Well guys it’s time for our August Chat thread. Here is one of my favorite pictures from St. Agathe. Another month with a major event. VH-1 is kickstarting the revamp of their fantastic series Behind The Music featuring Adam. Will everybody be watching on Sunday night???

Enjoy this month’s sandbox and as always please follow our Guidelines for posting, be nice and have fun!


1,261 Responses to August 2011 Chat

  1. glambotgram says:

    Love the picture! Check out that jawline.
    I think mils is gonna like it too!

  2. milwlovesadam says:

    Now, THAT’s a picture!!!!!!!


    I claim the neck to curl up into!!

    Yes, I AM that greedy!!!

  3. milwlovesadam says:

    Is it just me, or the month of August getting really exciting???

  4. glambotgram says:

    Very exciting! He has lots in store for us!

    His latest tweet

    adamlambert Adam Lambert
    Recorded a jam w @itsbennyblanco today! get ready!!!

    He keeps teasing, building up suspense.

  5. ultimathule says:

    The new pic – more skin – me likee.

  6. Rauhn says:

    milwlovesadam says:
    08/02/2011 at 11:48 pm
    Now, THAT’s a picture!!!!!!!

    You know me … I mean no disrespect and it’s with tongue firmly planted in cheek (or maybe that’s what Adam is doing) that I say it looks to me as though he has a chestnut stuck in his cheek that he’s trying very hard to expectorate. Or, is it an impacted wisdom tooth? Smile

    Yes, that’s a picture, mils. Wink

    Very nice!

  7. Kradamour says:

    And I was there! Grin

  8. Kradamour says:

    Rauhn, are you Ron‘s evil twin? Rolls Eyes

  9. Ron says:

    Kradamour says:
    08/03/2011 at 12:29 am
    Rauhn, are you Ron‘s evil twin?

    Rauhn is Ron’s very unhappy evil twin.

    I wanted to help out someone whom I first met in Montreal who wasn’t sure how to register. I couldn’t remember the process so I simply (so I thought) registered again using a diffent name with my second email address to be able to know what I should tell her to do.

    Trying to get this info has become my undoing. Can I un-register and start over again? I don’t think so.

    Big sigh …

  10. Ron says:

    Sheez … I guess I won’t know what’s going to appear now if I leave a comment. Rolls Eyes

  11. Kradamour says:

    Sheez … I guess I won’t know what’s going to appear now if I leave a comment. Rolls Eyes

    It will likely be bolded, whatever it is. Smile

  12. cwm says:

    It will likely be bolded, whatever it is. Smile

    LMAO good one kradamour! (Sorry Ron, but you gotta admit, that was funny. Wink )

    Ron, I think your problem should be solved if you log out and then log back in as Ron, not Rauhn. Above the Comment Box and below the blue “Leave a Reply,” it should say who you are logged in as.

  13. Ron says:

    Dear Kradamour

    Que sera sera Smile

  14. cwm says:

    adamland, the thread pic is… um… lovely. Razz Thanks for the monthly sandbox!

  15. Kradamour says:

    Can you just delete your Rauhn persona? Or is it a Jekyll/Hyde thing where Mr. Hyde/Rauhn won’t let you delete him?
    I am so glad that this alter ego did not appear in Ste Agathe!

  16. Kradamour says:

    I’m off to work on my recap of Ste Agathe.
    G’nite, peeps!

  17. cher says:

    Ron, please check your email. Thanks. Smile

  18. loveroftalent says:

    Thanks for the new thread. Love the picture and love the man.

  19. Kradamour says:

    Just a dot now.

  20. TexasWannaHoldEm says:

    Ron, I love when you post as Rauhn! I think you could have a lot of fun with this in the future. Smile

    Just want everyone who saw the show in Canada to know how much I’ve enjoyed your comments, details and photos. So glad you all had such a great time! I really hope there’s another opportunity like this at a future Adam show and I can join you!

    I love the following: OOL, picture at top of this thread, Adam working with Benny Blanco, Behind The Music is only 4 days away, Adam’s tweets yesterday (and Sauli’s!). These are good times in Adam Land. Smile

  21. TexasWannaHoldEm says:

    Does anyone know how many tickets were sold for Kenny R?

