Well guys it’s time for our August Chat thread. Here is one of my favorite pictures from St. Agathe. Another month with a major event. VH-1 is kickstarting the revamp of their fantastic series Behind The Music featuring Adam. Will everybody be watching on Sunday night???

Enjoy this month’s sandbox and as always please follow our Guidelines for posting, be nice and have fun!


1,261 Responses to August 2011 Chat

  1. Oksana2000 says:

    I recognize jacket and shirt, but necklace is new.

  2. nkd says:

    I love this deep discussion! Wink

  3. luval says:

    Necklace looks like either feathers or shark teeth or claws. Will have to wait to get a closer look.

  4. nkd says:
  5. nkd says:
  6. luval says:

    I’ll be honest, to me he is gorgeous but looks a little tired. His makeup is heavier than last night (maybe for tv). Will have to look at more photos. Smile

  7. Oksana2000 says:

    nekkid, I writing my thesis on Adam… Grin
    And Adam was the last one on blue carpet. What else is new?

  8. luval says:

    ok nkd (hi!)…that last pic you posted is the best so far. Is it blue tips or is it the light?

  9. luval says:

    or green flames or no flames??

  10. Oksana2000 says:

    Shirt looks like the one from Steven Spielberg thingy two years ago. (I think)

  11. nkd says:

    I think it’s turquoise tips, because it’s showing in all the pics.

    Oksana, keep working on that thesis!

  12. Oksana2000 says:

    I just realized, that I can go on Jeopardy and win Adam Lambert topic EASILY.
    Is anyone here more pathetic than me??

  13. nkd says:

    Hi luval!

  14. cwm says:

    Adamland is correct, a lot of folks come to this site specifically so they don’t have to read about endless drama or fan wars or whatever that occurs on other sites. There is no need to repeat the play by play of such things here. Links to or mentions of items of interest from other sites are fine, continual discussion of who said what somewhere else are not. Thanks guys.

    Thanks adamland and eywflyer. I really appreciate this, especially the part I bolded. Plus, talking here about specific posters at MJs feels like talking about people behind their backs, and it makes me uncomfortable.

  15. luval says:

    Oksana2000…I beat ya in the pathetic category.

  16. Oksana2000 says:

    Biebs, I know that you are still young, but it wouldn’t hurt to learn from uncle Adam thing or two about how to dress for red carpet.

  17. nkd says:

    Is anyone here more pathetic than me??

    I don’t know if we are more pathetic, but just as much! Wink

    For $200, The shirt Adam Lambert wore to the pre-Grammy event!

  18. Oksana2000 says:

    dosomething DoSomething.org
    Adam Lambert rocking green hair, Tyra Banks admiting she was a “bully bitch” and Foster the People performing all at the #DSAwards

    so it’s green tonite.

  19. nkd says:

    I know we’ve seen that jacket with the zipper edge at a couple of events, but I can’t place it! I’m failing here.

  20. cwm says:

    For $200, The shirt Adam Lambert wore to the pre-Grammy event!

    ooh ooh pick me pick me! Alexander McQueen, skull pattern.

    I know we’ve seen that jacket with the zipper edge at a couple of events, but I can’t place it! I’m failing here.

    Oh, that is a hard one. I’m struggling too. It was some kind of party this past winter/spring I think.

  21. luval says:

    cwm…you lost…you didn’t put it in the form of a question!

  22. Oksana2000 says:

    nekkid, I’ve seen it too, but I don’t remember where.

  23. Kradamour says:

    I agree that BB looks tired – no surprise! but when he is tired, he should go a little easier on the eye makeup. This is true for everyone.

    Ooooh, Adam Lambert Jeopardy! Categories could be clothing, famous quotes, awards won, CD song titles, concert venues, songwriting collaborations, idol performances, pre-idol personal trivia, magazine articles, family and friends, websites devoted to Adam, etc. etc.
    I would love to find that under my Christmas tree! Smile

  24. luval says:

    What is…the Alexander McQueen skull pattern shirt?

  25. nkd says:

    luval, you are correct and answered in the correct form! Just don’t expect a check!

  26. Kradamour says:

    BTW, adamized is in Quebec City as I write this! I hope that she finds a good poutine… Smile

  27. cwm says:

    luval — DOH! You got me. Wink Dang.

  28. nkd says:
  29. luval says:

    WOW!!! large is right! His eyeliner is very interesting. Makes him look very mysterious. And that hair. Best hair in the world.

  30. cwm says:

    Thanks nekkid! I like it! He looks great! Gawd he has a good time putting together his looks.

    I think the hair color is the same as last night. I liked the blond highlights that he had going there for a while, but I’ve always been partial to the blue/green highlights in his hair too.

    And the question I want to know the answer to — how in the hell does he get his hair to defy gravity like that???

    His eyeliner is very interesting. Makes him look very mysterious.

    Yeah, he’s got an extra line of eyeliner at the creases. Pretty exotic looking. Smile

  31. luval says:

    cwm…as Ron says….”cement”.

  32. Oksana2000 says:
  33. cwm says:

    Oh, that one is beautiful, Oksana!

  34. Oksana2000 says:

    And the question I want to know the answer to — how in the hell does he get his hair to defy gravity like that???

    cwm, when you look at his old (childhood, school) pictures, his hair was standing up. With the little help of hair products he can easily achieve current look.

  35. luval says:

    Oh those eyes……….

  36. nkd says:
  37. luval says:

    Gosh I love it that Sauli and his mom are sharing in these experiences!

  38. nkd says:

    I love that Sauli and Leila are there, too, luval.

    He wore the jacket at AI10 finale.

    Sorry about such a long link.

    It seems like we saw it before AI finale. Anyone?

  39. luval says:

    ok, nkd…you win! (nothing) Smile

  40. nkd says:

    Nothing?!! Dang!

  41. nkd says:
  42. nkd says:

    Adam with Tyra Banks(I assume after presenting award to her?)


  43. cwm says:

    nekkid— nice going on ID’ing the jacket!

    In your 10:28 post above, the two links you posted are the same picture. Is the second one supposed to be different?

    I like the close-up on Sauli. What a doll he is.

  44. nkd says:

    Thanks cwm. Fixed it!

  45. nkd says:

    I love this from twitter:

    AdamFanXx Rak Star
    We are the only fandom who can say we stan a man who wears fingerless mittens, a racoon tail, medges and blue troll hair. I for one am proud

  46. nkd says:

    dosomething DoSomething.org
    We’re can’t say officially who just won the #DSAwards for music artist, but we will say his amazing hair rivals David Schwartz’s….

    Whataya think? Adam or the fetus?

  47. Oksana2000 says:

    dosomething DoSomething.org
    We’re can’t say officially who just won the #DSAwards for music artist, but we will say his amazing hair rivals David Schwartz’s….

    Does it mean that Adam won??????

  48. Oksana2000 says:

    Fetus has amazing hair?? Puhleeze.

  49. nkd says:

    Fetus has amazing hair?? Puhleeze.

    Well I don’t think so Oksana, but some people have no good taste!

  50. nkd says:

    Looking at twitter, I don’t think Adam won. Frown
    Not this award, anyway!

    It’ll still be fun to watch him on the 18th! Not as fun, but I’ll watch Adam on tv for any reason! Smile

    Good night!

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