iHeart Red Carpet

The calm after the end of QAL in February didn’t last long – thank the universe – and the roll-out to TOH appears nicely underway. We had the Sunrise/AU interview on 3/18, followed by the MiniMTV one on 3/20, the Hunger Mag major Q&A (with spectacular pics by Rankin) on 3/24, Attitude Mag’s great article (sold-out, of course), ending up with the iHeart Red Carpet appearance. But the big news, of course, was the Ghost Town snippet and the interest it engendered. April looks to be even more interesting, with the single release on the 21st – good times ahead.

Enjoy the chat!

Adam Lambert will release his new single “Ghost Town”, which was co-produced by Max Martin, this Tuesday, April 21st at 12 midnight ET. [just after 11:59 PM Monday]

Visit adamofficial.com this Tuesday for the world premiere of “Ghost Town” and pre-order information for his upcoming album The Original High.

Ghost Town Lyric Video (4/21/15)

Ghost Town Video (4/28/15)


3,215 Responses to April 2015 Chat

  1. Cait1602 says:

    ska I saw that tweet too but its nothing “officially”


  2. TLKC says:

    Putting the March Drum Medness at the top of the new page. Vote every hour that you can. Rush is on this side of the Atlantic so Neil Peart’s numbers will probably pick up during the day.


    Roger is at 50.77% – keep up the good work all day.

  3. luval says:

    Will do, TLKC. If Roger knows about this poll & loses he’s gonna feel bad that Brian won but not him. IMO.

  4. Cait1602 says:


    omg I died laughing too hard. Its too funny ROTFL

  5. luval says:

    Found an interesting browser plugin that enables you to read any article in a “long format” page.



    It actually works. It’s like speed reading…reading each word individually at a very rapid pace. Really helps with those long wide articles. I tried it on the badass alter ego blog and couldn’t believe it! Sped through the whole thing.

  6. TLKC says:

    That’s how I feel luval, particularly since he probably knows that the Glamberts are doing the lion’s share of the voting. I want him to know that Adam’s fans are as much behind him as they are behind Brian.

    We have a much bigger challenge with this poll because Brian’s last round got a lot of support from fans of guitarists who lost to Dimebag Darrel, who regularly ranks much lower than almost all of the guitarists in that poll.

    Neil Peart has a lot of fans and is often ranked in Top 3 of all time polls. He’s won a lot of polls and will probably win many more.

    This is for Roger. Present

  7. luval says:

    ADAM LAMBERT ‏@adamlambert 4 Apr 2010

    I haven’t celebrated Passover in over ten years either. I’m Jew ISH by blood not by practice. I’m not religious. More spiritual. Now u know

    I missed this…from yesterday. lol…realized it’s from 2010

  8. luval says:

    Madonna going to be on Jimmy Fallon this week with a song performance. Probably Ghosttown.

  9. HK fan says:

    another new pic from tonight..


    In the one of him taken at the petrol station, he actually looks quite small next to that girl.

  10. HK fan says:

    Is this the pic he posted from the attitude mag that says page not found???


    If so, its horrible.

  11. TLKC says:

    It’s more than a little weird that these two songs are happening so close together. I don’t think it will be a problem unless Madonna’s song takes off. Is it possible for them to change the name by adding another word or something?

  12. TLKC says:

    Just as well if that page isn’t found, imho. The photo is a bit warped. A bad Photoshop?

  13. TLKC says:

    Just voted. Roger is now at 51.15%.

  14. ultimathule says:
  15. luval says:

    I voted at 10:46am and Roger was 51.16% so he’s gone down a tad.

  16. TLKC says:

    I just voted and Roger is still at 51.15% so we are keeping pace. I tweeted the link earlier today and posted it on my facebook page as well. Might do it again.

    Easter is a busy day for many Glamberts, being as many are entertaining guests or visiting. (Everyone knows rock fans are heathens. Grin ) If we can keep pace today, we can easily pull ahead tomorrow. (Luckily Easter dinner is at 6:00 p.m. in my family.)

  17. luval says:
  18. skaschep says:

    Been voting when I can. Easter dinner almost finished here. Family is doing the in between dishes before desert while I’m resting on the couch. Being a bit ‘sick’ also has it’s advantages sometimes Wink.

  19. TLKC says:

    Hi Skaschep!

    Just voted again and Roger is at 51.17% so we gained a little ground. Big Smile

  20. TLKC says:

    LAMBERTLUST retweeted

    ADAM LAMBERT ‏@adamlambert · 31 Mar 2013
    Happy Ishtar!

  21. turquoisewaters says:

    I’m voting a lot too. I really like Roger. He sometimes is a bit in the shadow of Brian, but I watched him in the QAL shows and saw how much he enjoys performing, and how much he appreciates the audience as well as the interaction with his bandmates.

  22. TLKC says:

    Roger is now down to 50.05%. You can vote on your PC and on your phone.

  23. cher says:

    Happy easter sunday everyone! Yeah skaschep being a bit invalid does have some advantages.

  24. luval says:

    Another gas station picture.

    License plate number blurred out


  25. luval says:

    Terrance posted this Easter throwback. FYE

    Terrance D. Spencer ‏@LoveMrSpencer 2m2 minutes ago

    “@jajaploskonka: @adamlambert @LoveMrSpencer FYE https://youtu.be/EY4VTVdBpkI ” a lil throwback for Easter ☺️ thanks for sharing

    eta: love this FYE

  26. Miss Chaos says:

    50.88 still a little ahead.

  27. asifclueless says:

    Happy Easter and Happy Sunday … ALL!!!

    Grin Grin Heart Heart Bunny Bunny Chick Chicken Chicken 2 Duck Panda Rose Rose Star Star Rainbow Rainbow Heart Heart

  28. asifclueless says:
  29. asifclueless says:
  30. TLKC says:

    I just voted, too asif. Roger is at 50.75% – the highest he’s been. Off to dinner now but will be voting on my iPhone. Laugh

  31. asifclueless says:

    Hi … TLKC! Grin Heart

    Have a bunnytastic dinner!!! Heart

    I just had my early dinner with the family because DD had to go to work.

    Today I gave Gym a break. Didn’t hop on him. But I had been busy cooking all morning. I peeked in here once in a while in between to vote for Roger.

    Got a food coma!!! Need a nap … Haha! Yawn Sleepy

    But I’ll have coffee Coffee Coffee instead and stay to vote for Roger!!

    Brian won so Roger has to win too.
    He is always in the background of Brian and Adam … Because of his drum set. Now his drums will bring him for up front.

    Let’s do it for Roger. Heart


  32. luval says:
  33. luval says:

    Original Queen naked from waist up. This really is a beautiful pic IMO


  34. asifclueless says:

    Haha … luval Grin .. For a second I thought Sauli was moving in to a West Hollywood beautiful house!! Heh Wilt

    He has very cute dance moves to “Black & White”. Heart

  35. luval says:

    I thought the same thing at first, asif. (about moving to WeHo)

  36. asifclueless says:

    luval … The retro photo of Original Queen naked from waist up is beautiful.
    I have an even more beautiful photo of the same photo shoot there and in colour from a Queen book. Their positions are slightly diffirent. Brian is at the bottom facing us … very beautiful face. Roger is up where Brian was and also facing us … no nipples seen.

    Last month, on my birthday, DH gave me a coffee table book (290 pages). It’s “QUEEN: The Ultimate Illustrated History of The Crown Kings of Rock” by Phil Sutcliffe, 2009.
    Love that book. Heart

  37. Axxxel says:

    Echoing asifclueless: Happy Easter and happy Sunday !! Bunny Bunny And happy long weekend !!

  38. asifclueless says:
  39. Axxxel says:

    Am not really into polls but because of your enthusiasm… I have already voted 5 times at 5 different hours… World record for me…

  40. asifclueless says:

    Hi … Axxxel!!! Waving Heart

  41. asifclueless says:


    Current mood. #happyeaster #easter #AdamLambert #bunny #RickyRebel @adamlambert


  42. HK fan says:

    There’s lots of duets showing up on twitter….
    haven’t seen this one for a very long time….AYGGMY with Aurea


    eta…lots of audience and not much Adam…but kinda nice seeing their reactions

    Adam and Cyndi Lauper mad world


  43. HK fan says:

    Don’t remember seeing this before Adam and Kris Allen singing Crazy


  44. asifclueless says:
  45. milwlovesadam says:
  46. glambotgram says:

    I’ll see your Crazy and raise you this one mils


  47. milwlovesadam says:

    LOL glambot, you’ll do anything to give those red pants some time on screen!!

  48. nkd says:

    Love the Crazy-s!
    Love the red pants!

    Love this one too!

  49. nkd says:

    Something about those red pants.
    Winstar Trespassing
    Kickin In

    It’s a privilege to have been mere feet from the red pants! Wink Grin

  50. luval says:

    Doesn’t look good for Roger. My last voting for tonight
    Roger: 50.03%
    Neil P: 49.97%

    Roger keeps slipping, Neil keeps gaining.

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