- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Thanks to Adam Lambert, I can now cross watching pig races off my bucket list!
More on Phoenix later. I just arrived home an hour ago.
I’ve spent the day on RL, finally came back to see the vids and what do I see? CWM had a magical encounter! Woot and double woot! I am so happy for you, cherie! and I totally get your tweet that you would love the oppy to just sit next to him on a plane ride to

shoot the shitchat.I think a lot of us feel that way, and you got pretty close to the dream!
I can’t think of anyone in the fandom that I would rather have speak for/represent me, no worries on that account!
I enjoyed every minute of the time we spent together in DC – and am looking forward to the time we will meet again. In the meantime, I was delighted to squee for you as I read your tweets!
Such wonderful good fortune!
OMG cwm, while adamized and I were driving around the airport maze trying to find the out post also known as the rental car center, you were having our fantasy Adam encounter. If we had only known, we would have just ditched the car at the curb and followed you into the airport. I am so happy for you! And I know you represented all of us so well. As I promised, I watched the mic action in Pop That Lock about 40 times already. Thank you goatie for capturing it so beautifully. I’m still running on post concert adrenaline, but must try to sleep so I can drag myself out of bed for work tomorrow. More on Phoenix later.
Just got home from my last night of film festival. Watching vids and squeeing with cwm for her wonderful airport encounter.
That is a fan’s dream come true. I’m proud of you for holding it together, honestly.
That show last night looked and sounded like the Adam we all crave, just loose and happy and dancey and talky. He also was quite the songbird. Riffing and changing it up all over the place. We haven’t seen him really belt it out like that in a while. Most of his shows lately have been very controlled. To be honest, not since Queenbert on July 14th, or Fantasy Springs has he been “on fire” lie this. IMHO.
Gaaaaah. You lucky dogz!!
OMG you guys! I have had the most awesome 24 hours! I see that word of my tweets about my amazing Adam encounter at the airport made its way here. Sorry it took me so long to get here, but it’s been a busy day!
So after working my butt off for the past few months and getting successfully through 3 huge deadlines, I decided that this trip would be a great way to do something nice for myself. Little did I know how truly fabulous it would be!
First, the ten of us there from ALL had an awesome time together. What a wonderful group of people you all are! It was a privilege and a joy to enjoy that awesome show with you and hang out before and after it together!
Second, the show was truly amazing! Adam was totally on fire! The singing, the dancing, the lulz, the banter, the joy. All of it! And the whole band really brought it. The energy coming off that stage was off the charts. And the way he looked? Wowweewowweewowwee Could.not.have.been.better.
Third, the airport! OOMMGGGG!!
Well, ok, twist my arm.
BRB this may take me a little bit of time, but I’ll give you the play by play.
Oooooh!!! cwm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have to go to bed, but….you bet your sweet bippy I’ll be checking in tomorrow ASAP!!
Take your time.
Details. Need lots of details….
((( Thank you. Thank You. Thank You )))
My encounter with Adam at the Phoenix airport, Part 1:
As I was walking out of security, I walked right by the place where Brian was finishing security. What luck! I paused and said hi to him and told him that it was a great show and that we had so much fun. There was one other fan there too (a young gal) telling him the same thing. He smiled and said thank you to both of us, that they all had a lot of fun too, thanks for coming, etc. Then I walked on outside of security and into the hallway.
Then it occurred to me. Wait a minute. If Brian is going through security, then maybe…
I paused a moment against the wall to consider my options. I dug into my purse and located my CD cover and sharpie pen, and moved them to an easy-to-access spot. Just in case.
Then I looked up and there he was – Adam! Walking slowly about 10 feet away, then he paused, waiting for Brian I guess.
He was wearing his black baseball cap, sunglasses, black shorts, black long-sleeved shirt, black backpack, and then the kicker – his black rubberized boots with the white soles and floppy tops. OMG he looked wonderfully goofy!
