Adam has apparently wrapped up his US radio promo tour, at least for the moment, as April begins. Above we see Adam as he spent the last several weeks – hard at work with promo. This is (hopefully) finally the last month – for real – before Adam’s new “Trespassing” album will be released. The album is scheduled to drop on May 15. Will we get a second single ahead of the album release date? Will Adam perform on American Idol sometime in the next several weeks? We’ll know soon – in the meantime enjoy the chat!


2,621 Responses to April 2012 Chat

  1. Miss Chaos says:

    So does a purchase of itunes count as a sale for the album? Since I preordered it, I can buy i for my grandkids, or just maybe run out and buy one, gotta support the cause ya know. I put on NCOE from Kimmel, last nite for the crew, it was nice, because all the kids and men folk were quiet and respectful while he was singing, and the kids loved it of course.

    Off topic. My laptop was burning my legs while I was reading Adam stuff, and no it wasnt from the subject lol. Anyhow took the puter to my guy and said it was so hot burning up my legs. Anyhow he said buy some canned air, lol, and spray the fan area and vents in the back! Vola, not hot any more! And sprayed the keyboard too, and my keys are a flyin now, I can type like a speedy demon, Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap ROTFL Devil

  2. nkd says:

    HK fan, have you ever tried purchasing from Adam Official, either the physical CD or the mp3 version?

    The mp3 singles from AO are higher kbps that itunes or amazon.

  3. HK fan says:

    nkd, no I don’t think have, I never really visit that site, find it hard to navigate. Although I did register once…wonder if I can remember my password..

    miss chaos. We brought our boys specially made fans for their laptops. They are the same size as the laptops, the computers just sit on top and they run a fan to keep the computers cool, (silently, you can’t hear them). They seem to work well,

  4. luval says:

    Just realized I can’t remember what Shady sounds like. Smile

  5. nkd says:

    HK fan, you don’t need to sign in with a password to purchase from AO. I’m not sure how the international purchases are handled though. It may be worth a try.

  6. nkd says:

    Just realized I can’t remember what Shady sounds like.

    “No I ain’t broken but I, I need a fix. That satisfaction when I, I get my kicks”

  7. riskylady says:

    Here’s an improved version of Cuckoo from Kimmel, from the same person who improved Broken English. (I was able to drag myself away from BE to listen to this, so be grateful, people!)
    This has Adam speaking before the song, and the band intro, and the FABULOUS final siren note!

  8. luval says:

    Thanks, nkd. That really helps. Smile Smile

  9. riskylady says:

    YAY, NCOE got 7 early adds today, 1 Canada Chr, 2 Canada HAC, 4 US HAC. And stations in Canada are picking up speed!!!!

  10. TexasWannaHoldEm says:

    Thanks for that musical interlude, nkd! I needed a refresher too!

    I predict MJ will bring the Adam Idol thread to a screeching halt any minute now… The accusations/direct replies to posters are rampant now (and I love it! Grin).

  11. glambotgram says:

    NKD I have the exact same thing on my clipboard ready to post for luval. Great minds!!

  12. loveroftalent says:

    woohoo for the adds…

    Yes MJ will closing that thread anytime now….

  13. turquoisewaters says:

    riskylady: Here’s an improved version of Cuckoo from Kimmel…

    check out the final pirouette at 4:18!
    On a different note: I wish he performed Trespassing with more attitude and fierceness, and less campy. It takes too much of the edge off IMHO. Is that just me?

  14. josephine says:

    How wonderful about the Idol performance just a few days before my Birthday— thank you for the wonderful present!!!!!Love the month of May—-MISS CHAOS—still waiting for our lunch date!!!!!!

  15. ultimathule says:

    Interesting, turquoisewaters about Adam’s Trespassing performance. He seemed much “fiercer” at the NNN concert among his “community” than at Kimmels. But think he was just very happy the whole time at Kimmels – probably came through in that performance as well.

    We’ll see how it goes – he changes stuff up so much that it’s easy to prefer one performance of a song to another. I still prefer the acoustic of Trespassing at Amazon in Seattle pretty much.

  16. josephine says:

    Kris Allen was performing on the Santa Monica Pier and was stopped performing by police due to lack of permit—but he was still the nice guy and thanked everyone for stopping by……even the police–I like the guy!!!!!!

  17. turquoisewaters says:

    a concert in Ukraine? with Elton John? do we know about this?

  18. Miss Chaos says:

    Josephine, do you go to Redding much, let me know, I can run up there anytime and meet you for lunch, how exciting!!

  19. josephine says:

    MC–sounds super and is only 45 minutes away so let me know and we can get together—-feeling the sadness that all the Adam performances are in the Eastern US!!! Maybe when he decides to tour, we can arrange to see one—

  20. eywflyer says:

    The May chat thread is posted, enjoy!

  21. turquoisewaters says:

    ultimathule: I like the acoustic Trespassing from London.

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