- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
I have to tell you ulti that I was smacked in the face, so to speak, when a friend in New Mexico told me that she called in to a radio station and requested an Adam Lambert song.
“I’m sorry, we don’t play that fag’s songs”.
Can you imagine?!
I’m sorry. ???
Of course, understandable.
I guess I have to get past that response to be able to think clearly again and hope that radio stations are suddenly going to embrace Adam Lambert no matter what he does.
The big question for all the points is how to get Adam’s new music (and TP songs) played on US radio.
Adam Lambert Fan club
Scan by @LAMBERTLUST: 4 page fold out poster Adam & Tommy INROCK magazine – Adam Lambert Live at Shibuya Kokaido, Tokyo, February 20 2013 http://pic.twitter.com/D2U5oNxFmU
My daughter’s running for County Council, District 2 – Erie, PA. Her twitter is @AustinForErie. For anybody in that area, if interested. (Also on FB – Lisa Austin, prof at Edinboro University.)
Ron – would be interesting to know if that New Mexico station played WWFM.
ulti, I am guessing not, from the sound of it.
No one here did, either. I heard it here ONCE, on Ryan Seacrist’s show.
Whenever I hear that WWFM was a hit, I have to stop for a second and remember that I live in the Twilight Zone…
If anyone can do it, it’s you AL!
So you do it.
You are strategic with your Crossword Puzzles and so you can apply that same precise logic to Adam’s career and be able to guide him.
we’renow looking to you to ensure Adam’s future success.No pressure.
International Recruitment Ambassador
I’m not sure I entirely agree with that article re radio….There is absolutely no reason why BTIKM and NCOE weren’t hits, especially on the HAC format, especially BTIKM as it was definitely in the vein of WWFM. They fit in perfectly with what was playing. There has to be some other agenda, how can TPTB say its not what the audience wants to hear, when they can’t hear it to make up their own minds…
ron, thats shocking what you heard…but it isn’t the first time I’ve heard someone say that thats what the DJ’s have said to them.
Just last week I was talking to my friend who came to the Adam concert with me. She was talking to another friend about him, saying how great the concert was etc, and her friend said ‘he;s really good,its a shame he came out as gay, as I would have gone, but I can’t go and see a gay singer’. My friend was so shocked that someone would say that. I said to her I wasn’t surprised, she should see some of the things I’ve read on line.
I’m sure his being gay has an effect, but I have no idea how much, HK fan – why was WWFM a substantial hit? It was closer to the AMA’s. Has something happened since WWFM, do you think, that has made radio less likely to play him?
I’ve always had a suspicion that it wasn’t just that he was gay, but that he was a highly sexual gay – something that was off-putting to certain people – like the jocks who inhabit much of radio.
Therein lies the crux.
But still no answer as to why WWFM was successful.
It’s possible that he still had the “wind at his back” from Idol when WWFM was so successful – but in the ensuing years the gay aspect has become more predominant as part of his persona – in interviews/articles/constantly emphasized (big, gay dance album – EW) – so that it’s more in the forefront of peoples’ minds when they see his name. He has, for too many, become a gay performer.
So I can’t sleep tonight and opened my iPad to see what is happening in Adamland and it is the angst again.

Why won’t radio play his music…?
But y’know, it is both heartening and disturbing that the one thing we DO know is that it isn’t because the music isn’t worth playing.
Frankly, the thing that I scratch my head over the most is why WWFM was a hit; it was lugubrious and not particularly like the other stuff on the radio at the time.
And the gay issue makes sense here in backwoods Norfolk, but not in larger and more sophisticated markets.
So that is def part of it, but I can’t help feeling that there is something else at play, also.
I’m assuming these are recent pics??
TETRIS [BIG SHOT EP]@TetrisStarMusic15m
Hanging with the homie @adamlambert… pic.twitter.com/u20QQ71Nyp
Nile Rodgers@nilerodgers1h
@RTGMusicMan @RayChewLive Yo Chew, how funny! I was upstairs w @AdamLambert while the current @AmericanIdol band are at Nightbird. C U soon
new CMA pics
@adamlambert CMA HQ pro pic 3 http://ww4.sinaimg.cn/large/63086146gw1e45bc2t2hpj20tn18gh8v.jpg …
But what is interesting is that the words “openly gay” no longer precede his name every time he is mentioned. Now, depending on where the article is coming from it is either American Idol runner up (if it is in the US) or Global Superstar (if it is in the rest of the world)…Adam Lambert!