BTW, his hair on the sides and back of his head, peeking out from under that bb cap, is VERY short! That’s all I could see of his hair. With the sunglasses and hat he really does look different. I think if he hadn’t been wearing the boots, I just might have missed him. Of course, it helped to have seen many airport pics of him with the hat and sunglasses on, so that helped me recognize him. But BB was reasonably well disguised. Well, except for those boots! LOL
(to be continued)
My encounter with Adam at the Phoenix airport, Part 2:
I quietly approached him.
Me: “Hi Adam. That was a great show last night! We had so much fun! Thank you.”
Adam: Sweet smile. “Aww thanks! Thanks for coming. It was fun for us too.”
Me: “Good! Cuz we had a blast! Would you mind singing my CD cover?”
We walked over toward the wall so that we were out of the middle of the walkway. Handed my CD booklet to him. Yay for being prepared!!
Adam: “Sure. Do you have a pen?”
Me: “Sure. Here you go.” (Yay again for being prepared! Handed him the pen, he signed the booklet, handed it back to me.)
Me: “Thank you. You make me so happy. I hope you realize how happy you make all of us.” Looking straight at him.
Adam: “Awww, yeah, thanks.” (or something like that)
Me: “I hope it makes YOU happy, too.” Looking straight at him, smiled.
Adam: “Oh yeah, it does. And tired too, as you can tell.” (little chuckle)
He did look and sound tired. A little hoarse. Calm, low energy. I noticed he was unshaven.
Me: “Yeah – that was a lot of energy you put out last night!”
He agreed. I thanked him again, we smiled and said goodbye.
I started down the moving walkway. I had the sense that Adam was somewhere behind me but I wasn’t sure where and I didn’t want to turn around and look. So when I got to the end of the walkway, I paused (ostensibly) to adjust my bags (and of course to casually check out where Adam and Brian were.)
(to be continued)
My encounter with Adam at the Phoenix airport, Part 3:
Moments later Adam and Brian came off the moving walkway and walked right by me while I casually fiddled with my bag. LOL We were all walking in the same direction toward my gate, me only a few feet behind them. Adam was texting on his phone while walking. I admired his bare legs from behind, coming up out of those crazy boots.
It slowly began to dawn on me that he and Brian might actually be going to the same gate as me! I was flying to Burbank because I was tacking a visit to my parents onto the end of this trip, and it dawned on me that he and the band just might be flying into Burbank instead of LAX.
Adam and Brian peeled off just before my gate to stop in at a Starbucks. I went on to my gate and strategically positioned myself so that I could see down the hallway. Lo and behold, a couple of minutes later, Tommy, Ashley, and Reyna came walking right past me, so I leaned toward them and told them it how much fun the show was and thanked them. They smiled broadly, thanked me back, and said it was a lot of fun. I realized later that I forgot to wish Tommy a happy birthday. Doh!
But they kept on walking down the hallway past my gate, so now I wasn’t so sure which flight they would all be on…
(to be continued)
Good AZ State Fair concert review (by Cook’s fan.)
S/he is Eilonwy at mjs.
cmw, I was on the road all day (11 hour trip) and thought to quickly check in here now I’ve arrived.
What an unbelievable time you’ve had! Sooo glad for you, and thanks for the play by play, I’m really enjoying it.
Bet you won’t be able to sleep.
My encounter with Adam at the Phoenix airport, part 4:
Of course, all this time my mind is going a million miles an hour and I’m squeeing inside with exclamations of how insanely lucky I am, running through my options and possibilities, and shaking my head at my good fortune, but wanting to play it cool and be totally respectful of Adam and his privacy. Clearly he wanted to be incognito and I wanted to help him keep it that way. But what if?? What if we’re on the same flight??
A few minutes later, Adam and Brian emerged from Starbucks and came to my gate, and stopped about 8 feet from me, just standing there. OMG! He’s on my flight!! Ok, now’s my chance, this is the moment. I took a deep breath and quietly re-approached him.
