Adam has apparently wrapped up his US radio promo tour, at least for the moment, as April begins. Above we see Adam as he spent the last several weeks – hard at work with promo. This is (hopefully) finally the last month – for real – before Adam’s new “Trespassing” album will be released. The album is scheduled to drop on May 15. Will we get a second single ahead of the album release date? Will Adam perform on American Idol sometime in the next several weeks? We’ll know soon – in the meantime enjoy the chat!


2,621 Responses to April 2012 Chat

  1. milwlovesadam says:

    It was a total sing along. And Adam encouraged it. I need to find not one, but two jobs, and see many shows.

    Wow. This felt like old times, what fun. Now, need better video and audio. His voice was unbelievable.

  2. luval says:

    When he sang “Take it off” in Naked Love everybody went wild. LOL! And yes, the crowd singing along was amazing.

    Did he rap in one of the songs? Twitter said something about him rapping.

  3. glambotgram says:


    Keyboards Brian London

  4. milwlovesadam says:

    Take it off. He Giggles he snickers, try me on. GAAAH!!!

    Can you even imagine how crazy that is gonna get as he tours?

  5. glambotgram says:

    Broken english with major hip action.Major!!!

    THIS and This

    the amount of hip swivels, touching the buldge, hands down the body movements, crotch thrusting, MOTHER FUCKING ETC…….perfection!!

  6. glambotgram says:

    Looks like Lee Cherry was there We should get really close good pictures of the pants. Laugh

  7. milwlovesadam says:

    glambotgram my dear:

    you are kill-ling me.

    Don’t stop.

  8. Kradamour says:

    Oh, no! I just came back…Wait! I missed it??? I thought it was for 12 a.m. EDT?!
    Big Frown Big Frown Big Frown

    Sigh. guess I’ll catch the vids but I LOVE to share here in real time. Have missed that so much since GNT!

    Sounds like it was a total win! The pics are gorgeous, HE is gorgeous…can’t wait to see him do this live…so glad now that I am going to Wilkes Barre and that so many other peeps are coming, too!

    OK gonna go to bed so that I can get up early to troll for vids!
    G’nite peeps – sweet, sweet, sweet Adam dreams!

  9. aely says:

    I missed it too!! So sad….Can’t wait to see the videos!!

  10. nkd says:

    Jimmy Kimmel is just coming on now, in ET and CT.
    We were watching a live stream, which was great but I can’t wait to see it all in HD!

  11. milwlovesadam says:

    See ya’all tomorrow!! If I can scrape my eyeballs off the vids!!

  12. Ceddies says:

    Kimmel show is just now coming on in Central Time. I’ve resisted the livestreams, etc., because I wanted to see it first on TV.

  13. Oksana2000 says:

    Ceddies, you shouldn’t have resisted. On Kimmel you’ll see only one song,while on livestream we saw the whole concert.It was amazing.
    recorded livestream

  14. aely says:

    oh great oksana….now i am even more depressed Smile

  15. nkd says:

    Here’s a stream for Jimmy Kimmel for anyone not able to watch on tv. This one is working.

  16. Ceddies says:

    Wow, Kimmel’s first guest, Emily Blount, has on a black and yellow dress. Wonder if this was planned?

  17. Ceddies says:

    On Kimmel you’ll see only one song,while on livestream we saw the whole concert.

    Oksana, I was hoping to be able to catch videos of the whole thing somewhere later. Just hope I can.

  18. TexasWannaHoldEm says:

    Ceddies, I just noticed that. Emily could be Adam’s back-up dancer!

  19. Oksana2000 says:

    aely,dont’t get depressed, just click on the link in my post and watch.

  20. Ceddies says:

    Thanks, Oksana, for that recorded link. I’ll probably stay up after Kimmel and catch your link. Kiss

    ETA: I don’t think I could sleep knowing that there is new footage of Adam out there that I haven’t seen.

  21. cher says:

    I can’t wait for this concert vids. Did Suz go?

    No Oksana, she’s not in town. She’s soooo bummed. Work obligations. Cry

  22. aely says:

    I am happy now……Thanks so much for the link

  23. TexasWannaHoldEm says:

    Haha, was that Brian “painting” Adam’s face in the frame? I’m so excited – only a few minutes away!!

  24. cher says:

    Yay! Adam’s on next after the commercial! Excited!!!

