iHeart Red Carpet

The calm after the end of QAL in February didn’t last long – thank the universe – and the roll-out to TOH appears nicely underway. We had the Sunrise/AU interview on 3/18, followed by the MiniMTV one on 3/20, the Hunger Mag major Q&A (with spectacular pics by Rankin) on 3/24, Attitude Mag’s great article (sold-out, of course), ending up with the iHeart Red Carpet appearance. But the big news, of course, was the Ghost Town snippet and the interest it engendered. April looks to be even more interesting, with the single release on the 21st – good times ahead.

Enjoy the chat!

Adam Lambert will release his new single “Ghost Town”, which was co-produced by Max Martin, this Tuesday, April 21st at 12 midnight ET. [just after 11:59 PM Monday]

Visit adamofficial.com this Tuesday for the world premiere of “Ghost Town” and pre-order information for his upcoming album The Original High.

Ghost Town Lyric Video (4/21/15)

Ghost Town Video (4/28/15)


3,215 Responses to April 2015 Chat

  1. turquoisewaters says:

    Oh no, Roger behind again. 49.98% Keep voting peeps.

  2. asifclueless says:
  3. glambotgram says:

    you’ll do anything to give those red pants some time on screen!!

    Absolutely and I see nkd is right there with me.

  4. asifclueless says:

    ADAM LAMBERT ‏@adamlambert

    More from attitudemag


  5. nkd says:

    Absolutely and I see nkd is right there with me.

    Absolutely! Laugh

  6. sparkle says:

    Sweet Easter and Holiday Dreams, ALL!!

  7. nkd says:

    15 days til Ghost Town! We can make it!

    Don’t you think there will be some hint of the song before then? How will anyone know they want to buy it?

  8. sparkle says:

    Just back from a long weekend of watching volleyball so I’m a bit wiped out (did a lot of walking in Philly). I’ll get caught up tomorrow!!

  9. asifclueless says:

    Hi … sistasparkle! Heart Waving

    How are you and your DH doing?

  10. ultimathule says:

    “Performers can go on tour and sell merch. Songwriters in the age of Spotify and Pandora are out of luck.”


  11. ultimathule says:
  12. asifclueless says:

    10 minutes ago

    She keeps Moet et Chandon..
    Guaranteed to blow your mind..
    Wanna try?
    #queen #adamlambert #killerqueen #qal ##queenbert #moetetchandon #itsjustwater


  13. asifclueless says:
  14. rs says:

    Me, too, voting that is. It is sooooo close it is nerve-wracking. When I woke up Roger was just behind and now he is just ahead.

  15. asifclueless says:

    Hi … rs! Grin Waving

    Last time I voted Roger was at 50.18.

    I’ll wait to vote one more time and then go to bed.
    It’s really late here.

  16. rs says:

    Roger is now at 50.23% You have to look closely when you vote because sometimes Roger’s name is first and sometimes it is second.

  17. asifclueless says:

    Yes, I double check if I get the correct name and give a little time a couple minutes past my one hour to vote.
    Not many hours left till the closing.
    (This poll closes April 7, 2015, at 10:00AM ET. You can vote once an hour until then!)

    Next shift … Please.
    Hope to get good news tomorrow when I get up. Grin

    Good Night … Dear! Yawn Sleepy

    Sweet Easter and Holiday Dreams, ALL!!


  18. asifclueless says:
  19. asifclueless says:

    Steve Allen @SteveAllen75

    @DrBrianMay Please release a blu ray of the tour with @adamlambert. Youtube clips just dont do it justice.

  20. skaschep says:

    HK-fan Thanks for the duet with Cindy Lauper on Mad World. Absolutely loved it. Got Goosebumps all over my body. His voice is so beautiful with that song.

  21. luval says:

    Can’t see clearly on my iPhone but I believe this is Donny Osmond


  22. TLKC says:

    Just got up and voted for Roger. He’s at 50.9%. YAY! I guess the UK moved the vote up for Roger during the last few hours. More Rush fans here and the day is young.

    Yes, I double check if I get the correct name and give a little time a couple minutes past my one hour to vote.

    That’s what I do asif. Keeping the window open on my pc and checking in for a second at the right time.

  23. rs says:

    Roger must know that he has massive support from the Glamberts, right? And that we are a force to be reckoned with Laugh

  24. TLKC says:

    Yes, rs. Which is why I am voting via phone and pc at the moment. I know that Adam has stopped the clock at 29 for most of us but when it comes to online polls, I think we might be revisiting our adolescence. Laugh

  25. HK fan says:
  26. ultimathule says:
  27. ultimathule says:
  28. TLKC says:

    Yikes! Roger and Neil Peart are neck and neck.

  29. luval says:

    Roger is behind. Haven’t been able to vote (am at work) for the last couple of hours but think I can start up again. iphone & pc.

  30. luval says:

    Did anyone watch the Backstreet Boys story on VH1 over the weekend. It was pretty good. Narrated in their own words. Talked about working with Max Martin years ago and how he made them “sing different”. Very nasally. Had nothing bad to say about him. Watch this if it’s repeated.

  31. turquoisewaters says:
  32. Cait1602 says:
  33. Miss Chaos says:

    Voted, its so close, by one vote maybe?

  34. sparkle says:

    Voted – Roger is up 50.02%! Let’s go, ALL’ers!!

  35. nkd says:

    I think this vote is going to be decided in the last seconds.

  36. jlurksacto says:

    Five seconds ago Roger 50.04%

    Mailman just dropped of the “Attitude” magazine.
    Very nice!!!

  37. luval says:

    and Roger ahead by a hair.

  38. luval says:

    So I just e-mailed 5 people with the link and demanded they vote. Smile Even my drummer friend who just might like Neil peart better. Don’t think so, though.

  39. luval says:

    jlurk you always get your magazines first!

    Just thought of another person who will vote.

    cait, that was a beautiful youtube you posted earlier!

  40. Cait1602 says:

    Guys…my mind went in total offline. He just killed my brain with one sentence. That song is going to blow our minds away. Literally

    ADAM LAMBERTVerified account
    15 days until #GhostTown

  41. jlurksacto says:

    “Now I know my heart is a Ghost Town.”

  42. TLKC says:

    I’ve been voting hourly.

    FYI – I don’t like snippets. They just make me nervous. Just give me the whole song already.

  43. sparkle says:

    WOW – If I hadn’t heard the snippet here, I don’t think I would have recognized Adam’s voice. But I LOOOOOVVVVVEEEEE IT!!!!! Now how long until the two snippets are put together – I predict in less than an hour!!

  44. Cait1602 says:
  45. skaschep says:

    Looooove the snippet!

    I have a feeling that the order of the snippets is the other way around though.

  46. nkd says:

    I just got a picture, no snippet and Cait’s link isn’t opening for me either.

    ETA It played in the IG app.

  47. Cait1602 says:


    Hope the YT linke will work — sorry guys Frown

  48. luval says:
  49. luval says:

    Music Note Music Note Music Note Music Note Music Note And now I know my heart is a Ghost Town Music Note Music Note Music Note

  50. nkd says:

    Thanks guys! It played in the Instagram app. Not playing through Twitter for me.

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