t be serious.
BTW I knew he was gonna be rocking black tonight. Great job nkd on identifying the jacket. He is so amazing the way he re uses his clothes and makes them look fresh and new.
From vh1 site.
After that insult to Adam and his hair, and after reading some nonsense on another blog about Equality Award I’m so pissed that I better leave this blog..
Nighty night…
Awww Oksana, I don’t think the dosomething tweet about hair was an insult to Adam at all! Beiber’s hair is one of his defining characteristics — he is well known for it. David Schwartz was one of the finalists for the $100K grand prize that goes to a young person making a difference, and from his pictures, it looks like he has a head full of very curly hair. DoSomething had already tweeted about Schwartz’ hair. So I don’t see the dosomething tweet about “amazing hair” as any kind of insult to Adam’s hair. There was more than one head of “amazing” hair in the room! They were just playing coy.
I was really hoping that Adam would be able to pull an upset win over Beiber and Gaga, but those are mighty big fanbases to overcome in an online poll. Oh well. Since the whole point of the Do Something Awards is to recognize people who are doing good things, though, the true honor is in being nominated. So good for all of them!
(But Adam totally deserved to win this one!)
This is a keeper. Beautiful.
And I love this tweet from a few minutes ago:
Demi Lovato’s fans are apparently quite excited now about Adam’s support. Good for him.
What a beautiful picture. Thank you cwm!
Are those tears in those gorgeous eyes?
Let me throw this out there….did he wear that jacket on Letterman, DeGeneres or Leno?
Dish Of Salt Interview: Adam Lambert – My Fans ‘Will Devour’ My New Album
I know he wore this for his calendar (can’t recall which month).
Not sure if he wore it for any appearances.
Nonetheless, he looks great!
I just watched the do something red carpet…so interesting to watch Adam’s facial features and eyes while everyone calls to him to turn here, smile,turn there, etc. etc.
He takes it very seriously, but it is hard to imagine what he would be thinking while this goes on – it is pretty nonsensical, really – wonder what is going through his very intelligent mind?
Thanks for posting this interview, AL. Yummy — 35 songs!!!
I always loved Laura Saltman’s interviews with Adam during and shortly after Idol. She seemed to have such a crush on him. Wow….. go figure! LOL
Kradamour, Adam is probably so used to these red carpet ordeals by now as being “part of the job”. I imagine at times (with all the flashing lights) he may still feel the need to pinch himself to ensure that this is truly happening.
However, it is all pretty nonsensical in my eyes as well.
dcglam, I was actually thinking that he might be doing internal eye-rolls, not that he would be feeling the need to pinch himself!
Dish of Salt – yes, she was almost embarrassing right after Idol, total fangirl! still is, I think.
IKR? 30 to 35 songs! If only we could get them all in a double CD! Sigh. Not likely. But he shouldn’t tell us so many and then make us suffer when we don’t get them all!!!
Haha…. that, too!
I love the Dish of Salt interview! I love that she gets all fangirl. Makes me not feel so strange!
I want them all!!! He really shouldn’t tell us that, especially if he only plans on 15 or so for the album. Just more to fuel the longing in the quiet times.
He is becoming more political by the day. And who could blame him with crap like this.
I agree!
I got Adamphernalia in the mail! Thank you! You know who you are! Love you!
For anyone interested, go check out the Ste. Agathe chat. cgesq has written a beautiful re-cap in which she talks about Adam fans and how wonderful it’s been for us to all meet and share our experiences together.
And of course kradamour’s latest chapter and several other peeps who have given us their recaps. More still to come.
I posted this pic last night, but I love the look in Leila’s eyes. The look of a mom so proud of her kid and relishing in all that he is experiencing. I love it! I know it!
Hope this link works. Beautiful!
ETA: sorry if already posted. Haven’t been able to read back yet.
Hi everyone. RL still has a stronghold on me. Still plan to post some type of recap…whenever.
Hi Ceddies! I’ve thought about you a lot, and I miss you!
That picture is beautiful. Adam is beautiful, inside and out.
Hi nkd! I’ve relived every second of my time with everyone–over and over. I miss you too, nkd.
Ceddies! (waves!) Hope that RL isn’t too terribly difficult – been thinking of you. And looking for my Eric Lapointe CDs for you!
nekkid, I thought exactly the same thing when I saw that picture of Leila looking at Adam.
I really missed Mils when the discussion on Adams outfits was going on as she could have nailed each to it’s previous wearing without much thought. On that picture, yes Leila looks so in the moment, but I have a hard time taking my eyes off Sauli. He has a perfect profile and such small perfect ears. They should win any contest for the most beautiful couple.
Hi, Kradamour. Been thinking bout you a lot too. Yes, thank you, I do still want the CD’s. Like Tattoo a lot.
