iHeart Red Carpet

The calm after the end of QAL in February didn’t last long – thank the universe – and the roll-out to TOH appears nicely underway. We had the Sunrise/AU interview on 3/18, followed by the MiniMTV one on 3/20, the Hunger Mag major Q&A (with spectacular pics by Rankin) on 3/24, Attitude Mag’s great article (sold-out, of course), ending up with the iHeart Red Carpet appearance. But the big news, of course, was the Ghost Town snippet and the interest it engendered. April looks to be even more interesting, with the single release on the 21st – good times ahead.

Enjoy the chat!

Adam Lambert will release his new single “Ghost Town”, which was co-produced by Max Martin, this Tuesday, April 21st at 12 midnight ET. [just after 11:59 PM Monday]

Visit adamofficial.com this Tuesday for the world premiere of “Ghost Town” and pre-order information for his upcoming album The Original High.

Ghost Town Lyric Video (4/21/15)

Ghost Town Video (4/28/15)


3,215 Responses to April 2015 Chat

  1. ultimathule says:

    Este es increíble… Vía @AdamLambertGifs


  2. ultimathule says:

    Warner Music Group has entered into a strategic collaboration w/ Shazam ” to reinvent the way they do business”:


  3. ultimathule says:

    Wendy Seely @WendyKit
    @madnessinmotion @SASpurs21Fan 98.9 FM in Seattle said they’re “smitten” with #GhostTown! Love it! @LambertMusic411

    And the DJ said “So obsessed with Ghost Town by Adam Lambert” when the song was over. Yay!!!

  4. ultimathule says:

    ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert
    Give it up for the dancers in the video! they were all freestylin!

  5. ultimathule says:
  6. ultimathule says:

    Who’s blowing up in the pop world? Get started with @JordinSparks, @adamlambert & @marionraven with this new mix! on.rhap.com/1zdU9Md


    Play non-stop music, always ad free. Follow for exclusive artist interviews, album reviews, playlists and more!
    Seattle, SF · rhapsody.com

  7. ultimathule says:

    “Review: Adam Lambert dazzles on new music video for ‘Ghost Town'”

    Read more: http://www.digitaljournal.com/a-and-e/music/review-adam-lambert-dazzles-on-new-music-video-for-ghost-town/article/432092#ixzz3YkNOwzUK

    “He nails it yet again, and it deserves to propel him to the top of the charts.”

  8. asifclueless says:

    Adam Lambert – “Ghost Town” [Official Music Video]


  9. asifclueless says:

    I think Ellen’s taping is today.

    Purplegirll ‎@purpIegirll

    lolol : miransol13 – Wow WTF my sister got a free IPad from Ellen and got to meet Adam Lambert. #Iwishicouldvegone

  10. asifclueless says:

    IslandGirl @islandgirljams

    Go buy #GhostTown by @adamlambert now at #40 on ITunes Canada overall chart!

    https://itun.es/ca/KRGS6 pic.twitter.com/DJBbU54LR3

  11. asifclueless says:

    Haha … I already set my DVR.

    ~ Virg ~ @Virg1877

    Adam on FB about Ellen.


    Adam Lambert

    Set your DVRs! I’ll be performing ‪#‎GhostTown‬ on The Ellen Show tomorrow. Find your local listings at


  12. ultimathule says:

    IslandGirl @islandgirljams
    @VirginRadioYEG any chance we get to hear Ghost Town by Adam Lambert soon?

    VirginRadio Edmonton @VirginRadioYEG
    @islandgirljams We’re on it! edmonton.virginradio.ca/music/SongRequ…

  13. ultimathule says:

    HIT105 Brisbane
    You like this??? New @adamlambert #GhostTown – playing right now! @_LindsayEllis #20hitsinarow

  14. asifclueless says:

    BrianMayCom ‏@brianmaycom · 15m15 minutes ago
    .@AdamLambert – “Ghost Town” [Official Music Video]

    https://youtu.be/Ix8ocFEMa1o #GhostTown

  15. asifclueless says:

    TALCvids retweeted

    102.7 KIIS-FM ‏@1027KIISFM

    .@JoJoWright has TICKETS for @AdamLambert at 7:40pm!! LISTEN LIVE for your chance to WIN!–>


  16. ultimathule says:
  17. ultimathule says:

    Different font now?

  18. asifclueless says:

    ADAM LAMBERT ‏@adamlambert · 3m3 minutes ago

    Set your DVRs! I’ll be performing #GhostTown on @theellenshow tomorrow. Find your local listings at http://bit.ly/1GGNvOo

  19. ultimathule says:

    Sent you an email, luval

  20. asifclueless says:


    Adam Lambert – “Ghost Town” [Official Music Video]


  21. Kradamour says:

    Another 15 minutes…another 6000 views.

  22. Kradamour says:

    Let’s see…that is 24000 views per hour, just about a half million views per day.
    I’ll take that!

  23. asifclueless says:



  24. ultimathule says:

    Go, babe –

  25. asifclueless says:

    Go Ghost!!!!!

    : )

  26. asifclueless says:

    Shazam ✔ @Shazam

    #Glamberts! Here’s a peek at our EXCLUSIVE #ShazamInterview w/ @adamlambert dropping tomorrow:

    http://bit.ly/1DWEfS8 pic.twitter.com/GNNPpyyC7m

    Retweeted by ADAM LAMBERT

  27. ultimathule says:

    Men love him, too, this time ’round – so great –

  28. ultimathule says:

    Hmmmm – re-evaluate “everything” ?

  29. ultimathule says:

    Dancing in @adamlambert #GhostTownMusicVideo directed by #HypeWilliams #AdamLambert #GhostTown #theoriginalhigh


  30. riskylady says:

    Another beautiful still from the video. Would love if it’s one of the May pics!

    @GlamDianee: OMG Adam is everywhere !!!!! #GhostTown I love @wbr !!!!!!!!!!!! http://t.co/zHqgqgACgR

  31. ultimathule says:

    Matt Whitfield
    Props to #HypeWilliams for not overdoing #AdamLambert’s #GhostTown vid. Song remains the star youtu.be/Ix8ocFEMa1o pic.twitter.com/Dxz7BrDzjC


  32. ultimathule says:


    Y’know what’s wrong with him? NUTHIN’!! – lol

  33. eywflyer says:

    Still troubleshooting the slowness problems we have been seeing recently. I continue to believe that is a configuration problem with the hosting company’s server, but getting them to admit that continues to be very difficult. Hopefully can get this figured out soon – my apologies for the recent difficulties.

  34. ultimathule says:

    Luke Easton @3ku1
    @adamlambert going viral in nz too. #Ghosttown currently 22nd most shared track on @Spotify NZ Viral 50

  35. ultimathule says:

    @AlexanderMorner lol I like it. I like getting that little reminder that he just got a top shelf vid director on his first MV off TOH.

  36. ultimathule says:

    Metrosource Magazine @MetrosourceMag
    . @adamlambert releases his damn sexy, super dancey video for #GhostTown. Watch here!



  37. ultimathule says:

    Joslyn B. Stricklin @TrannyGirlJB
    @adamlambert Bitch yasss, your new music video for your new single #GhostTown is off the chain!

    Oscar Raymundo @OscarRaymundo
    Was not ready for @adamlambert’s #GhostTown to be so good. The eerie disco pulse is giving me life & his vocals are (emoji – think means topnotch)

  38. ultimathule says:

    Fernando and Greg @fernandoandgreg
    Your chance at meet and greets with @adamlambert is coming up soon! Listen for the cue to call!

    Fernando and Greg in the Morning @997NOW Mon-Fri 6am-10am

  39. ultimathule says:

    Featured video y100savannah.com @adamlambert “Ghost Town” directed by legend @HypeWilliams watch it bit.ly/1KuJ0I5 #Glamberts



  40. ultimathule says:

    Celebrity News @RealObsessionXO
    .@adamlambert Releases New “Ghost Town” Music Vid. Simply stunning and artsy wp.me/p5zrkB-Wv #lgbt #Glamberts


  41. ultimathule says:

    HOT 99.5 @hot995
    Who will play next on @hot995? @adamlambert, @katyperry, @CalvinHarris? U pick at ftur.io/76SbPw


    HOT 99.5 DC’s #1 Hit Music Station

  42. ultimathule says:

    Alexander Morner @AlexanderMorner


  43. ultimathule says:

    101.3 KISS-FM @1013KISSFM
    And #1 tonight, by less than 50 votes! @adamlambert “Ghost Town” on the iHeartRadio Top 5 @ 5. Listen: bit.ly/1013KISSFMList…


  44. ultimathule says:

    Javonni Brustow @VonniMediaMogul
    New @PopGlitz1: Watch: Adam Lambert Gets Wild In ‘Ghost Town’ Official Video – popglitz.com/watch-adam-lam… pic.twitter.com/aIVbpoc6qm

    Editor of @PopGlitz1

  45. turquoisewaters says:

    eywflyer; Thanks for all your work. And for digging up all the statistics of previous singles. I was wondering about that.

  46. HK fan says:

    haven’t read comments so don’t know whats been said, but just sending this as a test…..can’t seem to load the site properly…..very strange lay out and the whole screen is bright blue apart from a couple of white rectangles on a few comments…..

  47. eywflyer says:

    Sorry HK fan, I’m continuing my experimentation to try and fix the site speed problems. The site should be back to normal appearance now. I’m changing a lot of things behind the scenes so there will probably be some additional periods of odd site behavior until this issue is corrected.

    Does the site appear normal again to everyone now? It does to me.

  48. rs says:

    It is normal now, thanks

  49. cher says:

    Normal to me! Thanks!

  50. eywflyer says:

    I’ve made some major changes to the way site content is stored and delivered, please post in this thread and in the beginning of the May thread if your site access speeds have improved, worsened or stayed the same, compared to the last few days before now. I am particularly interested in the speeds y’all observe when trying to post a new comment, as it seems that process has been extremely slow recently. It seems to be considerably faster right now, at least for me.

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