- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
11h11 hours ago
Since my YT account has been terminated, I’ll start a new channel.
Beginning of it is for a memory of Avicii… @adamlambert – Lay Me Down Live Playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6tTMYPmDBkL0OyPjnDZXvoSblOwb7C8A … via riddle601c #RIPAvicii
Verified account @adamlambert
11h11 hours ago
Replying to @DLanceBlack
Congratulations guys!!!!
(Dustin Lance Black
Verified account @DLanceBlack
20h20 hours ago
DADS to be! Surprise #BabyShower!
18h18 hours ago
Nice memories from the past… how time flies! From TOH Helsinki. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bh109_9hmEJ/
I have never been able to navigate around Adamtopia the few times I’ve tried it, used to post a lot of 24/7, then it got harder, and would only let me make comments under my own name not an alias, so stopped going there.
You are right, HK fan. Just went over to 24/7 and it’s even more complicated to sign in and get an account for commenting. And Adamtopia is a very weird site. People seem to go to it quite a bit but all I see sometimes are desserts people post!
OT Speaking of sadly lost musicians, Prince’s estate just released this original footage of HIS first Nothing Compares to You, in his studio. This is the Prince I saw in concert back in 1993, dancing his ass off. Watch and weep (if you like Prince).
How can one email eywflyer???? I might be interested.
riskylady, you can go to the “contact the site admins” on the right side of this screen. I have an email I’ll send you. Not sure if it’s current though.
Hi ALL. I would gladly take over the blog if I was able to do so. For the past few years, I have been posting the threads and with ulti‘s help, keeping the concert threads alive. Eywflyer was still the one who ran the site doing his work behind the scenes. Unfortunately, at this time, I am not able to commit to taking on the added responsibility of ownership and maintenance.
I would still be able to help out with threads (or showing someone how to post them) if someone out there is willing to take on what eywflyer previously did.
riskylady, you can email eywflyer by selecting “Contact the site admins” under the “Need Help?” heading in the right hand column.
Like the rest of you, I was very saddened to learn of eywflyer’s decision to terminate his role in this blog, even though I certainly understand his reasoning. But we can’t let it die! I know that fewer people have been actively posting lately, including me, but there are so many people who enjoy checking in often. Aside from the Adam news (I am not a tweeter, so I depend on the others who sift through tweets to bring us news) and the very well organized concert and performance threads, ALL has become a community of like minded glamberts. Like HK fan, kiwi, and others who live far away, this is the only place I can go to when I want to feel close to others who share the same love, or when I need to share something, like the times I heard Adam’s songs in a store, or the QAL sign I saw in Portugal. While I am in closer touch with some of you and have some emails, if the site is closed how will we plan gettogethers at concerts or plan to meet one another if we are traveling near where we know that one of us lives? I have a dream of one day going to New Zealand, and planned to get in touch and try to meet up with kiwi.
We have only been given a week’s notice, and that is a very short time. Risky, it would be fantastic if you could do it, but if not, maybe someone has a computer savvy kid or other relative. They don’t have to like Adam or read the blog. I understand that it is mostly administrative. If there are costs involved, we could pitch in like we have done in the past. I wonder if there is any money left over from the earlier fund.
It will be a very sad day if we lose this dear community. Fingers crossed that we can save it.
Ok, thanks AL, ulti, luval, rs, everyone. I’ll contact eywflyer today. If AL, ulti can continue to help it will certainly make things better. Will let you all know what happens.
Love you guys!!
I’ll gladly pitch in $$$, just don’t have time or tech skills
Losing this community would be very hard after all these years!!
Love you ALL
I’ll be back after I have resuscitated myself!!!!
Too much traumatic and drama … as if.

6m6 minutes ago
VIDEO ROTATED FROM @adamlambert instagram story Pharaoh! “SUNDAY FUNDAY” So cute! Relaxing ?
Here’s the original
OK … I feel better now.
And I agree with mils here .. pitch in the fund and don’t mind scrolling and looking at the ads if we have to in order the help with the cost.
I’m in, riskylady –
I have time to help out with some tasks, I would just need instruction and a specific thing to do. I don’t have the know how to do it all but I could help with something.
I have a lot to post but no time for it right now. The kids are coming to visit at any minute soon.
Before that I want to thank each and everyone of you here … up-keepers, posters and lurkers for making this a great place of our beautiful friendship and wealth of all things Adam. (Sorry .. My English!!! )
I feel guilty that I took this place for granted before.
I’ll be better. I’ll post more and I’ll help out whatever I can if you ask me to.
Gotta go. LOVE YOU ALL!!!
Dr. Brian May
Verified account @DrBrianMay
16m16 minutes ago
Just posted a photo https://www.instagram.com/p/Bh4ku94hLGL/
I’m in for the $$$ too.
Both Sauli & Adam posting doggo instagram stories today.
“Avicii death a coming-of-age in electronic music boom”
“Backstage at Coachella, Nile Rodgers recalls the ‘Lay Me Down’ studio session with ‘little brother’ Avicii and Adam Lambert”
Thought I’d post this beautiful picture
Well, here’s a description of Ada singing TSMGO on Idol, from yesterday’s taping. Withholding judgement for now, but seriously doubt the tone (or height) of high notes could ever match this: https://youtu.be/5a6kzuhnEvs
Oh, and feathers, like flying? I really hope Ada can have a career, but some originality in song choices would probably be a better path. Songs Adam sings or sang, just because she thinks range will do it, hasn’t worked for others. Adam’s tone can’t be matched, especially in high notes.
You guys trying to out
I’m also happy to add to the funds and offer help if needed, with instructions. Pretty sure I could learn what to do.
My time is limited at the moment dealing with family issues but can be available in the future if that helps any.
I dont have a lot of money,lol on SS, but I will be more than happy to send a few bucks, to keep this site going. I love reading anything about Adam, and with the new tour coming up and new album supposedly I just can miss out on anything.
riskyladyThanks for that Ada song description for tonight’s Idol. I do believe audience voting starts tonight. That should be interesting to see if a drag queen gets through with audience votes.
Didn’t think you’d notice the out
-ing, nkd 
Dr. Brian May
Verified account @DrBrianMay
12m12 minutes ago
The end of a perfect day ! Hammersmith Bridge against the sunset. But I’m already half way down… https://www.instagram.com/p/Bh4wRWMh3eQ/
2h2 hours ago
BorneoBert Retweeted Obaby
Adam’s nephew and Danielle’s niece have the same birthday! A and D are so bonded.
Adam liked and commented Danielle’s posts https://instagram.com/p/Bh4N-36A_JU/ https://instagram.com/p/Bh4SOACgrmo/
Little Remy
That red banner was scary when I first saw it, and now thanks to all the constant ALLers it seems there might be some hope. I can definitely contribute money, and if there is something else that risky or someone else can assign me to do, I will. Not many tech skills, but perhaps could learn a few?
Anyway, I am guilty of coming here almost daily, reading all the news and clicking on the links that others have provided, but not posting very often. So, I can at least do that more.
(can’t be too much love, can there?) THANK YOU 
Risky, AL, ulti, asif, luval, mils, glambotgram, nkd,Miss Chaos,rs, and everybody else who shows up here to post and share:
Riskyady,Keeping everything crossed that you are able to help…
Me, too, HK fan, me too.
Ada Vox is singing TSMGO on Idol next.
Wasn’t as impressed as I thought I’d be with Ada.
Ada was good, but far from knocking it out of the park – have checked her YTs and she’s done some fine work – there was a beautiful performance of a Christmas song, in particular –
Good but no cigar! I’m spoiled by Adam.
I’ll wait for Journee to sing. I like her very much. She could be the only one I’ll vote.

It’s a wrong choice of song for Journee. I’m disappointed.
But still love her.
The judges are too nice and kind to everyone.
Poor them though. From the past judges got criticized a lot. And now they have the mentality of damn if they do and damn if they don’t.
I enjoy idol this year. Judges are good.
Just not a fan of Ada. Her voice is nice at times but to me it’s mostly shouty.
There are a few I like this season but I’ve not been blown away by anyone tonight.
Jumping back a bit, I would like to say that I do post occasionally but mostly I am a lurker of this blog. I have been following it since it originated. MJ provided us space to be crazy fans but then told us we would have to give up our space. I think Mils and I were there the last time and “shut out the lights and locked the door” and cried a bit as we didn’t know then what would happen to all of us.
Like a miracle EyFlyer stepped up and created a new space for us. We were determand to post only positive things. I think that with all that Ey did and then when AL stepped in and again saved the blog we have been very happy and successful in creating a space where we could follow Adams’ career without knocking anyone else. And how lucky we have been to have other Glamberts to make friends with and share our interest and
over the top talented, lovely young man.
I hope all we lurkers like check in and let everyone know that there are many of us that read this bloc every day and would be lost without.
Thanks for letting me ramble on.
I did not realize this until today. Peter Dyer who was the keyboard player for TOH tour is the house keyboard player on American Idol. I follow him on instagram and saw this:
I thought he looked familiar but this verified it for me.
Adam’s IG about his nephew Remy’s birthday
Hi retjenny. Hope everything can be worked out and we still have a place to chat together!
OMG! Adam’s IG of Remy is so adorable!
Do you suppose Adam gave him that jacket?!!! So cute!
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert
Excited for @WestworldHBO season 2 premiere!!!