- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Adam.Lambert is ♔ @FoxVegas 22m22 minutes ago
Hey, .@adamlambert. This is part of my coming out story, and I… https://www.facebook.com/AdamLambertFanClub/posts/10154668291654091 …
Gelly @14gelly 14m14 minutes ago
Ohh gorgeous! VIDEO @adamlambert Golf Cart life!
https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t50.2886-16/17971021_1695915753759041_4448002439659913216_n.mp4 …
Man steals over 100 cell phones at Coachella
TALCvids @TALCvids 2m2 minutes ago
adamlambert’s IG video: Loved the @ladygaga Coachella performance! https://instagram.com/p/BTAWh6PgmgU/
@ladygaga #coachella
Bad Romance –
@iam_Alisanporter @therealcarmit
“Katy Perry Wore Bunny Flats to Her Coachella Recovery Brunch”
Adam mention –
This one goes out to Stephen! We are both huge fans of @adamlambert and he was the nicest person ever in allowing me to take a quick pic…mostly cause I knew you’d die, Stephen!
Oh my gosh—I would have never known that was him!
crop –
No title ? feeling good watching Adam on a golf cart (Coachella Music Festival weekend)
Edits of IG –
press release from Queen
There are hundreds of announcements all over Europe & the UK. HK fan posted one. I’ll post one more of the major ones.
This one has a great write-up.
mmadamimadamm I’m sure will come out with a complete, very organized, alphabetical list of every single news outlet reporting this.
Cameron Van Sant @cameronvansant 11h11 hours ago
Just heard @adamlambert ‘s Ghost Town on the radio at Total Wine… Glad to hear it! Very under appreciated song! ?
Really great video interview of QAL & touring.
This is a new interview
The Lambrits @LambritsUK
Good resource keep checking for updates Queen and Adam Lambert Tickets, Concerts & Tour Dates 2017 via @Stereoboard http://www.stereoboard.com/queen-and-adam-lambert-tickets …
love that interview luval
One of the best, HK fan. Wonder when it was done? Adam’s blue jacket was on a previous interview quite a while ago. Maybe they knew of the forthcoming tour for this year & had to keep it a secret.
yes definitely done at the same time as the other interview clips, all in the same clothes, same set….same hairstyle…but hadn’t seen any of it before.
Here is the youtube of the interview
So no album out for Adam, how would timing work. And interesting what they said about Adam, maybe some of his songs, or even some new songs together?
My opinion…I think Adam’s team is re-thinking “album”. In this day & age streaming is what sells. If he can record maybe 3 or 4 songs, that may be enough to at least pick one that might be played. One has to break through. These days a song has to get millions upon millions of streams to make it to radio. It’s hard. Probably aiming for 2018 at this point.
I think we could safely say now, with these tours, that Adam is the biggest star to come out of Idol. Better known worldwide by more people in many more countries than any other. And the uptick in his YT vids is just wow! One AI audition has over 10 million, one Runnin’ just the music has 6.7 million views, GT heading for 85 million, IIHY and WWFM gaining. And mostly lovely comments!
Excited for Hollywood!!!
He has most of August, September and October free between tours, so I expect something of his then maybe. He’s been working at it. Maybe even a song before the tour start. Also, he might be at Nile’s gala the 29th, and that Out Loud thingy May 4th doing Outlaws of Love.
Rick RobertsVerified account @Rick93Q 4m4 minutes ago
Today’s #stupidfact – If you sneeze while driving at 70 mph, you will have traveled about 300 feet with your eyes closed.
Speaking for myself about QAL, my mindset is just to take it all in. It may be the last time, may never happen again. Hopefully Adam and his voice will be around for many years to come in whatever he decides to do.
Agree, luval! I feel so fortunate to experience this caliber of music performed by probably one of the greatest bands of all time, with such an extraordinary showman and vocalist. Can never get enough. And with their catalogue – the variety is just never ending! Surpasses any other artist out there IMHO.
OMG worst bold fail ever lol!!

Many new chibis. creativesharka is on the roll.
Angel_nDisguise @Angel_nDisguise
Here’s an updated Q+AL concert list if anyone needs it! (HQ DL link)
HK fan … Are you planning to go to the UK for QAL shows?
rs and a few ALL’ers here, Are you planning your trip now?
Today’s Press Release for Queen + Adam Lambert extended tour, also confirmed the touring band personnel:
The Queen + Adam Lambert touring band also features
Spike Edney on keyboards
Neil Fairclough on bass,
and Tyler Warren on percussion.
Tyler Warren, long-serving powerhouse drummer with The Queen Extravaganza joins joins the line-up on percussion, taking the place of Rufus Taylor, who will be busy touring with his own band, The Darkness.
So they’ve announced 21 locations for the UK/EU leg, but announcement says 25, so maybe 4 more to come…..
“Queen will rock on new ‘spectacular’ European tour”
Its amazing, isnt it?/!!!
?PeachyPrathi? @CoCoNUTZ4ADAM
Finland and Stockholm added –
“Queen and Adam Lambert announce European tour
“Queen + Adam Lambert announce UK and European tour”
Queen arrives in Finland with Adam Lambertin! [TR]
“Queen + Adam Lambert Friends Arena with new state of the art show!”
Well, seeing as how it was officially announced today, I can safely say… I’M GOING OUT ON THE ROAD WITH QUEEN THIS YEAR!!! US, UK, and Europe.
It’s been killing me to have to be tight lipped about it, but… HOLY SHIT! ?
2017 is mine ?????
“Queen + Adam Lambert Set More US Dates”
Queen + Adam Lambert in Bologna: how the nominal ticket [TR]