Read the posts last night. Talk about why won’t radio play his music. Might as well discuss it now…why not? No one knows why it didn’t happen with Trespassing. No good songs? Haha, there had to be at least a couple that were radio worthy. BTIKM? It took me weeks and weeks to like it. Now I love it. And I think it was eywflyer who questioned at the time “would we still like it if Adam wasn’t singing it?” IMO he was correct. Wrong song choices, Running not on regular album, just extra on Deluxe. But I think this has some merit:
Adommy kissing in the Glam Nation tour, playing with the mic…all on youtube, all for the world to see. Of course women kiss too but it’s usually 2 straight women as sort of a shock joke. I saw reports on ET and Access Hollywood at the time. All seen by middle America.
As far as Billy Jo Armstrong kissing a guy on stage…he’s been out as bi-sexual for years. Even had a cover on Out magazine in 2009, I think talking about his being married, yet bi-sexual. Guess it’s because they’ve been around so long, radio doesn’t care anymore.
So who knows? Am looking forward to #3 but have no expectations about radio playing it. Better than living in the clouds and thinking everything will be hunky dory! Some day we’ll get the truth. Could be very benign and simple.
Want some new music!!!!!
Good morning …ALL.
Very nice, asif!
Thanks .. luval.
First I thought Sauli was photoshopped in. But then I think Sauli was at Danielle’s BD party which Adam wished her happy birthday 3 days ago.
Sauli with Danielle
Listening to Nile Rodgers for years I am beyond thrilled that a connection was made with Adam. Thanks to the Universe. Now if only David Bowie would come on board.
eta: But I do want to think that Adam can team up with new, younger, even more current collaborators too!
He took a song from Bruno Mars no? Where did that get him? Hes never going to get played here (US) Sleepwalker should have been released and made into a video.

and I think that perhaps that is part of our puzzle.
Adam is old.
Not 31 old, or even 26 old. Not talking about the numbers.
On interviews, he comes across as middle-aged: thoughtful, articulate, can make references to things that my high school students never heard of.
And by the way, they don’t know who Queen is.
Or David Bowie.
My 20 year old, who is crazy for current music, is vaguely aware of Queen but doesn’t know David Bowie. Or Nile Rogers. Or Chic. Collaborations with these people are not plusses in his eyes. If anything, they are detrimental. Why would Adam work with these old guys?
Yes, Adam can party with his peers. Yes, peeps who interview him love him. Yes, musicians bow to his skilz.
But there is also the other piece that we have discussed. Bottom line, he is different in an indefinable way that has nothing to do with being gay.
Gonna go out on a limb here and say that I am probably projecting, but I have struggled with the same thing all my life in the work environment.
Buncha peeps coming this afternoon for a tea party lol…
Socially, I have close friends, I have a wide circle of acquaintance, I’m not a social misfit.
But when I was working in an industry, there was always a very subtle line between me and my colleagues, and I don’t really know how to explain that we both tried to break that line but never could.
Again, maybe I am projecting, but I see that same almost invisible line between Adam and the rest of his industry that I have dealt with for all of my life. It is part of why I follow him so passionately.
I was very quickly successful as a buyer, made buckets of money for my chain of stores, but I also know that had I stayed in the industry, I would have topped out soon. There was a subtle quizzicalness about what to do with me. Not jealousy, but “how’d she do that?” and “where does she belong?” and “She’s amazing but she’s kinda different, you know?”. I worked well and closely with my colleagues, laughed over lunches together and drinks after work, but there was always an underlying faint “she isn’t really one of us” thing going on.
I just can’t explain it any better than that.
And now I am thinking I should just delete this whole post.
But I do think it is another part of the puzzle.
Definitely part of the puzzle, Kradamour. I knew someone here would come up with something. So true what you said. Maybe that’s one reason Bieber is so huge. He’s a dolt and people could care less. Then you have Chris Brown and the like…no one cares what they did, how they speak…just “how does it sound in the club”.
