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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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Haven’t heard of that magazine HK fan but I think it’s about time to have an Adam “fanzine”.
Now this is from Xena & Juneau’s website. Has anyone here pre-ordered this magazine? This is an actual hard copy magazine…not digital (although digital is planned for future)
Thanks luval. I think I saw/heard of some version of it, but very nice to see again.
“The life-changing connection…” is just a bit much for me. Although probably truer than I’d like to admit.
turquoisewaters…I admit it!!!
Not sure if I’m going to order this.
calgary: I go with “You don’t know what they’re doing in the kitchen.” also a contender: “We were asked if somebody was going to catch something off of the plate because we had prepared the food on it,”
I’m not sure what to think about Aura, have heard lots of negative things about it, lots of fans saying not to buy it, don’t really get the reason why though, but then Energy are promoting it…
Just dropping by to say that I CAN’T WAIT. In 11 days I’ll be seeing Adam in Miami and then again in June in Pittsburgh!!!!!! CAN’T WAIT!!!!!!
I think I heard this advertised on radio energy music, and it did sound a bit like an esoteric cult. I’d prefer a more rational and light-hearted approach, but that’s just me.
glamberthaf28Hi…try and give us a recap of Miami. Seems like the same set-up for Pittsburgh. Am trying to decide whether to go to Pittsburgh but not so keen on the madhouse it will probably be.
Will do, we have our plans on Miami but will let you know if it works out
Speaking of Miami….is anyone here going looking for an after party ticket?
His hair on the sides looks more shaved. Or is it the light in the pictures?
Couple of articles about the Aura magazine bruhaha. Seems a little iffy (the money part). I checked the pay pal and you do send money blind without receipt/or checkout or a way to enter shipping address. Seems strange. Did not do much investigation but I will save my $30. Also, have no idea what the deal with Monte has to do with anything, actually I have no idea what the “breakup” between Monte and Adam is about to begin with. Guess I should google that one day!
My sleep is so messed up!
ETA Looking at more of the pictures his hair is shaved on the sides. Cue the complaints……
Oh no, the back is shaved too…..
As for the hair…not bad…saw it coming!
Those pictures are hilarious though! He is running, holding his pants up, and looks as though he has no idea how this parking meter thing works!
Hmmm, don’t like the back, or the sides, or any part that is shaved close.
But that’s what he does.
ETA Looking at it some more, it’s been worse! It’s not bad.
Well, we wanted something to talk about – be careful what we wish for, I guess.
From the back it looks like a bad toupee. And yes, those pics are funny. I think he can afford jeans that fit. Please, please don’t take fashion advice from Biebs. Ha! Oh, and on the same subject what the heck was that long tunic with fur sweater/jacket combo. (or that one article that called it a dress) Of course, he still looks great!
At least he has hair at the temples. When that gets shaved, it looks dorky.
He’s had that fur collared sweater, but that tunic! Oh my!
Is he getting a little chunky around the love handles again? Hmmmm – chunky and bald – lol. My mind doesn’t want to go there.
“A bad toupee” – hahahaha – just what it looks like, aely.
That long thingee he had on looked like a butcher’s apron. What in god’s name was in his head when he put that on – maybe nothing – inquiring minds want to know.
There is actually hair on the sides and back (very short hair), it’s just light.
A two toned look? or maybe he ran out to feed the meter before they got to the color!
nkd I agree. When I saw the first pics it didn’t bother me at all. The back half of his head shaved I could do without. But, as you said it’s who he is and how often do I stare at the back of his head anyway…..
turquoisewaters, you’ve given words to my misery tonight. I am in the same situation. I didn’t have the courage to admit to you guys that I am that far behind in my Adam adoration. I have tabs open for each of the concerts but haven’t been able to watch videos or even read in the threads. I feel as though I’ve been in some kind of valley but am now coming up the far side and that maybe I can get to these in the next couple of weeks.
Thanks to all of you for keeping the home fires burning.
aely In a nutshell, the Adam Monte breakup was over and old demo tape that Adam made before he went on Idol. Monte played on it. He was involved in putting it out as a cd as a sort of pre-emptive strike before Trespassing, against Adam’s wishes. Lots of fans didn’t buy it insupport of Adadm. I have no idea what kind of sales it had. Dadbert still keeps in touch with Monte. Go figure.
Thanks calgary
So, did Monte make money and not Adam? Now, I vaguely remember a random CD that was session work or something like that.
OH ..OH !!!
The police car is behind him.
Run .. Forest… Run ….!!!
Is that police car in back of him a legit photo? Looks like he’s reaching for his wallet in his back pocket.
I agree with Steve Gray on this Juneau/Xena business. I think Neil is correct in this case. I would not send them any money for this Aura mag.
Yes, ulti. It’s Parking Enforcement. Those are the pictures we’ve been looking at with him running to his car to put money in the meter.
Is anybody interested in staring contest with Adam?
ulti … There are 20 HQ photos at the link.
This made me LOL!
Should have been more specific: I didn’t catch any TV Shows, but I did see SOME video of the WAG shows. Just did not have time to seek out and organize the best videos.
Only a 13 year delay.) And it already has an ALL Contact Group. 
In other news, I have arrived in the 21st century: I bought my first smartphone. (I know, the world was holding its breath
glamberthaf28: I love your excitement.
Hey everybody – I too have not been able to hang out here for a while now. New job is kickin’ mah butt. But I still love Adam and I love all of you, and I’m managing to keep up on twitter at least.
A quick rundown:

– I find it hilarious that there are 20 pap pics of Adam rushing out to and plugging a parking meter, and that those pics keep a fandom occupied for an entire evening on twitter.
– I think the hair looks shorter than it really is because of the light ginger color. I think it’s fun that he plays with his hair color and style (jury is still out on the backside, though… LOL).
– I hope Adam’s stylist gives Adam better style advice than he seems to give himself.
– The corn porn/facelift pics were hilarious. But he looked great! Love the pic up top! I also LOVE this one: https://twitter.com/vegas1024/status/318221553512878080/photo/1
– I’m so excited for Adam that he’s going to be doing the ads for the Trevor Project in collaboration with AT&T. That’s very cool.
– I’m very very proud of Adam for the honor that GLAAD will be bestowing on him.
– I’m excited that some of you get to see him in Pittsburgh. GO!!
– Sauli is adorable and I hope his TV show is a big hit. “Sauli’s Best Friends” – could he be any cuter?
– I LOVE the cover of that Bedlam digital fanzine. I cannot get enough of those smokin’ hot platinum blond InRock photoshoot pics! BTW, Chunkeymonkey hinted on twitter that she contributed to the fanzine.
– Old news, but I loved the lap dance video. I thought it was hilarious and cute and non-offensive, and it made my day to see Adam laughing so hard. And nothing bad happened as a result of it being released to the interwebz.
– I have literally hundreds of tabs open with amazing pics and gifs that I have yet to go through. I’ll try to post the best stuff over the next couple of days.
I’ll start with this, because this is definitely worth sharing and is directly related to turquoisewaters‘ request…
ScorpioBert created this podcast of what she considered to be the best audio captures of the best performances of each of the 25 songs sung on the tour. So she included all of the songs performed in Helsinki, plus all of the other songs sung elsewhere on the tour (e.g. Stay, Underneath, TFM, etc,). She enhanced the audio to even out the volume across songs. Very cool! I love listening to this.
podcast: http://share.snacktools.com/96FE55AD75E/ahn52jkt
mp3 downloads: http://www.mediafire.com/?8jkw31mmrqdcc
And here are ScorpioBert’s MP3 download links for the “best” captures of each song from the Helsinki show only, with the sources identified:
And here’s the entire Helsinki show all in one big mp3 file:
Spindleshay has created a playlist of what she considers to be the best videos from the tour (not sure whether she has updated it to include Helsinki; I haven’t investigated it that much):
RequestAdamLambert has also created a “Best of WAG” list here:
Lots to enjoy!
Next, I have some lovely gifs to offer you, from Helsinki: (I’ll also post these on the Helsinki thread)
Shady: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-oPh8OBIZcDc/UVJH3V1Du2I/AAAAAAAAAIQ/Iyxii3KpdYE/Shady-1.gif
Dragon Attack: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-pzwpCroWuFQ/UU4yuZmBpeI/AAAAAAAAhLY/GjDxKK-T3U8/s1600/GIF+DA+TONGUE+BUTT+SHAKE+lilybop.gif
Same move, another angle: https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-pov4gBO6xnc/UVJC5VWIsjI/AAAAAAAAAIE/2fb4jYXjP7w/DA-1.gif
Dragon Attack #2 (love this one): http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-kLk9w1xSFSw/UU4uOqwbiFI/AAAAAAAAhK4/r0x6BkB5uGQ/s1600/GIF+DA+HELSINKI+FRINGE+TONGUE+lilybop.gif
Broken English (connect the neck to what’s below – YOWZA!!) https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-P4jWve6rwl0/UVIq1hnB3fI/AAAAAAAAAHA/gERCH6wfKh4/BE-1.gif
Fever butt shimmy: https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-JN3Ofu__BbE/UVIweKqKvgI/AAAAAAAAAHY/7xS_r8vIPWI/Fever-1.gif
AYGGMW: https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-mwDsuqHepNg/UVI2KObOI4I/AAAAAAAAAHs/GFsLKw2rAhQ/AYGGMW-1.gif
Chair spinning: http://24.media.tumblr.com/b6c10f690726ec0282809d170a1b5430/tumblr_mk8t2hgXTa1qkok43o1_400.gif
This is bayoulady’s playlist of all of the videos from Helsinki: (wow, that’s dedication!)
Part 1 (200 videos): http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8FJVGbfjBTK1KK_kXnwVrMfOtvu8AUF0
Part 2 (164 videos): http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8FJVGbfjBTJkHI34GdB6P2DKNbsjutuD
This is a soundcloud of the entire St. Petersburg show:
Cute gifs from the lap dance:
Boxing: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-6KL9-4-QCBY/UVNGryFUTEI/AAAAAAAAAI0/-n1vCdcb78o/DA-1.gif
Afterwards: http://uploadingit.com/file/n986unp7yyvi4z2n/da-1.gif
And I’ll leave you for now with this little charmer:
teehee LOL http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8uc95HJtO1rvu3v2o1_500.gif
Good night!!
OMG … cwm …

I’m not worthy !!!
What a treasure you give us !!!
Thank you very much.
I’m still on the road living out of a suitcase.
In May I’ll be able to hang around here more.
By the way, I haven’t seen Krads for a while.
Is she alright?
Haha glad you liked ’em asif! Ok, I’m pulling a Kradamour, cuz I just gotta post this little gem for you guys tonight, too:
glamberthaf28 Going with several others to Miami Beach but not looking for afterparty tix. Don’t even know where the afterparty is anyway. Bad Glambert.
Figure we’ll be out there all day, rain or shine or superhot, squished in the crowd and all that, and by the time Adam sings, we’ll be tired. Still can’t figure out how we’re going to mingle in with that big crowd in such a small area. 
Oh my…waking up this morning to see the hair, or lack of it.
. Looks like it was cut with grass clippers.
Lol yes, bad toupee. I actually was thinking about this yesterday when the news outlets were showing the young 28yr old dictator/tyrant of North Korea who is threatening nuclear war on the US, S. Korea and all of our allies. I thought “thank goodness Adam won’t be doing this to his head”. Ha, was I an idiot.
Well, he can do whatever he wants. Hair will grow back. But I hate it!!
Catching up after the break. First I was sick and mostly slept, then RL hit me hard (feelings re my break up) and I escaped to our country cottage with my mom. Weather has been amazing, feeling better now. Too much time alone is not for good right now.
First new hair pics I saw were the good ones, so I wasn’t shocked of shaved (it was obvious it was different color). Still quite short though…
But I am not shocked, I guess I’m used to those changes, it changes back fast
What bothered me more were those bieber style pants
I HATE hanging pants!
cwm, I can’t thank you enough for bringing all those Helsinki goodies here
I have bookmarked things from Twitter, but they are a big mess somewhere, I haven’t got time to properly check them. I should get new a lap top, can’t keep many tabs open if I want to watch vids. Maybe during this down period in Adam performances I have time to develop a proper organized system
I have seen those playlists by Bayoulady re Helsinki concert, some day I hope I will have time to watch them all and download the best vids. I have downloaded some already.
turquoiswaters, I can’t recommend yet which Helsinki vids are the best, but earlier I watched and downloaded all the videos from Nagoya, Japan, I think by riddle601b. I appreciate a good sound, it was perfect and also good close pic. But I will definitely download a lot of vids of Helsinki show, not only because it was a very good one and has a lot of videos taped but because I was there
Most of the peeps on my twitter feed was there too, every day I see mentions of WAG lag and people wanting to get back in Finland/Helsinki 
aely, are you already in US
? No wonder your timing is messed up… I’ve loved all your stories about your dad’s berting in baby steps
! Looking forward seeing you again
Lol this fandom
Someone clever should take those pics and make a running “movie” out of them.
Hair looks reddish – not bad from the front – had to change, I guess – too many people copying the old look.
Anyone find an update on that AT&T announcement? I’m guessing it was an April Fool’s joke because 3 days later, there’s still nothing on the interweb.
Calgary I don’t think the AT&T thing
was a joke. Seemed legit to me. It’s not really something April Fools worthy anyway, IMO. The article said that the work on the ad is slated for later this month, so I don’t think we’ll see anything on it for a little while.
ETA: I just realized that maybe you were referring to the M&G rather than the ad for the Trevor Project. I was thinking that the partnership with AT&T around the Trever Project ad looked legit. Don’t know enough to have an opinion on the M&G opportunity. Sorry.
cwm Thank you all so much for the goodies.

GLAAD Media Awards page. Adam is in some good company.