iHeart Red Carpet

The calm after the end of QAL in February didn’t last long – thank the universe – and the roll-out to TOH appears nicely underway. We had the Sunrise/AU interview on 3/18, followed by the MiniMTV one on 3/20, the Hunger Mag major Q&A (with spectacular pics by Rankin) on 3/24, Attitude Mag’s great article (sold-out, of course), ending up with the iHeart Red Carpet appearance. But the big news, of course, was the Ghost Town snippet and the interest it engendered. April looks to be even more interesting, with the single release on the 21st – good times ahead.

Enjoy the chat!

Adam Lambert will release his new single “Ghost Town”, which was co-produced by Max Martin, this Tuesday, April 21st at 12 midnight ET. [just after 11:59 PM Monday]

Visit adamofficial.com this Tuesday for the world premiere of “Ghost Town” and pre-order information for his upcoming album The Original High.

Ghost Town Lyric Video (4/21/15)

Ghost Town Video (4/28/15)


3,215 Responses to April 2015 Chat

  1. skaschep says:

    Thanks for all the healing wishes again. I’ve had a decent amount of sleep and the pain is luckily somewhat less than yesterday.

    TLKC: I have an appointment with the doctor this afternoon to look at the wound. So they are keeping a close eye on me now.

    turquoisewaters: On Wednesday I have an appointment in the hospital again for the removal of the rest of the stiches. I’ll tell them what happens and they better be sorry.

    Ron, Miss Chaos and turquoisewaters Sorry to hear about your conditions. Wishing you all the best!

    Any news on the Adam front by the way? Things are pretty quiet I think.

  2. rs says:

    Just finishing my Passover preparations and eating my last piece of bread for a week. Happy Holiday of Freedom (from slavery) to my “landsman” and Happy Easter to my ALLers who celebrate that. Is there any other holiday now that I should know about? Big Smile

  3. TLKC says:

    Good luck to you skaschep and to everyone else experiencing osteoporosis or any kind of bone pain or deterioration. I also have early signs of osteoporosis, which is why I go to the gym and have a trainer.

    Fortunately, Adam can be enjoyed daily from the comfort of our desktops. The internet is a great thing. Big Smile

  4. TLKC says:

    Yes mils, The Man Who Fell To Earth is a weird film. The musical won’t be another West Side Story but Adam would get to work with Bowie. Wink

  5. TLKC says:

    Is there any other holiday now that I should know about?

    Here’s your answer, courtesy of one of Canada’s greatest writers, rs

    Margaret E. Atwood ‏@MargaretAtwood · 5m5 minutes ago
    Happy Oestre, Easter, Passover, Lucky Rabbit and Egg Celebration to all!

    Apparently Oestre is a pagan god.

  6. TLKC says:

    In Love With ADAM ‏@InLoveWithADAM2
    1m1 minute ago
    ALTHOUGH I’ve missed so much on Adam But I had a very fucking holidays..
    Ups&Downs but Fucking awesome in general XD

    Ahhh, the sweetness, joy and humour of international Glamberting.

  7. TLKC says:

    Roger won the March Drum Madness poll. He will be up against Neil Peart.

    He got 79% of the vote.

  8. Cait1602 says:
  9. luval says:

    Roger is behind in this one. Knew he would be. Neil Peart is amazing (drummer for Rush).

  10. Cait1602 says:

    Yeah Peart is really good! But lets see what a bit of Queenbert magic can do. lol

  11. skaschep says:
  12. nkd says:

    Love that video skaschep!

  13. Cait1602 says:

    Sometimes I so absolute hate that I cant watch all YT vids in Germany Mad

  14. nkd says:

    Cait, have you tried the Hola extension for Chrome, if you use Chrome that is?

    I was able to watch that Sunrise Australia interview with it.

  15. Cait1602 says:

    nkd yeah using it but somehow it doesnt work on YT. Dont know if I am doing something wrong. Watching Sunrise worked without problems

  16. ultimathule says:

    Hope everyone’s feeling better today –

  17. ultimathule says:
  18. HK fan says:
  19. asifclueless says:

    What???? Roger Taylor is behind.
    We can vote once an hour until April 7.
    Let’s do it!!!


    Heart Heart Heart Female Fighter Female Fighter Female Fighter Female Fighter Male Fighter Male Fighter Male Fighter Meeting Meeting Meeting Heart Heart Heart

  20. asifclueless says:

    Stewie Sinclair on set with Adam Lambert for Attitude magazine.


  21. asifclueless says:

    Adam will have plenty, plenty and plenty of money from WMG to promote his new album The Original High … & Ghost Town. Grin $$$$$$$$$$
    I hope according to this.

    Warner Music Group Owner Pays $77.5 Million for Manhattan Apartment



  22. asifclueless says:

    Grin RT @TALCvids: Gorgeous display! : D RT @mrseyebalpaul: I just had to move Adam to the front


  23. ultimathule says:

    I’m lost in your #GhostTown <3 @adamlambert <3


  24. asifclueless says:
  25. Axxxel says:

    Ron.. oh dear… Thank goodness internet already gives a lot of info… I think the most important thing is to ask the people from healthcare what food/drinks and medicine to avoid. Also when you go to the docter for another disease, inform them about the osteoporosis so that they can take it into account when prescribing medicine..