I still am a bit surprised how The Lumineers, Mumford & Sons, even Taylor Swift’s style of music is on top 40 now. It isn’t club music. I think it’s a short trend right now. Interesting to see what the next big thing will be.
eta: sorry about the bold!
Adam at Bootsy Bellows
Think you hit on something, Krad, that my family and I have talked about – one daughter said his voice is almost too good for pop music – and, paraphrasing here, his music is too sophisticated for radio – not simple enough. Don’t know if I agree with all this – but there is definitely something going on.
Also – he neither has the NEW factor nor the past success to build on. (Although he’s said he’s being treated as a new performer.)
Oh man. Angst and drama in the down time again. Krads, I totally get what you said, and can attest to some similar feelings that you articulated so well.
Yes, Adam may seem “old”, but I chalk that up at least in part, to his many years in the biz. And, his parent’s influence in taste of music. I just read this week’s RS with Bruno. His article was so interesting, he is also articulate and has been performing for most of his life. He and Adam have so much in common. Bruno also has an encyclopedic knowledge of music, and can sing it all. It’s a good read, for anybody interested.
Radio and Adam and the whole gay issue. It just turns my stomach. I had a visceral reaction when reading Ron’s posts. I just have no tolerance for bigotry. People are people. We are all here on this earth to live our lives and enjoy them, and make the most of it. Being bigoted is just a waste of humanity.
I have been listening to Elvis Duran in the morning on my drive to work. It is raunchy and funny, and kick-starts my day. He is an out gay man, host of a nationally syndicated morning radio show. They also play some music. I would hope that a gay host would have some choice in playing a gay man’s music. But they didn’t play Adam of course. I don’t know if they would have this time around.
Because the songs released simply were not worthy. IMHO. They don’t catch you on first listen. I still, TBH, do not care for BTIKM. When he sang it tenderly in radio promo visits, it was lovely. However, the recorded version just never was for me. And, I am a die-hard fan.
Quite simply, I’ll go back to FYE. Fever should have been a single. His “statement” of using “he” hurt his ability to release it, and hurt his career. Sleepwalker should have been a single. PERIOD. It slays. It kills. I still watch it on Leno from time to time. KILL-ER.
I maintain that if he had released Fever and/or Sleepwalker, he would have had a momentum of hits that may have led to different song choices in the TSP era. If Runnin had been released, we would be seeing a whole different career trajectory right now. IMHO. Also, Take Back or Pop That Lock, and of course Shady. Those were the singles off this fantastic album.
If Adam had any control in this, which I think he did, then he overthought it. He is self-critical about this aspect of himself. His thought process of using BTIKM to show both sides of his album is just too much thinking. The public wouldn’t and didn’t get it. Music needs to catch you on first listen. PD’s didn’t like it. Obviously. But, critics loved Runnin, Pop That Lock and Shady and Take Back. And, critics liked Fever and Sleepwalker too.
There’s my angst for the day. Feel free to discuss. Does anybody agree with me? Or not?
Treadmill and spring are beckoning…
Talking about top 40, I don’t hear any song that is the new hot summer single like California Gurls or Firework or even a Bieber song. Usually we hear them by now. Well, maybe it’s yet to come. I don’t care for PSY’s new song and did you see the video? Gross in parts.
I would think that if Adam is talking to Niles or Brian May about new music, the “current” factor has got to come into the conversation. Goes so fast…before we know it Matt Bellamy, Ryan Tedor, Maroon 5 _________fill in the blank…all of them will be yesterday’s news IMO.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! This is not angst or drama…Just discussion and opinions!!!
Do you feel that NCOE, mils, if released first would have made a difference? Or was it just too late by that time?
Yes, thanks, luval – I find the discussion interesting – and it’s about more than just Adam – it’s about the music biz, in general – it’s such a crazy place now.
Totally different subject, a lurker here, a friend of mine, is having major breast cancer surgery tomorrow. I’m going to respect her privacy and not give her name, but can we all send her our thoughts, prayers and hugz?
She did ask that if anyone has personal advice on dealing with this, to email me, and I’ll send her your email addresses.
Best wishes sweetie. You know we’re in touch.
And don’t forget to bring your Adam music with you. You said it helped you out at earlier appointments and tests.

Get good margins.
Oh, I was just being dramatic by using the words drama and angst.
NCOE just never thrilled me. Sorry. Just my opinion.