Me: Smiling, “Well, Adam, since it appears to be my lucky day, can I give you a hug?”
Adam: Smiled. “Oh sure!” {{{hug}}}
Me: While hugging him, fully appreciating the moment: “Thank you.”
Adam: While hugging back: “Of course. Cheers.”
(end hug) Me: “Cheers.” [no discernible scent, BTW. LOL]
Adam: “Thanks for coming!”
Me: “Oh I will travel far to hear that voice and see you live on stage!”
Adam: Smiled sweet and purty. “Aww thank you.”
Me: “You guys have a good day.”
Adam and Brian: “You too.”
(Me: Calm and collected on the outside, squeeing and flailing on the inside!)
Then it was time to board the plane.
(to be continued)
review from the concert
I think this is from Eilonwy, the poster from MJ’s whose not really an Adam fan, so pretty good all in all
eta a couple of comments from the same person
Can’t help but think what a mega concert draw he would be if his label could get radio on board.
Given that a visibly large proportion of Lambert’s audience was in the target demographic for CHR (“Top 40” radio), I’m more puzzled than usual about why RCA can’t seem to get him on the radio in his proper format.
Short recap: I enjoyed the show. Lambert is a lively and polished performer with amazing vocals. Songs from Trespassing are infectiously danceable live, and the “Outlaws of Love” interlude was gorgeous.
[no discernible scent, BTW. LOL]
OMG CWM You just cracked me up!!

luval That was for you!!!
That’s such a great recap so far! Am loving it!!
Love this!
Thank you … Thank you … cwm for your great recap.
You’re sooooo deserved this HAPPINESS.
And I’m soooo grateful that you survived the encounter and come to tell all the glamberts and make us happy.
HK fan, I’ve read that review from Eilonwy too. Great review!!
Could you post it at mjs?
I did earlier at the dead thread which headline fell off first page already.
I’d love for other people to read this review.
It’s 2:40 am here and I’m going to bed.
My encounter with Adam at the Phoenix airport, part 5:
We moved over to the boarding line and I was right behind Adam and Brian. Their group (first class) was called first, so they went on ahead. My group was called next.
As I entered the plane, Adam was sitting in the first row of first class, on my left, aisle seat. He was looking down at something (phone maybe? Can’t remember) as I walked past. It was all I could do to restrain myself from touching his shoulder as I walked past him.
Brian was sitting in the first row behind the bulkhead, on my left, aisle seat. I did give him a little pat on the shoulder as I walked by and smiled. He looked up, smiled back.
I took my seat, still flailing at my good fortune to be trapped in the same space and be sharing the same air as Adam for the next 1.5 hours! Wooohooo!
A few minutes later, Tommy, Ashley, and Reyna came on board. They were spread out all throughout coach – Tommy and Ashley several rows in front of me, but not together, and Reyna several rows behind me. As Reyna walked by, I commented to her that I liked her new hair color. Let me tell you, Tommy’s purple hair really stands out on the flight full of “normal folks.” His whole look is not something you normally see on an airplane!
I had originally planned on sleeping during the flight, but there was no way I was going to sleep now. I had a great line of sight to the back of Adam’s head sticking up over the back of his seat! So of course I had to keep an eye on it. LOL
Occasionally I would look around to see if I could see Tommy’s, Ashley’s, Brian’s, or Reyna’s heads sticking up beyond their seat backs, but I never could see them. But I was able to see the back of Adam’s head for the whole flight. So I stared at it. Yes, I did. And smiled to myself, hardly believing that it was really him, on the same airplane as me.
(to be continued)
Mils, glambotgram, turquoisewaters, riskylady….fellow shallow peeps! Check this out!! Is the corner large enough for this?
cwm I smiled through every minute of your recap and since I have met you in person I could see the whole thing happening. And your short conversation with Adam was just so perfect. In addition to talking about what he gives us, the great show and how happy he makes us, you talked to him on a personal level with the comment about hoping that it makes him happy too, and he responded on a personal level. It was a real personal interaction. You were so respectful while still making sure that you got what you wanted. Good for you. Makes me so proud of you. I remember in London when you were sitting in the same row as Leila, you made sure to tell her something nice as you passed her on the way out.
After the pressure that you have been under for the past few months, the timing was perfect, and this should tide you over for a while. It is good that you could tweet and come here to flail. I can’t imagine that your parents could have had any idea of what you were feeling.
weird, I thought I refreshed the page before posting that review, but when I came back here after a wee nap, there’s all these other posts that weren’t there before….
asif, I can’t post it now, just came on my laptop for 10 mins before I go out, and for some reason I can’t sign into MJ’s from my laptop anymore. I can still sign in from the home computer but it takes ages as I have to go through so many steps. Will check later to see if anyone has done it, if not I’ll try it then. (I thought it was a bit strange that MJ’s didn’t have any mention of Adams concert, I wasn’t expecting its own thread but I couldn’t even find a mention in the headline threads).
cwm, thanks for the recaps, they were perfect. I could feel and ‘see’ everything as you were describing it. I just can’t imagine how I would react in the same situation, although I know I wouldn’t handle it as well as you did.I hope it gives you many good dreams and stories to tell for a long time.
My encounter with Adam at the Phoenix airport, part 6 (the last installment):
As were getting off the plane in Burbank, I patted the back of Adam’s empty seat as I walked by it, just cuz I could. LOL In the Burbank airport baggage claim, I just hung back at a distance as Adam and the band waited. Adam’s big blue suitcase was one of the first ones out, and he and the driver grabbed it. I did notice one funny little detail: the sign that the driver was holding to identify Adam had some goofy name on it like “A***** M*****,” or something like that. I didn’t get a real good look at it so don’t remember the exact last name. But the first name was definitely A*****. LOL! Then Adam said goodbye to Ashley and Brian, and off he went with Tommy, Reyna, and the driver to the car. I mentally said goodbye to him and moved on to deal with my own stuff and find my parents.
So there ends my story of “MY BEST FLIGHT EVER”!
This was such a wonderful opportunity to watch Adam, from a distance, just be a regular guy. I was the only person who appeared to recognize him; I was certainly the only person who approached him. So he was relaxed and everything was calm. It takes an interesting process in my head to reconcile the fact that the Adam I saw and interacted with at the airport is the same person as this Adam http://twitpic.com/b4sb41 or this Adam http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-1AAjyWtO0pM/UIDEGSWCIqI/AAAAAAAAInI/LQFpwEwYTlg/s1600/GIF+AZ+PTL+MIC+STAND+lilybop.gif! He is a man of so many colors.
He was friendly and polite and gracious with me. But it was also clear that he was tired and was just trying to be a normal guy at the airport. That’s why I didn’t ask for a photo with him. I felt like it would be intrusive, given the circumstances. I was very cognizant of not wanting to overstep a boundary with him, to be very respectful of his privacy and his space. Plus, I was by myself, so who was I going to ask to snap the photo? Brian? It turns out that my phone was dead anyway, although I didn’t know it at the time. Hah. It’s ok, though, cuz an autograph, a hug, and a brief chat felt like more than enough!
It’s funny. I travel a fair amount. And when I’m at an airport, sometimes I find myself wondering what it would be like if I saw Adam at an airport and plot what I would do. And then today it happened! When I’m on an airplane, sometimes I find myself wondering what it would be like to be on the same flight as Adam. And then today it happened! When I very occasionally have gotten lucky and been upgraded to business class, I have wondered what it would be like to sit next to him on a plane and just be able to
shoot the shitchat with him, or, just sit next to him for a while. Eeep! That’s my next dream!So, yeah. It was pretty damn great. And I felt so freakin’ lucky! As I told a couple of people on twitter, I felt like I had won the lottery. I had a big smile on my face all day and felt energized, just from a couple of minutes with Adam and a hug and an autograph, and couple of hours of looking at the back of his head. Amazing, isn’t it?
Thanks for listening and being patient with my multiple, long posts. It’s been fun to write it down. And thank you also for all of your wonderful, supportive reactions to my story! You’re all making me smile all over again!
cwm… Thank you for your glorious recap and for taking the time to share every detail with us. I admire you for holding it all together and handling the situation just perfectly with Adam. I’m not so sure I would have been so rational and sane given the same circumstances. LOL
So, do we now call him A****** — very clever actually. I love how they included the A for Adam, the …. Classic!!
*Edited by AL
Ya know, from the picture of the “family” that Keisha tweeted and Adam re-tweeted, I’m pretty sure they were all up late last night partying at their hotel to celebrate Tommy’s birthday and say goodbye to Keisha (temporarily) as she leaves for a couple of months to tour with Nicki Minaj. I think that’s part of the reason Adam was so tired today. Because now that I think about it, he definitely wasn’t the only person who looked tired. Everyone in the troupe looked sleepy, too. Especially Tommy! LOL
OMG dcglam! You cracked the code for A*****! Of course!! So clever! Good for you – my brain did not put 2 and 2 together.
ETA: removed
funny tweet from cwm
Some more gifs, including Ashley backing it up
*Edited by AL
@cwm : thank you for giving such a descriptive report about your multiple encounters with “A******”.
Maybe it is indeed a great example of the “law of attraction” in which your wish to the universe has been granted… and you were prepared for the encounter… the CDcover, the pen, whatever you want to say to Adam so that you show that you are also concerned about how Adam feels…
And when you asked for that hug… awwwww…. that hug is worth more than a 1000 pictures !!!
*Edited by AL
So I finally have a little connection to Adam……..my dads name was A******
Goatie, your videos are the best, thank you. I have just watched Chokehold and Broken English, just wow……I love it when he gets so into the music and starts riffing.
*Edited by AL
@HK fan, what strikes me from the review from Eilonwy is how she/he was thinking about how Adam’s music should be more promoted to danceclubs before promoting it to the “cruel and ever changing” world of the radio
cwm and the rest of you who brilliantly cracked the code, now that we have seen it, I think that you should delete it from the blog. We don’t know who is lurking and maybe he uses it in other circumstances, like hotels or places where he wishes to remain anonymous. We wouldn’t want it to get into the wrong hands would we? Just being careful.
It’s an anagram – all the letters of “Adam Lambert” re-arranged for a new name. That is a fun game: figuring out what aliases Adam might use in the future.
cwm I saw the tweets about a fan on the plane but had no idea it was you! Congratulations and many thanks for representing the fandom with dignity.
I read all of your posts in a row but the suspense was still killing me. A wonderful story, wonderfully told.
Oh cwm since I was the last one to hug you before Adam I am claiming an Adam hug once removed. I am so happy that you were the one to have this close encounter. Your approach, attitude, and wonderful energy must have been very soothing to our BB. I agree that his being tired was mostly due to post performance activities.
Our time in Phoenix was very brief but absolutely wonderful. Meeting more of the “glamily” was a real treat. Such generous and kind souls inhabit our blog.
Some observations from the show Mils style:
1. Cargo pants were actually knickers. Can see some bare skin once in awhile
2. BB has definitely gotten thinner. His little tummy seems to have disappeared.
3. luval approved of his hair TG!
4. We are leaning towards the theory that the vest has zip on/off yellow panels
5. The absence of Sauli is definitely giving BB an over the top sexual energy. He was ripe for picking Weds night
6. There were lots of really good empty seats. Our theory was that these were unsold stubhub type spots. Weird thing was that the ushers seemed to know when someone sat in one without the correct ticket and quickly kicked them back to their on seat. Very strange.