  22. eywflyer says:

    Good morning, welcome everyone to the August chat thread! Thanks to Adamland for posting this with our monthly photo.

    8/3/10 found the Glam Nation Tour at the Sunshine Theater in Albuquerque NM:


    As a reminder, please continue to post Ste Agathe items such as recaps/pix/vids in that thread, so that the record there will be complete in the future. It’s fine to cross-post those items in this thread too, so that everyone is sure to see them.

    Onward we go, just four days til Behind the Music airs! I really get the feeling from some of Adam’s recent comments and tweets that a fall album release is very likely, he wouldn’t be teasing new material that was still 6 months away from being heard.

    It is a bit sad to see “No concert dates scheduled” in the Upcoming Shows widget in the top right corner now. I’m afraid we’ll have to look at that for a while, any additional concerts before the album release seem fairly unlikely.

  23. dflowers says:

    Morning all! De-lurking to say Thank you all so much for all the Videos and pictures and comments from the concert. It eased the jealousy a bit. Smile

    Albuquerque was my home town concert! I’m off to relive it!

  24. Kradamour says:

    It is a bit sad to see “No concert dates scheduled” in the Upcoming Shows widget in the top right corner now.

    I was thinking the same thing, eywflyer Frown. We had Ste Agathe there for months! We are so fortunate to have this site to relive the last tour, day by day as it happened. And next year, we will be able to revisit Ste Agathe here! Many, many thanks. It was so wonderful to meet you in Canada!

  25. eywflyer says:

    And the winner for comment # 6000 posted on this site is dflowers! Have fun reliving your concert! Smile

    Kradamour, it was great meeting you too! I’m glad to continue with the GNT anniversary recaps, by the time those are done we should have a new single and a new album!

  26. Oksana2000 says:

    eywflyer,I am forever grateful to you for creating this blog. I also really enjoy re-watching GNT concerts with these beautiful posters created by our very talented MGL. She also happened to be my countryman (or rather countrywoman)so I’m double proud!
    After I’m done with collecting all posters, I’ll create nice slideshow with music to present it to my friends on a big TV screen.Yess. (I hope that I will not bore them to death with my enthusiasm.. Frown )

  27. turquoisewaters says:

    It is a bit sad to see “No concert dates scheduled” in the Upcoming Shows widget in the top right corner now.

    To ease the blues, I watched fiercealien’s AI tour videos that she posted just recently, and I really got a kick out of them. I so admire Adam’s courage to put himself out there like this. http://www.youtube.com/user/fiercealien#p/u/18/7jW-d0ofCEs

  28. ms0712 says:
  29. ultimathule says:

    Is BTM at 9:00 or 10:00 p.m.? Think I’ve seen both. Thanks.

  30. glambotgram says:

    ultimathule says:
    08/03/2011 at 3:20 pm

    Is BTM at 9:00 or 10:00 p.m.? Think I’ve seen both. Thanks.

    My guide shows 10:00 EST

  31. glambotgram says:


  32. AL says:

    Is BTM at 9:00 or 10:00 p.m.? Think I’ve seen both. Thanks.

    Sunday, August 7th at 10/9c according to their website…

    ETA Oops! Just saw that glambotbram posted the info above. Note to self…refresh screen before posting!

  33. dflowers says:

    Wow! I just saw that I am the #6000 th poster. What do I win? A life sized poster of Wet Adam In A Tank to hang on my bedroom wall? Yes please! and Thank you! Wink

  34. milwlovesadam says:

    Ummm. Rauhn, no that’s not an impacted wisdom tooth or a cough drop. It’s the angle of his mandible. That’s JAW for non-medical peeps out there. That’s all Adam. And his strong jaw line.

    Is it wrong of me to wish I were a cough-drop?

  35. milwlovesadam says:

    Oksana,, I have just officially invited myself to your large screen poster show.

    Will you be providing soft surfaces, GN towels and iced beverages also??

    I’ll bring the large floor scrapers, and the portable defribrillator.

  36. milwlovesadam says:

    Adam story for the day:

    So I’m at work, yada yada, everybody is showing family pics, yada yada, I take out mine, while browsing through them,, see my Hawaii poster pic ( yes, I have a 4 x6 ) and my eyes just stared at it, showed my family pics and didn’t show my Adam pics, for once.

    Later, one gal was working next to me, and asked what I had in my pictures that she noticed I was kind of staring at, but not sharing. Silly girl, she thought it was a baby pic of one of my kids.

    I said, well, I met a celebrity, and I have a picture of that. She asks who, yada yada, I ask her who her favorite Idol was. Drum roll please… YES…we have a Glambert!!!!!

    So, I whipped out my pics, including my Hawaii poster, and she nearly passed out!!! So funny, so much flailing. The kicker is that she’s 24. Yes 24. Not “29.” Love that.

  37. Kradamour says:

    The kicker is that she’s 24. Yes 24. Not “29.” Love that.

    mils, that was one of the betterest things about the concert in Ste Agathe: the 29 year olds were outnumbered! Great demographics, so glad that was caught on camera by the professionals.

  38. glambotgram says:

    Nice story Mils.

  39. cgesq says:

    Hi All,
    Just wanted to share in the flailing and tell all of you who were there how nice it was to either meet you or to see you again. The entire weekend was just fantastic. Obviously, the show was AMAZING!! Adam was simply glowing and radiating joy and positive energy. Even the torrential rain couldn’t dampen our spirits. Even now, several days later, I am still on an Adam high!! The only problem with these Adamfests is that they leave you wanting more!! Its not as if you go to one and you are satisfied–you need to know when the next Adam-fix is going to be, which is why the “no concert dates scheduled” is especially troubling Frown
    I wanted to share 2 of my favorite pics that I took. I had to email them to myself to get them off my phone, so forgive the long url.
    Adam and the band: https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=72eaa1e151&view=att&th=13192dcdcdf8e692&attid=0.1&disp=inline&zw


    Here’s hoping we get to see each other soon on the next tour!!

  40. ultimathule says:

    cgesq – Hi, tried to see the pictures, but the window said I wasn’t logged into AOL. Is there another way to capture them? Thanks.

  41. cgesq says:

    ultimathule says:
    08/03/2011 at 10:41 pm
    cgesq – Hi, tried to see the pictures, but the window said I wasn’t logged into AOL. Is there another way to capture them? Thanks.

    I’ll have to ask my resident tech experts….my teenage kids!

    Update: Just changed the link to the pics. It should work. Sorry about before…

  42. Kradamour says:

    I just posted chapter 1 of my Ste Agathe recap on the concert thread, for anyone who needs a little bedtime reading and help falling asleep! Smile

  43. cgesq says:

    Sorry we didn’t get to chat more in St. Agathe. I would have liked to get to know you better. I’m told (by Cher) that we have a lot in common. Anyway, loved your recap…sorry you had such troubles. I look forward to future installments!

  44. nkd says:

    I made it home. Did this last week really happen?
    I must catch up on the Ste Agathe thread and watch the vids and look at all the pictures! No Adam sighting by me while in NY.

  45. HK fan says:

    I couldn’t see the pics either, had the same as ultimathule, now it goes to a gmail log in page.

  46. cher says:

    HKfan, cgesq’s gone to bed. She’ll try again tomorrow. I’m worse technodunce than her. Frown They’re on email, but I don’t know how to post them either. She’ll have to do a photobucket or something like that which she’s never done before and me worse.

  47. luval says:

    Hi everyone. Kradamour…wonderful part one recap! Waiting in anticipation for the continuing story.

  48. Kradamour says:

    Thought for the day, from a non-Adam site (yes, there are some!):

    Glitter is the herpes of craft supplies. Once you get it on you, you can’t get rid of it

    Too true, as those of us who are still finding glitter in our cars and on our clothes from glamnation can attest!

    Thanks, cgesq and luval!
    cgesq, I feel the same way. The time just went too fast! I hope that there will be a concert during the next tour where many can gather as we did in Canada. Or maybe we can all just go to all the concerts! Grin

  49. little dutchess says:

    Yes! to “maybe we can go to all the concerts!” Wouldn’t that be something?

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