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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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I’ll just keep my thoughts to myself!
Looks like more people noticed Adam’s “happiness”.
Never fails….
Think we’re channeling Mae West here – “Is that a pistol in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?” People – I will say that, from numerous past sightings, the man is “impressive” (his words, too, I believe), but unless he’s carrying around his accoutrement from the RS cover, this would be more than impressive – how about monumental. (Love this crazy thread.)
EXCLUSIVE Red Carpet VIDEO: Adam Lambert “Grammy nominated AI runner up” arrivals http://t.co/jSj2Dhe
adamlambert’s page in the #EQCAawards program lockerz.com/s/129450502
Holy crap he looks good in that video!
Tweetdeck – “Problem loading page.” LOL – I’ll bet there is.
Love it when Leila and Sauli come in the video and Adam says “yeah, I got arm candy”.
Love the site name “I Got Your Sausage”
Ahh that’s it, he is carrying around an extra salami!
Love that quote, Oksana “Oh, Lord. Make me stop.” Where’d that come from? Not me, that’s for sure.
biggest Fear
second album
love that smile
MaximoTV Rico Damacen
Exclusive Video: Adam Lambert “My second ALBUM really personal” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_0f1ryN-Wk&feature=share @AdamLambert #AdamEqualityAward
Rico Damacen
MaximoTV Rico Damacen
Adam Lambert on his biggest fear #AdamEqualityAward http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyHxpKX6Uqk&feature=youtu.be
ultimathule, it’s from 24/7 site.http://adamlamberttv.blogspot.com/2011/08/adam-lambert-at-equality-california.html#comments
I believe that convo starts around 7:26.
glambotgram.. I thought you would just keep the thoughts to yourself.
Nah .. I think it’s the roll of his acceptance speech.
Nothing like a sincere opinion…
I love that suit on Adam. He looks gorgeous tonight. Stunning actually. Hair, make-up, suit — all perfect.
And he’s got some pretty awesome-looking “arm candy” too!
Stopped in just for a second, RL is very awful today, this was just what I needed! especially that gorgeous photo of Adam with his mom and Sauli. He looks so happy, just radiates it! The same joy we saw in Ste Agathe. I love that he brought his mother and his boyfriend to the red carpet. So happy for her that she is still such an integral part of his life, even with career and boyfriend. And happy for Adam that he has such a close and loving relationship with her.
Sigh of contentment for all concerned!
And now off to bed. A wonderful way to end the day! G’nite, peeps!
The lonely button is going to pop.
Good night Krads.
We let you go and rest.
Talk to you tomorrow.
Sweet Adam Dreams.
I think everybody dropped dead after sighting those gorgeous photos.
Drop dead gorgeous and stunning!!!
Good night.
Was just a few feet from Adam singing Mad World!! Amazing!!! OMG!
Hopt to see videos tomorrow.
jlurksacto just beat me.
Hmm – truthiness over at MJ’s not liking Adam’s wearing Galliano because of the designer’s reported anti-semitic statements. Seems odd that Adam, as a gay Jewish man, would, if he knew, wear G’s stuff to an equality award. Maybe truthiness should give him the benefit of the doubt.
One in every crowd.
Did Adam buy the suit before Galliano’s rant?
I don’t know.
The Awards
Hmm – truthiness over at MJ’s not liking Adam’s wearing Galliano because of the designer’s reported anti-semitic statements. Seems odd that Adam, as a gay Jewish man, would, if he knew, wear G’s stuff to an equality award. Maybe truthiness should give him the benefit of the doubt.
One in every crowd.
Adam does not seem to get a benefit of doubt that much over at MJs.
Truthiness was always a fan of Adams, but always seemed so much harder on him than other idols for some reason.
freckles_slayme: @adamlambert Thank you for lending my some courage until I could find my own. #EQCAawards
belindasLAmusic: A video tape played hightlighting his life and career with adam talking about the award at the end then he took the stage standing ovation
She is me!!!!