7. The venue had a space with speakers between the audience and the front of the stage of about 6ft. Adam seemed to miss not being able to touch anyone in the front row. This prompted him to lay down and get as close as possible to us.
8. A stuffed pig was thrown on stage at one point. Adam came over and swirled it around during one song. He had a funny WTF look on his face when he saw what it was.
9. After the concert we did some Adam hunting with no luck. We did get to meet AZGlamFan. This felt a bit like a celebrity citing to me since she goes to every one of Adam’s events and is such a huge supporter.
That’s all I can think of for now. Need to get ready for work. Rainy like cats and dogs here.
Good morning GLAMILY!!!
The word Glamily could never be more true than experiencing the most wonderful time the other night.
Have to go out of town in an hour to meet a couple of people for lunch so will recap later.
Jlurk…I am bringing a couple of Kiev cd’s. I think one of the ladies is a Queen fan.
Adamized…didn’t get home until 10:30pm last night!
Have to run…will see ya later.
ps…YAY for cwm!!!! She so deserved this!!!!
ETA: In an interview a bit ago they asked Adam what his nickname was. He said “M****”. So I think that’s where that came from.
*Edited by AL
Concert review
and pics
Good morning! I’m embarrassed but secretly proud to be the vid source for whoever made this gif and tweet. Children, avert your eyes
From Twitter: Only in this fandom. Because only Adam. Yup. A loop of him jacking off his microphone. http://youtu.be/TGrlUvggYwA
Retweeted by Hanna B
Dear goatiegarden,
Thank you so much for the videos!! They’re the best!! The quality and your camerawork are excellent! That is such a selfless and thoughtful thing to do and it’s wonderful of you to share them with us and the world!
cwm, your eloquent writing put me right there at the airport with you and also allowed me to board the plane! Talk about being in the right place at the right time. A once in a life time experience to have and to hold forever. Congratulations!!
So interesting about using the pseudonym at the airport but all celebrities never use their real names when traveling, booking hotels.
A friend was working at a hotel back in ’92 when Liza Minnelli checked in to begin work on the movie “Stepping Out” that was filmed here in Toronto. Oh, the stories about her! Sorry to say, not very flattering.
Anyway, you’d never know that Liza Minnelli was staying at the Sutton Place Hotel because the reservation was under the name “Dolly Madison”.
Very happy everyone arrived and returned home safely! Didn’t I post before you left that the dinner get together would be as much fun as the concert?! Sounds like you had a BLAST!
Who ordered the escargot?

rs – Last night, I turned it over in my head about whether or not to post the name the driver used. I decided to do it because I thought it was a randomly chosen name and that little harm would come of posting it. But in the light of day and having cracked the code, I agree with you that it should be removed to fully protect Adam’s future privacy. I deleted the name in all of my posts above and just left asterisks (***). I also deleted the tweet in which I referenced it.
Maybe the rest of us should just leave “A*****” or “M*****” instead, too…
Thanks for your clear thinking, rs!
goatiegarden, thank you for the wonderful videos. They are the best!
cwm, thank you for sharing your incredible story with us. I am living vicariously in your bliss! It’s like a fantasy come to life after an already awesome trip. It makes me happy that you had this encounter, and I think that we are all so proud of you for the respect you showed and for holding it together!
cwm, so glad to hear of your adventures in Adamland! You are one lucky ALLer!
goatie, thanks for the great videos!
I edited all the posts that had the goofy name and replaced it with A******. If I missed any please let me know.
Also, I moved some posts to be in their correct threads.
Thank you for taking the time to share it in all its deliciousness, and to serialize it to prolong our pleasure!
goatie, such wonderful vids! I’ll add my thanks for your gift of taking yourself a little bit out of the moment to record for us.

I just finished watching goatiegarden‘s videos and thank you very much for filming them! That certainly was a great concert
Funny, hot and really rocking!