  25. asifclueless says:

    I just got up.
    Adam is next.

  26. Oksana2000 says:

    Picture in that vid is not the greatest, but sound is OK.

  27. cher says:

    AWWWW. Just one song! Shucks. Gone to the website for more!

  28. Oksana2000 says:

    OMG, I watched it live on the big screen with a great sound. These pants are indeed prohibited in 17 states..LOL

  29. cher says:

    Does anyone know where to find the other song(s)? link please? Big Frown

  30. turquoisewaters says:

    Hi all,
    I saw only parts, so I’ll have to wait until some kind soul posts a video, or even until it shows on TV on the west coast.
    But I did see a very enthusiastic crowd. Feels great. Now what exactly was so important that I couldn’t be there?? (I get this thought every time Adam performs and I’m in my first row computer seat.)

  31. asifclueless says:

    I got up and this Plenty of GB !!!

    NoAngel ‏ @NoAngelPF

  32. asifclueless says:

    Love the audience. Know every word.

    Here is the recorded of ustream by CoralMermaid.
    There are more songs.


  33. dcglam says:

    OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!
    This was totally worth the wait and the late night for me.
    This performance of NCOE on JK was WAY beyond stellar and amazing!!
    LOVED, LOVED, LOVED every second of it.
    Killer job, Adam!!!! Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap

  34. TexasWannaHoldEm says:

    Gosh, what a luxury for Adam to have those beautiful, rich voices backing him up! Loved the parts where they carried the melody, leaving Adam free to riff to his heart’s delight. Grin

  35. TexasWannaHoldEm says:

    Hi dcglam! I wondered if you stayed up for this – we’ll all pay tomorrow, won’t we? (but well worth it!)

  36. dcglam says:

    I loved that part, too, Texas!!

  37. Oksana2000 says:

    link to recorded livestream. Better than nothing.

  38. dcglam says:

    I’m too giddy now to sleep…..
    It certainly will be hard for me to close my eyes now. Wink

  39. asifclueless says:

    Tjere are more songs here. Adam’s banter with the audience and Trespassing after NCOE.

  40. Ceddies says:

    Just watched the link that Oksana posted. Still not crazy about Broken English, but I thought that Cuckoo really sounded good. I may end up really liking that one a lot. Maybe there’ll be some YT’s available tomorrow.

    Good nite. What an exciting nite!

  41. turquoisewaters says:

    There is plenty of time to sleep when we die, right?
    This is my 4th night in a row on 5 hours sleep. I’m not sure how long I’ll stay up.

  42. dcglam says:

    Everything came together as total perfection….the vocals, the little dance moves, the smiles, the band, the backup singers, the hair, and the clothes. Adam looked incredibly hot! Sheesh, I feel I could just keep going on and on and on……

    Looking forward to watching NCOE on my TV again (DVR’d Kimmel) and the rest of the songs on video.

  43. cher says:

    Thanks asif!!

  44. asifclueless says:

    Adam Lambert performs a mini concert on Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC.

    OH-MY-MY !!! The mini concert was soooo good.
    Here is the ustream recorded by CoralMermaid.

    Adam looked great and sexy … Black, tight pants.
    Audience was lively, singing along, knowing every word of the lyrics. Adam’s banter with the audience was awesome. Dadbert, Neil, and friends were there.
    Sauli was dancing. Songs NCOE, Trespassing, Naked Love, Cuckoo, Broken English and more.

    ENJOY!!! Listening to Music Music Note

    Heart adamlambertlive Heart

    eywflyer … Love your Delta new avi.

  45. nkd says:
  46. turquoisewaters says:

    nkd: Thanks for posting the link.
    I loved the ending. The back-up singers really allowed Adam
    to take off. And I just love to see him smile and relax and enjoy the crowd and his own performance. (At least that’s what it looked like to me.)

  47. nkd says:
  48. nkd says:

    You’re welcome turquoisewaters.
    I hope some others are up soon.

  49. eywflyer says:

    I’ve put a recap page up for the Jimmy Kimmel mini-concert:

    Comments will stay here in the April thread (comments are disabled on the Jimmy Kimmel post), but I wanted to have a single place to post all the videos as they come in. NCOE and the recorded ustream link are there now (thanks asif and nkd for the links).

  50. rs says:

    perfection. I have no other words for that performance. sigh Big Smile

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