Again, I really liked it during radio acoustic sets, but, the recorded version just doesn’t do anything for me.
These days, music seems to have a need to ” knock you out” on first listen. NCOE doesn’t do that. IMHO, even TV shows are cancelled after 2 or 3 episodes. Nothing is given a chance anymore. Adam needed to come out swinging with a killer song. BTIKM, and NCOE ain’t it. That’s my opinion folks. Throw tomatoes at will.
lol, mils. No tomatoes here.
I embrace my angst and boy do I have it! But that’s my problem.
Here’s another thing I’ve never said before, as long as I’m spewing today, the decision to delay the release of TSP to seemingly work on NCOE was a huge big fat mistake. It wasn’t worth the time spent waiting and being out of the public’s eye. Yes, the critics loved the album, but the public and PD’s had Adam off their radar screens for long it was ridiculous.
Another thing, yes, Adam’s relationship with Niles is exciting. The Daft Punk single/CD is huge. Huge on the charts, huge on the internet. It was all over RS this week, and is number one on some charts. Bowie’s single is top 10 on college charts. Nile and Bowie are still “current” and legends, IMHO.
I love hearing that they met for dinner. Just love it. Nile has so many deep connections in the biz. I see only good from their friendship. If it gets more songs like Shady produced, so be it.
Hi All,
I love this place. Thoughtful, intelligent and articulate discussion… which I cannot express by myself. You all do it eloquently. Thank you so very much.
After AI 8, I kept telling peeps to watch out for this guy -Adam Lambert. He’s going to be HUGE and be all over the places and in every household name.
Four years later, some peeps just ask me “Adam, who?” It just breaks my heart … I only know him and love him in the fandom bubbles.
But he is getting there. He just has to work harder than anybody else. Some people get their wishes easily, some have to work harder.
Now the shallow fun which I’m capable of.
I miss Sauli. He is gradually fading away from our fandom now.
All beautiful and sunny smiles that brighten my day. Scroll away if you’re not interested.
Okay, here’s the angst word again.
WWFM was full of angst. It was emotional. It was moody. It was gorgeous. The video was just soooo full of brooding and emoting.
And it was a huge hit. All around the world. Nothing to overthink about it. It just laid it out simply and honestly.
BTIKM and NCOE needed thinking. Ouch. That hurts people’s brains.
Fever and Sleepwalker were straight up feelings and emotions. Stay and Just Give Me A Reason are the same. And they are monster hits right now. Both videos are gorgeous and simple. Just like WWFM was.
Adam is ooout and abooout.
Adam Lambert Leaves Bootsy Bellows
Gorgeous HQ photo from China.
I think between the posts of the last too pages, we have this pretty much figured out: too gay/ sexual/ intelligent/ educated. The US is also the country that voted for Bush because he’s the kind of guy you could have a beer with. Same mentality, IMO. I have made peace with the idea that Adam will probably always exist “over here”, outside the mainstream. Not the worst place to be, as long as he can have a career and enjoy singing I’m okay. Remarkable really how far he has come.
And yes, I definitely am one of those who often feel like they don’t fit in. And I learned to embrace it.
Exactly why we love him. Fans eat these qualities up with a spoon.
And, FWIW, I/we would love to have a beer with him. Adam, not Bush LOLOLOL
Didn’t know that Macklemore on the album The Heist has a gay-rights song, “Same Love.”
Mils .. We’d have a better luck to have a cucumber martini or red wine with him.
But right now, I’m gonna have my coffee with doughnut.
Funny but some students ask me about those 70s / 80s bands. Just yesterday I was asked to list my favorite Queen songs (I knew quite a lot LOL), and then someone asked me if I remembered the group ELO. I sure did. And looked it up on youtube. If you feel like it, check out this get-up: ELMO jacket, aluminum foil wig, and all. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8TGnAmYc5w .
Mils, I had the same thought. Not usually a beer drinker, but I’d make an exception for Adam.
Negative Neil was with Adam at Bootsy Bellows
With you on NCOE, mils. Sometimes when he sings it live, I like it – but it’s not something I make an effort to listen to.
Like BTIKM better – love the opening phrase – “Cold as ice,” but it’s spoiled, IMO, by the slow instrumental beginning – too long and draggy.
Love the brothers hanging out!