Adam has apparently wrapped up his US radio promo tour, at least for the moment, as April begins. Above we see Adam as he spent the last several weeks – hard at work with promo. This is (hopefully) finally the last month – for real – before Adam’s new “Trespassing” album will be released. The album is scheduled to drop on May 15. Will we get a second single ahead of the album release date? Will Adam perform on American Idol sometime in the next several weeks? We’ll know soon – in the meantime enjoy the chat!


2,621 Responses to April 2012 Chat

  1. HK fan says:

    cwm, definitely think he’s talking from experience with that ‘peace out’ answer….

  2. cwm says:

    Oh definitely, HK fan. No doubt!

  3. cwm says:

    Posting this because I can. UNF Razz

  4. rs says:

    riskylady, someone was very sneaky Smile and got this answer in to Nele621 without referring to the original post where she said

    S8: Kris and Adam almost equal success

    lovetheusa1776Yesterday 06:14 PM

    If you’re going by income (Forbes) in 2010, CU was way on top, and Daughtry and Lambert were tied at $6 million each. Kris wasn’t on the list – under $1 million I think was the cutoff. Haven’t checked info for 2011.

  5. Margie32127 says:

    I added the pics of Marilyn and her daughter Jen meeting Adam on 3/30/12 here:

  6. ultimathule says:

    Caught in the act – lol

  7. ultimathule says:

    That 4/2 thread seems to have gotten a second wind. Mainly about WGWG and how successful they are or aren’t – pretty boring.

    Love that pic, cwm

  8. milwlovesadam says:

    Home Planet had the answer about Michelle Collins. She’s going to be a producer/writer for Kathy Griffin. I would bet on it that our boy will end up on that show, or be mentioned. Kathy loves her some Adam. Michelle loves her some Adam. Good combo.

    Kradamour, so sorry to hear about your mom’s difficulties. Hope you are both holding up.

    I’ve been AWOL lately too. Still managing to lurk almost every day. Really need a laugh and a pick me up too. Got laid off. I’m trying to keep it together. New resume, job searching, and trying hard as hell to keep on WW, and not eat my stress. Literally. Thank goodness for my juicer and my treadmill. The juicer gives me energy, the treadmill helps me walk away the stress. Although, I have discovered that if you drink your juice, plus several added ice cubes and extra water just before walking, you will need to interrupt your walk once or twice!!!

    Think I’ll pop in my GN CD and walk and watch our guy. That helps a lot.

  9. nkd says:
  10. mieps says:

    So sorry to hear about your work, Mils. I hope your job hunt will be successful. Good to hear you’re not giving up on ww, health is the most important and the treadmill can definitely take care of the stress!

  11. nkd says:

    mils, I’m so sorry to hear you were laid off. Best of luck in the job search. Something better is waiting for you. Kiss

  12. TexasWannaHoldEm says:

    mils, also wanted you to know that I’m sorry you were laid off. Like mieps said, the treadmill can be your best friend when you’re troubled or stressed – there’s no replacement for the good feelings you have after keeping that commitment to yourself and your health. And like nkd said, something better is definitely waiting for you – like they say, “when one door closes, another one opens.” This economy is wretched – I’m getting ready to start a new career of sorts to help my hubby a bit more with expenses. Just have faith and an open mind – sometimes opportunities aren’t what we are expecting! Blowing Kisses

  13. Calgary says:

    mils So sorry to hear about your layoff. So stressful. Give yourself time to grieve your loss. Hang in there! Something will come along and you are so much luckier than most in your position ’cause you’ve got this site! (sheepish grin)And keep juicing and treading – mens sana in corpore sano!

  14. little dutchess says:

    luval says:
    04/02/2012 at 9:10 pm
    little dutchess…I’m waiting to see you and the duke on either side of Adam someday!

    Me too!!! But will they have to pick me up off the floor?

  15. little dutchess says:

    rs says:
    04/02/2012 at 4:20 pm
    little dutchess, I did the river cruise from St.Petersburg to Moscow in 2009…

    rs Thanks for the input about the Russian cruise…kind of you to think of me. I was planning on arriving earlier than the cruise so as to be able to Hermitage some justice. Am still considering this trip and also still going to London but just need to know if/when SOMETHING is happening between July 2-9.

