Adam has apparently wrapped up his US radio promo tour, at least for the moment, as April begins. Above we see Adam as he spent the last several weeks – hard at work with promo. This is (hopefully) finally the last month – for real – before Adam’s new “Trespassing” album will be released. The album is scheduled to drop on May 15. Will we get a second single ahead of the album release date? Will Adam perform on American Idol sometime in the next several weeks? We’ll know soon – in the meantime enjoy the chat!


2,621 Responses to April 2012 Chat

  1. milwlovesadam says:

    My Seder is over, all cleaned up, family went home, and here I am. Love the one vid I have seen. Trying to see details through the confetti. I laugh out loud because all I can see is Tommy foot stomping and clapping.

    As far as outrageous Adam, sexy Adam, nasty Adam: Bring it on.

    The only things I could have done without was all the mic action. Once was enough, but all the BJ simulation and pumping was OTT for even me. But, for fans who only saw it once, maybe not.

    Now. As for the laces.


    I am quite happy to see them return.

    They make me so very happy. ( sniff, dabbing eyes ).

    I’ve missed them so much.

    TeeHee. It’s so sad to be in the corner on a holiday.

  2. nkd says:

    ultimathule says:
    04/06/2012 at 9:44 pm
    nkd – Is the Trespassing mediafire vid one of the two that were posted and taken down? I have both and won’t bother downloading unless it’s something different. Thanks again.

    Yes, ultimathule, it’s the second, closer view one. I uploaded it for luval, and anyone else that missed it. That one got found and blocked.

  3. nkd says:

    The black leather lace-ups are from GN. The performance jacket is from the IIHY single cover photo. Boy recycles, but then spends a butt load on new stuff!
    $700 for GP butt scarf jeans!
    $1800 for ragged edge jacket, and who knows for the medge ankle boots?! $2000-$3000!

  4. TexasWannaHoldEm says:

    nkd, how do you find this stuff? Butt scarf jeans … I wouldn’t have even known what to type in the google search bar, lol!

  5. Kradamour says:

    Boy recycles, but then spends a butt load on new stuff!

    True, but he takes really good care of his clothes. Amortized, that jacket will only be about $11 per week if he keeps it for three years.

  6. Kradamour says:

    Gareth Pugh is a virgo. No surprise there! And works in Paris. Of course!
    For those of us thinking we would like a little something Gareth Pugh for ourselves, here is a really clever makeup bag he designed. I’m thinking I might need it, it seems so much more practical than a zippered pouch that you throw things into willy-nilly. Has elastic bands to hold things in place.{keyword}&mr:referralID=NA&mr:trackingCode=898F9AB2-5415-E111-8116-001517B1882A&origin=pla

  7. milwlovesadam says:

    After last night, I do think it will be Trespassing for the single.

    Does anyone think he’ll have a problem with the “ass” word?

    Did anybody catch Nicky Minaj on the Today show this morning? Huuuuge boobs, completely showing, and ass shaking in the morning. Wonder how many complaints she’ll get?

    It was awful and offensive to me. Yes, I can be offended. Believe it or not.

    And ABC was worried about li’l ‘ol Adam.

  8. Kradamour says:

    I love Nicky Minaj. Girl is always falling out of her top, though.

    Adam and “ass”? Hmmm…could be an issue.
    But I’m not convinced it will be Trespassing for the single. Could be that the song was performed to get the name of the album out there.

  9. nkd says:

    Gareth Pugh make-up bag. I need the triple stacking version! I carry a lot of stuff! Magic potions and all!

  10. nkd says:

    how do you find this stuff? Butt scarf jeans is one of the first places to look.
    skingraft is another, then Barneys, then it’s a toss-up! Wink
    But the girls on twitter found the pants and jacket last night.
    I’m trying to remember the site where we found the t-shirts like the one he wore to the AFLAG event. I want to know where that shirt I touched is from.

  11. nkd says:
  12. Kradamour says:

    Whoa, nekkid! totally too much bumblebee going on there…(grimace)

    Long day, off to bed now. Sweet Adam dreams, peeps!

  13. ms0712 says:

    Does anyone think he’ll have a problem with the “ass” word?

    There is a Top 40 Song by Gym Class Heroes ft. Neon Hitch called Ass Back Home, so I don’t think so.

    But then again there are people who will always have a problem with whatever Adam does. Oh well, can’t please them all.

  14. TexasWannaHoldEm says:

    Band attire for the next tour?

    Oh nkd, don’t speak those outfits into existence!

  15. nkd says:

    You don’t like the outfits? The band will be so disappointed! Laugh


    Michelle Collins ‏ @michcoll
    My interviews with everyone from last night’s #NNNAwards will be available online during the show Monday night at!

    Only got a couple of minutes with @adamlambert but it was magic as usual. #nnnawards

  16. TexasWannaHoldEm says:

    Guess I’ll say goodnight – have many things to do tomorrow and the day starts early. G’night nkd and anyone else still hangin’ around!

  17. nkd says:

    Good night Texas!
    Good night Kradamour!

  18. nkd says:

    Randolph West @rabryst
    Pretty sure I just saw Adam Lambert dancing on a table at Key Club in Hollywood at Sam Sparro’s gig. Which was awesome on both counts.

    No Thanks@MissGolightly22
    Just got back from @sam_sparro show at The Key Club. Kick ass show! Saw Glee’s @SamuelLarsen & @adamlambert with boyfriend Sauli there too.

    Let’s hope the ceilings were plenty high!

  19. ultimathule says:

    nkd – I want a pic! Did he put a hole in the ceiling?

  20. ultimathule says:

    What’s so wonderful about the boy is that you know it could be true – lol.

  21. ultimathule says:

    Two great minds . . . cackle

  22. nkd says:

    What’s so wonderful about the boy is that you know it could be true – lol.

    And that is why we love him, it’s never boring!

    Hey, I was giggling typing “plenty”! Laugh
    Mature, I am not!

  23. ultimathule says:

    He’s so much fun – he makes me laugh – love anyone who does that.

  24. ultimathule says:

    Hell – “mature” means knowing what’s funny.

  25. luval says:

    Good morning! Had to leave the house but I assume BTIKM fell off the countdown. It could come back, though. Nelli Furtado’s was voted off last week but re-voted back on this week. I think I’m giving up, though. Am sick of the lies! Smile

  26. TexasWannaHoldEm says:

    I think I’m giving up, though.

    Have to admit I gave up too, luval. I can’t help it – I’m too excited about the next one!

  27. milwlovesadam says:

    Hey nkd, I’m not mature either!!!

    I giggled the other day at the Good ‘N Plenty I saw at the store.

    Ya gotta find fun wherever you can!

  28. cwm says:

    Hey guys – been away for a couple of days. I’m really looking forward to seeing Adam’s NNN award performance on Monday evening. Yowza, that was hot. And I love it that he has back-up singers! Mizz Thang and his divas! Awe-some!!

    And dang did he look amazing, both on the red carpet and the performance. Here’s a gallery of 177 professional pictures from that night, at

    I have dozens of tabs open with these pictures looking out at me and I can’t bring myself to close them!

    Like this:
    Full size!

    Or this:

    Or this:

    Or this:

    Or this:

    Or this:

    Or this:

    Or this:

    Or this:

    Cute pics of the divas:!/brianlondon/status/188118601759342593/photo/1

    A sweet little gif from the red carpet:

    And did these get posted from Thursday night at NNN? These tweets are from people who were at the show:

    Diana ‏ @CoralMermaid
    There was these giant blow up dolphins & a long Chinese New Year dragon all around Sauli & Raja in the front seats! So funny!!!!

    Nadine ‏ @citygirl36
    When beach balls & whales were passed around audience. Sauli hurled 1 on stage. Then had 2 check his hair cuz they kept landing on him lol

    Nadine ‏ @citygirl36
    Sauli saw Leila. He picked her off her feet hugging her & like swinging her back & forth. He buried his face in her neck. She was laughing

    Nadine ‏ @citygirl36
    Before show Raja & Sauli sat 1st. When Adam sat down Sauli rubbed his back & kinda scratched his back with his fingertips. Very lovey Smile

    Diana ‏ @CoralMermaid
    Before Adam left to go backstage. the boyfriends were so, so chatty! They looked into each other’s eyes & rub each other’s backs. Adorable.

    Nadine ‏ @citygirl36
    Apparently Neil, his girlfriend & Leila were dancing their butts off while Adam was on. I didn’t even know Neil was there till end

    And from a fan encounter after the show:

    Christina ‏ @bayoulady60
    Omg I’m so drunk but saw ADam & Sauli kissing do much earlier and even told him how much Twtr wanted a kiss, he said that us do weird, but i

    Respected his privacy & got some awesome hugs from tommy, Ashely & Iasac, Adam kissed Sauli more than once an I heard him say Oh Baby

    They are so beautiful together and the love just pores out, asked for pic but he said he wasn’t taken any..talked for a couple of mins with

    Lelia ans Sauli, he speaks English do well and even for a hug …such a special person

    What a wonderful night … I ‘wish @adamlambert so much love and success, Thank You for a moment in time Smile

  29. cwm says:

    Like others of you, I got a huge kick out the possibility that Adam was dancing on the tables at Sam Sparrow’s show last night. That is perfect. Here’s a picture of Adam that I think is from last night:

    Did these get posted? Adam’s fandom has some amazing fashion ninjas. Within minutes of Adam appearing on the red carpet, these were on twitter:

    His ass-scarf pants [looks like this whole link didn’t activate, so you’ll have to copy and paste]:|CallType=Product&prodId=LCW19&des=L5G&cat=&gender=men&group=&vendorColor=OQ==&season=actual&seasProdID=55I

    His jacket:

    Also, I don’t remember seeing this posted here. Adam was in the the Swedish magazine “Julia”:

  30. cwm says:

    On a more serious note…

    Ron, I was so sorry to read your post about your and your dear partner’s struggles with his health. He probably didn’t want you to worry and wanted to put off fully accepting his diagnosis as long as possible. I’m sending him best wishes for restored health and strength, and I’m sending you best wishes for strength, clarity, and gratitude for what you have together. May you both find happiness, peace, and strength together. Rose

  31. nkd says:

    From someone else that was at the club last night.

    Nadine ‏ @citygirl36
    Again NOT TRUE! He’s tall yo RT rabryst: Pretty sure I just saw Adam Lambert dancing on a table at Key Club in Hollywood at Sam Sparro’s gig

    I choose to believe that he was dancing on the table, it’s more fun that way, whether it’s true or not! Wink

  32. adamized says:

    Loved, loved, loved NNN finale with the fucking incredible Mr. Adam Lambert! He is such an amazing showman. And what a voice, that note was one of his best yet!!!! The leather lace-ups didn’t look too shabby either.

    Ron sweetie. Not much I can add to all the wise and wonderful comments already posted. You are such a sweet man with such empathy. I can only imagine that Gil was trying to protect you from his news until he was ready to cope with it himself. Honey, please take care of yourself and do what you need to do to stay ahead of your depression. Love to you and Gil.

    Mils, funny how your work ethic and job strengths are so evident on a blog that has nothing to do with your profession. It would be very surprising if you don’t end up with a better position than the one you are leaving.

  33. cwm says:

    @terra_zephead did a great job of combining the visual from the closer-up video and the audio from the farther away video. Here:

    Also, eywflyer, I noticed a good problem to have! The upper right corner of the blog says “No concert dates scheduled.” But there are concerts scheduled now! We have the 3 radio shows coming up in the northeast in May. Plus the festival in Japan in August. Yay!

  34. Kradamour says:

    Ooooh, cwm, thanks for the gifts! LOVE those pics…

    And has anyone else remarked that this is a very low-cut top for Adam? Feeling better about his body, is he? Smile That would make me very happy.

    LOVED the mental image of Sauli and Leila!
    I am just so beyond happy for Adam and his relationship. May it last for a very, very long time. For example, “forever” would be a good amount of time. Smile

  35. luval says:

    omg…that combined video is amazing!!!! When he put his hands on his hips…..never saw him do that before! And the squat…haven’t seen that since early IIHY performances! And during Strut at GN. Can’t wait until Monday for the show. The confetti looked worse in this video. I really thought that it wouldn’t be quite as thick on a lower level but geez! Too much!

    cwm…I’m thinking eywflyer doesn’t post the upcoming concerts because they really aren’t Adam shows. He’s one guest of many. But I could be wrong!

    mils…your old job will be begging for you back after you have your new wonderful job. It always happens like this. Slash slash slash. Companies (and I try to remind people I work with that the hospital I work in is a corporation…to make money!!!) make very bad decisions, then have to undo them.

  36. ultimathule says:

    Is the lining of his jacket yellow, too?

  37. luval says:

    ultimathule…The lining is black & white. At least it looks like it here.

    ok…so I was at Lowe’s today & picked up some black & yellow hazard tape. Now what the heck am I going to do with it? Smile
    Maybe try to fabricate something for my car windshield.

  38. ultimathule says:

    Thanks, luval – there was a flash in the vid where it looked yellowish – maybe the lights or confetti.

  39. JOJOSIE says:

    This is a little off the subject of Adam but related. My youngest daughter, who is 29 like the most of you here is an ordained minister. She has never had a church as her husband doesn’t want it, too long of hours, low pay,no privacy, etc. She does get calls from a small heritage church near her. She is known in the area to be very liberal in her views. She has now been asked if she would officiate at Gay Weddings. (It’s legal here in Iowa) She’s up to it and has been asked to do one in July. The guys are from Minnesota, but one has family ties to her area. She said she’d have to meet with them several times in advance. She needs to know if they want a religious ceremony or not, write their own vows or have her or use the traditional. One has been married and has two children and she wants to know if and how they’ll be involved. They wanted to get married at the historic 1st Governor of Iowa’s mansion which is in the area but were turned down, so the local has to be decided. I’ll keep you posted how this turns out. I think it’s great, I am always proud of my children but this made my day. I have followed Tera_Zephead for several years on twitter and find her very technically talented and a huge Adam fan. Loved that you brought her video over. Yes

  40. HK fan says:

    Love all those pics from the red carpet, he looked so good, from his head to his toes.

  41. ultimathule says:

    Been checking out all the Nikka Costa music Adam’s been tweeting about. Can see how some of this may be in his wheelhouse in the new era. Idol is far, far away in this music.

  42. Kradamour says:

    wow. slow night. You would think it was a holiday…
    Oh, right, it is!
    Smile Smile Smile

    Whether you you will be eating lamb for Easter or enjoying Passover treats, best wishes to all for a lovely celebration with family and friends – and of course I include us in the “friends” part.
    Sweet Adam dreams, peeps!
    Bunny Chicken Bunny Chicken Bunny

  43. Kradamour says:

    Idol is far, far away in this music.

    darlin’, it has gotten to the point where “idol” and “adam” in the same sentence doesn’t even make sense any longer.
    I know that we are the cognoscenti, but when interviewers ask Adam about Idol now it pretty much stops me in my tracks. Huh? Idol? Oh, right…once upon a time…in a land far, far away… Razz

    Okay, now really g’nite!

  44. nkd says:

    There will be a stream Monday night for the NNN awards.
    Here is one:
    Logo is also streaming it from their website:

  45. nkd says:

    wrabel ‏ @wrabel
    yeahhh. on may 15 everybody go get @adamlambert’s new album “trespassing”. i cowrote the last song on there, “nirvana”. can. not. wait.

    Here are some of his songs.
    Office Lights is really pretty.
    Ten Feet Tall is nice too, kind of reminds me of Five for Fighting.

  46. TexasWannaHoldEm says:

    Thanks for the link, nkd! You’re right, Office Lights is really nice.

  47. nkd says:
  48. nkd says:

    Hi Texas! You’re back to your old avi!

  49. ultimathule says:

    “I GOT YOUR SAUSAGE” is so crazy funny on twitter about that GIF. “CANT.STOP.WATCHING.IT” – “Must get squatting in HD Monday” – “goes to spend time with the squatting gif”

    (Also put up a download of NNN with the big screen but the better audio.)

  50. nkd says:

    I have to admit, to everyone’s surprise, that I had the vid on rewind a few times at that point, and now have the gif open in a window so I can get lost in it for a while!

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