  26. Axxxel says:

    skaschep that wound is so unfortunate… any hope on a “discount” or so because it is “their fault” ? At least they are learning from their mistakes…Get well soon..

  27. asifclueless says:

    Saw earlier … Sam Smith has lost a lot of weight that is hardly recognized. I can’t find the link right now.

    Gotta go. I’ll be back later.
    Don’t for get to vote for Roger. Heart


  28. ultimathule says:

    “Best-Dressed Man of the Week: Adam Lambert”


  29. Ron says:

    nkd says:
    04/03/2015 at 12:21 am

    I don’t remember that Ron.
    Guess I’m not old enough!

    Of course you’re not old enough, dear nkd. You’re only 29. Wink

    I remember listening to that Andy Williams song on the radio and surprised to realize that it was released in 1963!

    I was 2 months old. Grin

  30. Ron says:

    Axxxel says:
    04/03/2015 at 8:16 pm

    Ron.. oh dear… I think the most important thing is to ask the people from healthcare what food/drinks and medicine to avoid.

    Dear Axxxel Hug Right

    You’re very kind and I thank you very much for your caring and thoughtful comment. I’m feeling better. Able to move around now more freely so all is well!

  31. ultimathule says:
  32. ultimathule says:

    Been thinking about your wound, skaschep – anything open should be carefully monitored as you probably know – about 20 years ago had that necrotizing fasciitis from open cut on arm and spent three weeks in hospital – almost bought the farm on that one – so, yes, be alert to any change –

    And, Ron – weight-bearing exercise is a good choice – running barefoot is something to consider – impact apparently helps bones – have treadmill so can do that –


    P.S. If you read the article, be sure to read the comments – good info there –

  33. ultimathule says:
  34. ultimathule says:

    hmmmmm –

    Music Rockz @MusicRockz2014
    @shoshannastone What state will @adamlambert start his promo for #GhostTown in? Will we get to hear any more of the single before comes out?

    shoshanna stone @shoshannastone
    @MusicRockz2014 it’s already started…..

    IslandGirl @islandgirljams
    @shoshannastone everyday is excruciating – lol- so close but feels so far away. But it’s going to be so worth it, right? Wink

    shoshanna stone @shoshannastone
    @islandgirljams right Big Smile)))

    @shoshannastone It’s already started? Where?

  35. ultimathule says:
  36. milwlovesadam says:

    Happy Passover to all who celebrate! I just got home from a Passover Seder marathon. FOUR hours, great food, great people, but, FOUR hours. OYYYYYY

    Anywho, that pic of Adam with that gorgeous gal pal and Drake, wondering if it’s from the same event that he was at with Drake the other night? Drake was wearing the same shirt…

    So, PR for Ghost Town has already started? All the red carpets, all the interviews in press, and video? Sure, that IS PR.

    But, still waiting for print media here in the US. He needs People, RS, etc. He needs newspaper buzz.

  37. milwlovesadam says:

    To Ron and skaschep, please feel better soon.

    Yes, weight bearing exercise is the best for osteoporosis. Please eat healthy calcium rich foods, several times a day. Salmon, broccoli, greens, take calcium supplements that include vitamin D. Ron, walking up and down Yonge street should help!!

  38. asifclueless says:

    We’ve seen this video before. It’s a fantastic video from Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras.

    Paul Malone @tvspaulmalone

    As they are showing this #FreddieMercury documentary on #BBC4 it’s a good time to repost this tribute

    https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=836380963067629 … @QueenWillRock

    Retweeted by ADAM LAMBERT

  39. asifclueless says:
  40. asifclueless says:

    Happy Mercur-Easter! @fmercuryfan

    Happy Easter, Queenions!! pic.twitter.com/i6UM98Dha4


  41. asifclueless says:
  42. luval says:
  43. TLKC says:

    FYI guys, Classic Rock is really making us fight for Roger. They put up a feature article on April 2nd, titled “Top 10 underrated Rush songs”. Nothing wrong with that but it will draw a lot of Rush fans to their site.

  44. luval says:

    Trying very hard to remember to vote every hour. Even in the grocery store!

    Just heard WWFM on my car radio on the top station here.

    Looking forward to this:

    Michael Orland ‏@MichaelOrland 18m18 minutes ago

    “@1pcornwell: Have a wonderful holiday weekend ❤️and my gift to my fans is to announce I’ve officially started my memoir!” This is gr8 news

  45. ultimathule says:

    Here’s another interesting article about muscle pain –


  46. ultimathule says:

    Adam Lambert on the Swedish show The Voice, 03/31/10.


    Sorta remember this, but not sure –

  47. luval says:
  48. luval says:

    Gelly retweeted
    Daniel Albuquerque ‏@danstruter 7m7 minutes ago

    Pre-sales for the day of Queen + Adam Lambert at Rock in Rio 2015 has SOLD OUT in few hours. Success!!! O/

  49. asifclueless says:

    theversion.co.uk ‏@theversion

    Any Adam Lambert fans out there? We’ve got something cool coming your way real soon.

  50. asifclueless says:

    Voted at 2:40 and Roger is at 49.81 %

    We can do it! Grin


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