Audsidol: Not crying yet, but I want to hug Adam, his mom, my kids, MY mom, the neighbors, my feed . . . #adamdoesthistome
Believe Adam’s had the Galliano suit for quite a while.
And love the pics of Adam receiving the Award – he just radiates happiness. And it’s so wonderful to be here with all you kind posters, as we celebrate together in that happiness. Appreciate it more than I can say.
Awww, beautiful pic. So proud of Adam.
Brace yourself:
And another:
A whole bunch of beautiful pro pics:
Tonight ranks right up there among my very favorite red carpet looks. Wow, did he look fantastic tonight.
And even better is what this award represents for the difference Adam is making in this world just by being his awesome self.
another video:
(whisper) cwm – sorri. SHOUT – YEAH! ! !
Another collection of professional pictures:
[whisper — no worries, jlurksacto — I found something else to post instead!]
Anxiously awaiting video!
ETA: Suz, can I just say once again that you rock??!!
ETA2: Video of Adam receiving his award is up! from Belinda Thomas at the Examiner:
Watching his acceptance speech is so moving. Adam has clearly embraced his role as an important role model for gay youth. I’m so proud of him and so happy for him. It’s amazing how much he has grown and matured and come into his own over the past two years.
LOL I feel like Santa Claus. Is anyone still awake with me?? This is so much fun.
Here is the video of Adam singing Mad World with Kathy Griffin. OMG this is great stuff; Kathy Griffin is a hoot:
“That was a f*cking moment!” Haha
Suz526 just posted her video of Kathy Griffin getting Adam to sing Mad World with her. Much better vantage point, very clear video and audio. THANKS SUZ!
And here is Suz’ video of Adam being introduced and accepting his award. Beautiful video! Be sure to watch this one because it doesn’t have the two skips that the Belinda Thomas video that I posted previously has.
yes, I’m awake with you cwm, just lurking and not asleep yet on est!!
The story got picked up by CelebrityGossip.net and is very favorable:
This post-ho needs to go to bed. Hope you get some sleep, cher!
Sleep? what’s that cwm? Not had much of that since S8 and one Adam Lambert arrived on stage!!
haha cher no sh*t!
Morning, cwm…that’s what it is here. Gaaahh!!
Just beautifully done vids, Suz. Great job!
Indeed. And this in spite of his early insistence upon not being a poster child for gay anything, and his scuffle with Out magazine, etc….and it is wonderful that his acceptance of a role in the equality effort – one that suited him, his talents and his heart – took a natural progression as his career developed.
Didn’t think I could love him more but I do.
And re the suit – it has been on the home page of the fan site for a very long time. Didn’t like it in that photo but love what he did with it for the ceremony.
And I would be astounded if Adam gave a thought to the suit’s designer and anti-semitism. I can almost hear him saying “It’s just a suit! It ain’t that deep!”.
Good morning all!! Just having my Dunkin Donuts coffee and enjoying all the goodies from last night.
That red carpet video may just be my favorite now. Didn’t it seem like Sauli was going to give Adam a little kiss when he went up by Adam? And I noticed too that the cameraman kept focusing in very close up on Adam’s face. That beautiful face. You can’t stop looking at it no matter who is standing beside him.
So happy for Adam, his friends and family. Hope dad gets to come to some of these things.
And tonight the VH1 do something awards are being taped. Hope he got enough sleep! Ha, we’ll probably see some pics of him out and about, though!
kradamour…I’m making a cheese omelet too!
eta; thank you again, suz526. Luv you!!!
THanks to Suz and everyone else for the great pics and vids. What a Sunday morning treat! After looking at EVERYTHING I think I can now sum up why I feel like I do about Adam in one word.
He is “multi-dimensional”!!! So much more than just a pretty face or just a singer or just an entertainer. WOW. He is just……….
New and different pics are posted at Just Jared:
8/14/10 – Adam & company play in front of their largest crowd ever (estimated 70,000) at the Balloon Festival in Saint Jean Quebec: