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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert
tech complaint: I got the iPhone7 which emphasizes Bluetooth as the main audio source. Why all the audio latency when watching any video?
nova || 109 @ariesleto
i’ll take a tech complaint over music shoutouts any day
Lovin’ the replies –
The new @goldfrappmusic Silver Eye album is so sexy. I love that it reminds me of their earlier electronic work– a sonic delight.
So if you remove the audio side from the Lightning connector then we get easy MIDI back, right? Apple believe in a wire-free future and are pushing their awesome new AirPods as the perfect wireless audio solution for their devices. This does indeed release the Lightning port for charging and other duties but brings with it the whole issue of Bluetooth audio latency. The time taken for Bluetooth to covert audio, transmit it, receive it and render it into analogue audio we can hear takes a significant amount of time. This can vary between around half a second and 100ms at best.”
Looks like he’s stuck with it –
Jennifer ♕ @iMenageTrois
Replying to @adamlambert
I hear updating us on your album progress fixes the problem
Look into the sunglasses – first the pair of ripped jeans, then holding the iPhone 7 with both hands, and hi @adamlambert with driver lol ??
Dr. Brian MayVerified account @DrBrianMay 3m3 minutes ago
NEW VIDEO from Bri & @kerryjaneellis1 – Exclusive on @ClassicRockMag WATCH HERE ! http://bit.ly/2nvAWAP Bri
Debbie♈️ Aries Heart @SASpurs21Fan Apr 2
I have been on Twitter for 7 years and 9 months (since 2 Jul 2009).
And you?
Gelly @14gelly 2h2 hours ago
“@adamlambert didn’t need the crown to jumpstart his now-massive singing career” http://www.fuse.tv/2016/04/most-successful-american-idol-losers?utm_campaign=fuse&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&campaign=scl%7Ctwt%7Cfsc#5 …
Gelly @14gelly 2h2 hours ago
San Fransisco via Eileen Attridge
“@adamlambert came into my lounge today. Here’s his boot.” https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10154620182147123&set=a.10150279499382123.336524.548032122&type=3&theater …
That “current mood” IG of Adam’s is a mystery. Took me a few minutes to see it’s his ripped jeans leg. So how is that his current mood I wonder.
Anyone want to see Rufus on tour?
The DarknessVerified account @thedarkness Mar 31
Darling blighty. The time is now. Tickets on sale for the greatest tour of them all http://po.st/TheDarkness17 #thedarkness #uktour #albumV
The Today Show was playing We Will Rock You as background for the womens basketball championship this morning. Yup…a great sports anthem.
Adam’s snapchat video
TALCvids @TALCvids 7m7 minutes ago
Screencaps from Adam Lambert’s snapchat video “Possessed” ??
Obaby @ObabyGraf 3m3 minutes ago
Adam’s snapchat
The video
Rick RobertsVerified account @Rick93Q 2m2 minutes ago
Today’s #stupidfact – Vermont is the only state that doesn’t have a @Target.
Cutie Pharaoh can walk on two legs!
Nice fan video – spans career – pretty much chronologically – enjoyed it –
They knew nothing
Gelly @14gelly
Replying to @shoshannastone
Maybe you can contact on fb? This is the mom facebook.com/keichberg
and this is the person who wrote the message
Feel this criticism shouldn’t have been posted unless woman had the facts – would have been better, imo, to post a request rather than a complaint –
IamjustMissy @iamjustmissy
Replying to @14gelly
I still find this weird . I can not believe anyone would hv ignored it. She cant use FB or so asking help but she can to shame someone…
IamjustMissy @iamjustmissy
Replying to @14gelly
Now my question is: why that woman did not go to twitter before? I’m 100% glamberts wld hv picked it up. NOW she posts all over the place??
Gelly @14gelly
Replying to @iamjustmissy
imo twitter is not the place to talk about these things. She went trough his mgmt but I think she didn’t contact the right people.
lol –
I had a pulse before seeing this photo ????
Adam Lambert – Cute Moments ?
Adam, unfortunately, liked these –
couldnt help it, watching old interviews again ❤❤
✨? ? Last year 4.1.2016 @adamlambert hq photo released and my edit on that day
ulti … More of the rumor of Q+AL in Europe.
You are The Light! ✨
New Chibi!!
Must be an old photo!
Adam’s IG
Just watched that fan video, ultimathule. Good one.
♥ Adam.Lambert is ♔ @FoxVegas
Adam Lambert’s message for Kaldyn, a little boy who is very ill… ??
PinkSatelliteStudios @Pink_Satellite 12h12 hours ago
Spike Edney announces launch of new #recordingstudio #location in #Joshuatree CA, which co-founder Chris Haines, @Pink_Satellite
Lilybop @lilybop2010 47m47 minutes ago
? Adam Lambert – Lock me up with love? short fan video by Krista Eddie
One person’s view – not the Inquisitr’s – dated April 3, but some of it seems familiar –
Наталья @kuchelkova 1h1 hour ago
Favorite photo. You only look at his eyes …
Killing me softly @adamlambert
lol…he did it! Tattoo on his calf! Pharaoh
NoAngel @NoAngelPF 6m6 minutes ago
Wow! RT @hooplamagnet: adamlambert’s photo https://instagram.com/p/BSg-j_YgOJz/
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes
I think I like it.
dasleitbild @adamlambert One of the biggest blessings in my job is the opportunity to meet interesting/inspiring ppl https://www.instagram.com/p/BSg8Ddwg2uV/
Gelly @14gelly
Gelly Retweeted Gelly
The pic from the tattoo artist is bigger fi you’re interested
D/L https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/17817722_1419341278124139_7320999625521889280_n.jpg …
New snapchat
Well, the likelihood of our seeing much of it, luval, of course, is pretty slim – but, if had to have a tattoo, prefer the abstract more – but good to see that theme carried through with Pharaoh – at least it wasn’t one of the ones I put up a few pages back –
Always a little anxious during these down times – lol –
An F-16 military jet out of Andrews AFB just crashed about 10 miles away in Clinton, MD – pilot ejected – plane landed in woods between two housing areas – school nearby – pilot OK – lucked out here –
Maybe he’s going out. As some twitter’ers are saying last time he snapped from the sauna he went to Elton John’s party.
I don’t think he’ll regret this tat. Of course he says he doesn’t regret any of the others but I wonder…

timeofthepanky @enkypanky 3h3 hours ago
Adam finishes Save Me in the most impossible angelic way…?
*sigh… travelling to other reality planes*
ADAM LAMBERT DAILY @AdamL_Daily 8m8 minutes ago
INFO|”The movie will feature hits from @AdamLambert, @shakira, @rihanna.” #Ferdinand http://hollywood-spy.blogspot.it/2017/03/gorgeous-ferdinand-peaceful-bull.html …
Lotti @Lotti_V 11m11 minutes ago
Looking forward to the upcoming Queen & Adam Lambert North American Tour.
Tweets will be filled with joy. o/
DR STRINGS @drstrings Apr 4
Spotlight on DR Artist Ashley Dzerigian – literally! Ashley plays our Neon strings & has played for Adam Lambert and Filter among others.