    Wouls still love to meet up with you and others with plans to be there!

  16. glambotgram says:

    Kradamour I am sorry to hear you Mom is having difficulty. I am sending good thoughts your way.

    Mils So sorry to hear of your layoff. I am hoping this is just a disguised opportunity for you and better things are to come. I did not lose my job but my hours were cut this year and who knows what next year holds, the school systems in MI are in really bad shape. Werk that treadmill!

  17. eywflyer says:

    Latest BTIKM numbers:
    Mediabase Hot AC Airplay (4/3/12): #17
    Mediabase AC Airplay (4/3/12): #39
    Mediabase Top 40 Airplay (4/2/12): #53
    VH1 Top 20 Video Countdown (3/31/12): #18
    Billboard Hot 100 (4/7/12): did not chart

    The song remains stalled on AC, is losing spins quickly on Top 40, and dropped six spots on VH1 this past weekend. On Hot AC it moved up three spots due to higher songs going recurrent, but probably is close to peaking out there with the spin increase becoming very small during the past few days.

    Yep Adam – time for a new single.

    Sorry to hear about your job loss mils – good luck with your search and hope you find something soon.

  18. luval says:

    Mils…sorry to hear about your job situation. Were you able to read back a page or two? I wanted you to see the pants. Things will work out. Something bigger and better will come along.

  19. little dutchess says:

    mils so sorry to hear about your job. What a mess some things are in this economy. Sometimes this is just a mild setback. So keep moving forward;sounds like you’re getting everything under control staying with WW and exercising and juicing. That takes a lot of mental strength and it looks like you’ve got it!!! Good luck with all efforts jobhunting and otherwise

  20. milwlovesadam says:

    Thanks everyone! A whole hour and nearly 3 miles later, I feel much better today! Your good wishes are helping even more! Adam’s DVD isn’t long enough anymore! Oh well, it wasn’t long enough live either! Remember those days of lamenting how the show was over so fast?

    Watched and recorded the Monster Ball last night off of HBO. So I switched to that. Not too shabby.

  21. milwlovesadam says:

    Glambotgram, I’m so sorry for your reduction in hours. I should have seen the forest for the trees last summer. There was a huge layoff of 400+ employees at my hospital/corp. We all knew more were coming, but did I prepare myself? NOPE.

    Texas, I’m also considering a career change. I just don’t know what…

    Hmmm. Any money in being a professional fan? JK

  22. ultimathule says:

    Very sorry to hear about the job problems here – have family members in same predicament. Hoping the economy will pick up soon – this is the slowest recovery after a recession the U.S. has experienced in decades.

    Anyone hear anything about Krad’s mother?

  23. ultimathule says:

    Got an Eventful email offering tickets for 5/19 (MA) and 5/22 (Philly). There was a third one mentioned under Adam – no tickets offered yet – August 31 at Clowes Memorial in Indianapolis. This legit?

  24. turquoisewaters says:

    mils: I’m very sorry you lost your job. Not.a.good.feeling. Hang in there, girl, things will look up eventually. Just don’t let anything get you down. I can tell from your listmaking skills what a smart cookie you are, you will find something again. Kiss Bigger and better.

  25. apal123 says:

    Afternoon everyone,

    Kradamore: So sorry to here about you mothers’ health difficulties. Sending you good thoughts and prayers for a good outcome.
    Mils: Also sad to hear about your very recent layoff. No one can prepare for this but glad that you’re staying focused on your personal goals. This will so help you in going through the search for a new position. I’ve come to believe that everything happens for a reason and that ultimately you’ll find something that pleases you even more and allows you to shine.

  26. milwlovesadam says:

    luval, yessss, I saw the “pants”, if you can call them that!

    I especially liked the photoshoot of the long legs.

    Sorry, not very flattering in that rear shot. IMHO. He’s worn better for that “view.” But, I’m not complaining. I guess he’s home and feeling sexy. Good for all.

  27. TexasWannaHoldEm says:

    Sorry, not very flattering in that rear shot.

    I agree, mils – that might be the first bad picture I’ve ever seen of Adam!

    We’re under tornado warnings here – all three kids scattered at different schools, husband’s at work – I hate this time of year! Eek!