Guess I’m gone again for now. Nite all.
I went to see the film “Bill Cunningham New York” this weekend. It is an amazing film/documentary, highly recommended – and at the end the interviewer asks Bill if he has ever had a romantic relationship. (Bill is 80, or was at the time) After some preliminary syllables, Bill says “Are you asking me if I am gay?” and then tries to articulate that when he was growing up, no one even would have known what that was, no one thought about it, certainly no one would talk about it. It is so poignant…and then he suddenly says, in a quiet voice, that of course he is human, he has certain physical urges, but (and I wish I could remember his exact words, but something like “I just try to deal with that”). It was heartbreaking that this wonderful man never even really allowed himself to recognize his identity, much less embrace it, and was condemned to a solitary life.
The Adam link, of course, is that he is one of the people raising the curtain on a sexuality that was so taboo when Bill was growing up that it couldn’t even be recognized in oneself, for lack of any role models or public conversation. Gay was not only taboo, it did not exist – except that of course it did.
So very sad for Bill and many other Bill Cunninghams and their nonexistent partners who would have enriched our overall society. Watching Adam be inspired by his relationship with Sauli, I have to wonder how much more amazing Bill C. would have been with a similar inspiration.
I hope Adam sees the film. (and it is all about clothes!, so perhaps he will)
Just heard Adam’s friend Allison Porter got engaged today. Just love Happy News!
Awwww cocoglam, thanks for posting that. Congrats to Alisan. Happy for her. Another godchild for Adam in the near future?
Hi everyone–
A few new vids have turned up from recent events…
Adam on the red carpet for the Equality Awards, talking about fashion (and acknowledging the Galliano controversy):
Adam on the blue carpet for the Do Something Awards, talking about his medges (he’s obsessed with them! LOL):
And finally, Kathy Griffin talking about Adam and the Equality Awards on Conan O’Brien’s show (this girl is something else):
riskylady, my angel of mercy, you have email!
The Ste Agathe thread has some wonderful recent posts about life as a glambert and
getting sucked intoembracing the glambert nomadic tour fan lifestyle.Hoping they get brought over here or even given their own thread. These are recap types of stories that transcend any given month or concert and that I hope more peeps will contribute to. I hesitate to suggest an additional thread, this wonderful site shouldn’t become too unwieldy with multiple threads, but the stories of fans original meetings at concerts are so much fun and are so much what concerts and “Adam Lambert Live” are about. I hope that as each new poster discovers this site or comes out of lurkdom, that he or she would add a post to the “How I Became a Glambert” thread. (What do you think, admin peeps?)
OMG loved the Kathy Griffin clip – thanks, cwm!
Kradamour, good morning.
That would be a lovely idea!
Not a fan of Griffin – I love down and dirty comedy as well as the next person, but that clip is KG at her worst – not particularly funny and more about her having sex than anything else. Tries too hard. And “I love gays!” Pleeeez. What are they – something in a zoo.
Bringing my comments over from the St Agathe thread, as well as Kradamour’s response to my first one:
Different view of Adam and Kathy – Can see Sauli – Bonus
ultimathule, I can definitely see your point – she does carry raunch to an advanced level – but I think the “I love gays” is just a part of her schtick and I didn’t find it offensive.
I never heard of her before, though, and all I have seen of her is this vid and the clip of her duet with Adam. It takes a lot of chutzpah to do standup, and she really put herself out there when she tried to get Adam to sing with her. I just thought that was so brave, especially when it was becoming obvious that he was not going to play along – and instead of trying to make a graceful exit and rounding out the joke, she took it to another level and basically forced him to sing. At first, I wasn’t crazy about the idea of putting Adam on the spot like that, but it soon became obvious that the audience really loved it and wanted him to play along. He is an entertainer and so he followed the wishes of the audience. I thought that the result really was what she said it would be: a moment.
Thanks, jlurk – loved that glimpse of Sauli enjoying the “moment”!
Gonna pretend I have a RL and leave for a while…husband is leaving work early and we are running off to an amusement park!
Okay, the site crashed – http://pennyroyalstudio.com/
Guess I’ll try after coffee!
What Griffin did was what Adam criticized Bachmann for – lumping all gays together. I don’t love ALL gays and neither does Adam (OUT editor?).
What did you expect, not to crash at 12EST???
I’m not even surprised..
And Adam didn’t tweet anything YET…
Kathy is a very vocal supporter of gays. She gets a hugh pass for that.
(and she loves Adam)
So what do you think it is? I can’t even venture a guess at this point. Adam’s mind is a mystery sometimes!
This made me laugh. And the answer is “NO, not much!”
Must be that thing he is carrying in his little leather pouch pendant…
Frankly? I have no faintest idea..
The Key ? Naaw..it would be too simple..