And cwm, you really deserved your private Adam treat
You are always so respectful for him and do so much good for all the glamberts too. Thank you for your looong recap! When I was reading, I was thinking what is going to happen NEXT…
cwm I loved, loved, loved your recap on your meeting with the beautiful one. Darn, and I was going to offer to carry your bags for you.
re: pseudonym – I have a 3 times removed “connection” with his hair stylist. He uses a pseudonym on the books but always a different one. The other stylists in the salon never know when he is coming in until he shows up.
Thanks for sharing that cool little tidbit, retjenny!
Short recap:
Got to Phoenix about 3pm Tuesday. I was so hungry (I don’t eat or drink on a plane) that I didn’t even want to check-in at the hotel but drove to the IHOP right around the corner. Called jlurk who was with ladybugs, JOJOSI, retjenny & Mr retjenny. jlurksacto was the only one I had met before so meeting the others was wonderful. We had a bite to eat then I finally checked it. Our plan was to all meet at 7pm in the hotel lobby (this lobby was our best friend during the whole event). Finally mmm222 and adamized arrived after hassles with the rental car. We all went out to dinner at a lovely Mexican place. Fun fun times & I got to know everyone a little better.
Concert day: We had breakfast at the hotel and chatted forever while Adamized & mmm222 were at the pool. Adam’s ears must have been ringing. Then cwm arrived! She checked in and we decided to have a late lunch before heading out to the fair. Went to Applebee’s & it was great. We had a private room for all 10 of us even without reservations. Jlurk was able to give us a little music with his phone. Very nice lunch music.
We were going to do some outdoor sightseeing but it was really too hot. But the day was moving on and some of us decided to go to the fair. Yes, fair food, fair exibitions. More like a county fair than state fair. Finally…the show!
Adamized had to get her will/call tickets which worked out fine and there we ran into Glamberthaf28 in all her Trespassing glory outfit! I really admire her! She looked great. Sought out our seats…they were all pretty good. Goatiegarden arrived at the venue and had a great spot for taking videos. Like Ron said, gotta give her props for doing this. It is very hard to film (especially with someone like me pounding on her arm flailing…in Paris). The show was awesome. He’s getting better and better. He looked fantastic and the hair blew me away!! And he’s soooooo thin and limber.
After the show we all went to IHOP again. As you see food is very important! Had fun again and then we scattered to our hotel. Ladybugs & I had to get up at 4:30am to catch our respective planes. I was probably near the gate where cwm & Adam were but was focused on my own flight. And guess who was on my flight? The guy with the grey hair that brought Adam his water and was with him in Shanghai & New Zealand. He’s with Adam when Dana is not there. People say he’s the SONY guy but am not sure. He was flying to Philadelphia ( jingle ball negotiations perhaps)? When a seat opened up next to him at the gate I discretely sat down next to him. I was ready to say something but then the flight was called to board! I wouldn’t have mentioned Adam but would have loved to see if he was open to music biz talk. Oh well.
Anyway, it was a wonderful wonderful time! If I didn’t say a proper goodbye to my glamily I am now. Coming together for Adam is an absolute joy. cwm…hope you got some sleep after the noise I made in the early am. It turned out wonderful for you anyway!!
So until next time…and I hope it’s sooner than later…thank you all who shared those couple of days of extreme fun!
luval I was so happy to have your recap of the event…and delighted that you of all people were satisfied with the hair!!!
And I just love all these sightings of Adam’s professional peeps.

HeeHeee, does this get me dibs on videographer job?
Thanks, Kradamour! Wish you were there!
Want to add I finally got to ride in the infamous Prius that makes it’s way across continents to assist peeps in their quest to see Adam! Thanks, jlurk!
And cwm, am very glad you did the sniff test. That was very important to me also.

Goatie…I would say a big yes!!!!
Who ordered the escargot?
Lol Ron Last time I checked IHOP hadn’t put escargot on the menu yet.