  28. nkd says:

    ultimathule says:
    04/03/2012 at 2:36 pm
    Got an Eventful email offering tickets for 5/19 (MA) and 5/22 (Philly). There was a third one mentioned under Adam – no tickets offered yet – August 31 at Clowes Memorial in Indianapolis. This legit?

    The third event for Adam is on 5/20 in NY. KTUphoria.
    Pre-sale is going on now.

    August 31 in Indy sounds like the GNT date. That Eventful keeps past events on it sometimes.

  29. milwlovesadam says:

    Texas, hope you are all safe.

    I’m off to vote. Gotta keep the prez in and those others out. Local stuff too. If I get one more call from Santorum’s recorded messages I’m gonna lose it.

    I know, I know. I already have.

    It was really hard walking on my treadmill with that aspirin between my knees! Gawd, has there EVER been worse idiots out there? Ever? Scary and funny all at the same time.

  30. milwlovesadam says:

    One more. I finally got my new Rolling Stone. It has Adam featured prominently in the 29 new sounds of spring section. Very nice. And it has THAT picture of him with his legs adn body seemingly in opposite directions. Love it. Anyway, it describes him as being mascara’d and with a Klaxon voice.

    So, I Looked up klaxon on Wikipedia. It’s a siren with a shrieking sound. Ha!

  31. nkd says:

    July 2nd, new Trespassing release date for UK.

  32. rs says:

    mils,sorry to hear about your lay off.The whole health systen is such a mess. You have a specialized profession that is so important that it should be in very high demand. I have no doubt that this is a temporary (albeit very bothersome) setback, and you will find something new, just make sure that it leaves you time for your duties as an Adam Lambert fan.

  33. Calgary says:

    mils a short job for you:
    The dude needs questions for Adam for the New Now Next Awards!

  34. rs says:

    little dutchess, the Pushkin Museum in Moscow has the other half of the French Collection from the Hermitage. It is just as impressive, but it is a smaller museum and not at all crowded. Instead of going shopping or to yet another monestary a few of us went there and then took the subway and met up with the rest of the group later. If you likke Impressionist and Post Impressionist Art, I highly recommend it. It was one of the highlights, among many.

  35. cwm says:

    mils – so sorry to hear about your job situation. My very best wishes with the job search!

    Kradamour – I’m very sorry to hear about your mother’s health difficulties. Sending good thoughts your way for strength and peace.

    TexasWannaHoldEm and all of our Texas friends — hunker down and hang tough! We’re thinking of you! Let us know that everything is ok with you after the storm passes!

  36. cwm says:

    As nkd reported above, July 2 has been set as the UK release date, per a Shoshana Stone tweet.

    She’s been tweeting a few details today. Apparently Adam is doing lots of phone promo with European media today. In addition to the UK release date being set for July 2, she also said that there will be “an extra track” on the UK release. Guess that means I’ll be buying the UK version as well as the US version (again!)!

    Several fans responded hoping for an Adam appearance on the Graham Norton show (remember the hilariously funny kissy guy?), and she said “if Glamberts want that show, they should tell them. On mass.” I think she means “en masse”, but we get the idea. Wink

    She has also written a press release that sounds like it will be released soon.

  37. nkd says:

    Ruth Stanley ‏ @Ruthielambrit
    @shoshannastone any chance u cld confirm Trespassing release date? HMV now showing 4th June! Confused!

    shoshanna stone ‏ @shoshannastone
    @Ruthielambrit July 2nd

    FrankieB ‏ @WasDCFM
    @shoshannastone Good it ties with UK promo but hope it doesnt end up as b4 with so many UK fans buying US release that they don’t buy here.

    shoshanna stone ‏ @shoshannastone
    @WasDCFM They won’t if they want an extra track

    Guess this means I’ll be buying a UK version again for 1 song!

  38. nkd says:

    cwm, reading my mind again!

  39. cwm says:

    Haha nekkid – we even said exactly the same thing – word for word!! “Guess this means I’ll be buying the UK version again…” Hah!!

    Here, Adam, why don’t I just open up my wallet and you take what you need, mkay? LOL The things we do!

    Also, here’s an interesting little tidbit. Wonder what they have up their sleeves?? Hmmm…

    Joe Time ‏ @EndlessTorture
    @shoshannastone Why is it two months later than everywhere else? Something special planned in July?

    shoshanna stone‏ @shoshannastone
    @EndlessTorture june actually Smile

  40. jlurksacto says:

    France’s recap of her M&G in LA:


    Maybe I should just paste here my tweets yesterday as the recap of our M&G yesterday! Thanks to those tweets, I now have a few new followers. I want to tell them to unfollow me because I’m not comfortable having followers and I tweet stupid stuff. I joined twitter to stalk adam and not to be followed. Smile Anyway, since you’re my favorites, and I’m procrastinating at work, here’s my recap.

    Jill and I got there around 11am, check in was at 11:15. there were some familiar faces and Jill found out that some who didn’t have tickets still showed up hoping that they’ll let them in. We were then sent to their break room where they served pizza (buy your own drink!).

    We were ushered into the performance area which was tiny! It had a stage and an area in front with just pillows in the middle and some cubes. Isaac (!), tommy and adam (!!!!) walked in at around 12:30 (show was supposed to start at 12) and I literally gasped when I saw his pants!!! Omg! I’ve been used to seeing him in jeans and tshirt the last few radio gigs with a cap that I didn’t expect him to be dressed up and his hair all coiffed and everything.

    Wow, his legs really do go on for miles. His boots were just sick! Must be 3 inch high medges with a snake skin pattern, I think. But the pants! His legs are so skinny and long! I have nothing to report on the bulge because I didn’t want to get caught staring! Lol. He wasn’t heavily made up but I think he looked tired.

    Anyway, the dj seemed nice but then he started asking questions which were kinda lame and he was making it all about himself. And then he said several times that adam’s fans are weirdos and ask weird questions. Adam said I’m a weirdo! I dunno, their whole interview, Adam seemed cranky and defensive but trying to inject humor and playfulness into the banter.

    Adam sang BTIKM, WWFM, NCOE and Trespassing. It was definitely much better with Isaac there. I loved adam’s subtle gestures to them and the sound guy to adjust the sound. He incorporates them into the performance.

    BTIKM – adam is really a theater kid. The way he sang this song, I looked towards the sound booth at the back to see if sauli was there because adam was really emoting! I’ve watched the videos of his performances but seeing it live and up close (we were probably 10 feet away, the room was tiny), it was something else. First song and I was already a pool of abdul.

    WWFM – really good, too. Adam scans the crowd and makes eye contact. I try not to look down but it was like staring at the sun!

    NCOE – this was my least fave snippet but it has grown on me. I couldn’t stop myself from mouthing along the words. I don’t like though the voice that he uses for the high notes. I don’t know what it’s called but it’s not as pretty. But, his performance was really good and after the performance, the DJ said this should be his next single. Thus commence this confusing banter between the DJ and Adam. DJ said NCOE should be the next single. Adam said but you haven’t heard the other one! DJ said, yes I have, Adam said nuh-uh, no you haven’t. (all this time I was freaking out because I was like, what!?!?! There is another song!?!?!!) then the dj said but you have them on adamofficial! The adam said, oh right, I’m just protective of my songs, they’re my babies.

    Trespassing – really good! I’m biased because this is my favorite. Everyone was just bopping along. Even the dj said that everyone was into the song. Adam said pharell was the mastermind of everything, he just threw in a few things here and there and sang the shit out of it but it’s all pharell. He said they wrote it because he was complaining about the difficulties he has getting accepted and pharell said, well we should write a song about that. And he said, well, that’s why we’re here! So that’s how the song was born.

    So we lined up and we were to have our pics taken in pairs. We were in the middle of the pack. I noticed that the line was moving fast, no time to say anything to adam. People were just smiling and getting their pic taken while I was planning on having a 10 minute life altering soul baring conversation with adam! Lol. Anyway, it was our turn and jill said hi adam, he said hiiii, then I said can I have a hug, and he said sure, but it was a one armed hug but he squeezed me and I squeezed back. Heh. Then, I quickly gave him my gift (a comic book of the RuPaul Drag Race contestants from Raja’s season. I showed him raja’s drawings and he laughed.) Jill gave him something too. He gave it to his assistant and said they better not lose it! Then they gave us a signed pic of adam.

    So Jill and I stood by the elevators. People slowly filed out and went down. We were trying to linger in the lobby but a lady told the other group that adam won’t be passing that way and will be using a back way to get out of the building (LIES, all lies!). heh. Anyway, I wasn’t buying it because several times I saw someone poke their head out to check if there were still people there. We stayed because jill and I were chatting with someone who works there. Then tommy and Isaac stepped out to the elevator lobby just as we were about to go down. So we rode in the elevator with tommy and Isaac. I wanted to hit tommy in the head and tell him off for always yawning and looking bored and just being plain unprofessional. But I didn’t. although in my head it totally happened. Heh. So they asked us if we knew how to get to parking, we said well follow us, that’s where we’re going. But, as we got off the elevator, lo and behold, everyone was outside waiting! Wow. And the fans who didn’t have tickets were there, too. So we decided to wait as well because we know adam would be coming down too and who could resist seeing him again in those skin tight leopard pants? Who!?!

    He went down after a few minutes and took pictures. I posted a vid of the girls who were crying. Their aunt thanked adam for making her a hero to her niece because she brought her to see him. Her niece was the crying one. Adam said he’ll take pics with those who haven’t had the chance yet. So sweet! So he then walked away and didn’t take the elevator to the parking garage. So jill and I went to her car. She was taking me to my car in the lower level when hello, adam drove by in his car. He drove himself and there was a carful of girls following his car. He was wearing sunglasses and my thought was that how can he see? It’s so dark in the garage!

    And that my friends, is how I spent my lunch hour(s) yesterday.

    Ps. Here are some of the Q&A that I remember (they better include the Q&A in the vids that they’ll post!):

    DJ asked if there’s pressure to always look your best; like leopard pants! And that jacket from the video!

    Adam said the DJ probably has some animal print undies going on. He said it sucks that you’re not supposed to were the same clothes. He said who died and made them king re: fashion police. He said have you seen joan rivers’ jackets? Talk about the pot calling the kettle old. Pshhh. Then they talked about designing shoes.

    DJ asked about the album,

    Adam said he wants people to go “OOhhhh…oohhh…” with a stank face. Then the other half, they would cry and go “huhuhu…” he was so funny! He did it several times in a cartoony way.

    Then adam mentioned songs being like relationships, the dj jumped on this and said, well you mentioned it! So adam said “he makes me very happy”. Cue all of us going…Aawwww….

    NNN awards, he’s gonna sing new song(s). dj asked, the new single? Then he said he doesn’t know yet what the next single is. Down to 2 choices. He’ll probably know this week.

  41. luval says:

    Thanks for that recap, jlurksacto. I could feel myself right there!

  42. turquoisewaters says:

    People were just smiling and getting their pic taken while I was planning on having a 10 minute life altering soul baring conversation with adam!

    I love how everybody just seems to lose it a bit when meeting Adam, either getting completely tongue-tied (that would probably be me) or becoming a bit delusional, but in a sweet way. It just speaks to the excitement.

  43. nkd says:

    Thanks for posting the recap jlurksacto! That was great!
    Pics and vids from LA.

  44. luval says:


  45. nkd says:

    I made an mp3 of Trespassing from 104.3myfm LA.

    I love this Trespassing! Love it!

  46. luval says:


  47. HK fan says:

    Mils, so sorry to hear of your job loss, and Kradamour, sorry to hear about your mum. Hope she’s doing ok.

    cwm I think that maybe that last interview he did with the funny, kissing guy was the Justin Lee Collins show, but I would love to see him on the Graham Norton show, love his chat show. And he could do The Jonathan Ross show again, but singing this time too, (that was the one where he told him he looked like a dead politician, and sang a small bit acapella).

    I should still be going to the UK around the release date so I’ll be able to pick up my copy.

  48. TexasWannaHoldEm says:

    Hi everyone! We weathered the storm just fine – tornadoes all around us, but my little town managed to just enjoy a little rain and wind (but one of our tv’s went out – maybe a power surge?) This time of year is always scary – the weather can change so quickly.

    Count me in for ordering the UK version – didn’t get the CD with Can’t Let Your Go last go round, so I’m not making that mistake again!

  49. luval says:

    nkd..just noticed you posted the videos 1 minute before me! I’ll take mine out!

  50. luval says:

    Yes, nkd…That Trespassing was great!!!

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