- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
YAY! aely. Converting one fan at a time. The best thing about this story is that it reinforces what we all know. To know Adam is to love him. Enjoying every one these recaps so much. The whole WAG tour was great but Finland is “da bomb”, as Randy would say.
Btw, aely, not sure who babysat who, but we had fun. Tease your dad, he really hit it off with agathe.hb. There is NO subject they didn’t talk about lol. Hubby went looking for him today but he was out – I stayed in bed trying to kick this annoying cold.
BTIKM/Chokehold by mia177mia http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTDd5dPYJRQ
riskylady, wish you a quick recovery!
aely, you have had wonderful time with your friend and her family
Loved your story, you are glambertizing the whole family 
I haven’t had time to catch the vids either, dedicating tomorrow for that when I’ll get home. Withdrawals, bad. Post-concert depression, developing…
But I have been busy with socializing with my friends. Then my mom came to Helsinki today afternoon and we went to the concert (Il Divo). Lol, my mom had read all the news about Adam’s concert on Finnish entertaining news sites. And watched pics. She said Adam looks very good in that blue suit
I gave her Trespassing CD that belonged to my VIP set.
Sorry to hear about your cold riskylady. Shades of Hammersmith. Get better soon! Really good fan to give up the VIP cd. I couldn’t do it LadyNorth. Thanks for being our eyes and ears on the ground, guys.
A great Hot Stuff.
I got home yesterday around 2 pm. Since then, continuous catching up, haven’t even unpacked my luggage
. All the vids, and recaps & ventilation on Finnish sites. So many concert attendants are suffering major WAGlag. I invented that word and it’s spreading on Twitter
I am working on my own recap. While waiting for that, here is a great review from first row, from Atopia. She is from Spain I think, was at the pre-party.
This is probably posted, but it’s such a great pic of the crowd
Keek of the audience
Iltalehti interview of the girls who stayed in a tent for 2 days – mostly in Finnish, but they say wishes to Adam and show how much clothes they have in a tent, lol.
I am still in bed with my lap top, it’s noon soon
That’s what WAGlag does. Should get up and eat
I have concentrated to basic needs first – Adam
Forgot to eat yesterday, I had lunch at 9 pm.
Oh and TLKC, that CD was just a normal Trespassing Deluxe, nothing special attached to it, no signatures etc. It was still in plastic.
I watched illuxxia’s videos yesterday, some of them were really good – Hot Stuff, AYGGMW etc. Also videos from SirenaMei, BE, BTIKM. Sorry to link them like this, I still have so much to watch, haven’t watched the whole show yet.
Pre party
Ok, here it comes. As you already read earlier, I arrived in Helsinki on Thursday afternoon by train. Aely, riskylady and riskyhubby met me at the railway station and we had a cup of coffee or whatever at the café nearby, some Finnish fans joined us. I walked to my hotel with riskies, who stayed at the same place.
Dinner at restaurant Namu started at 6 pm. We had the whole lounge area for us, a buffet table with many different courses, many corners with sofas and small coffee tables. I immediately recognized Agatha.hb, whom I shortly met in London too. She was there with her daughter and I joined them. Soon aely and riskylady came too.
The lounge was full of glamberts, from Finland and numerous other countries. I heard it was at the best something like 60-70 people! I had not met anyone except riskylady and Agatha.hb before, but I recognized some Finnish faces from facebook or Twitter. And we all had name tags. But mostly we talked with each other in our little sofa corner. Everyone was so nice
, it was great to get to know aely too! We might be juniors of ALL
Later in the evening two German glamberts and one from Belgium joined us in our “table”. I only talked with two Finnish people that evening – it’s a shame but I was new to all of them, didn’t know which groups to join and I thought who knows when I was going to meet my foreign friends again! Aely had brought a bottle of wine with her from her hotel, and the two of us shared it (yes, in the restaurant!).
When it was time to go to the gay night club, Mary gave up but I went there with aely. It was quite empty, it was Thursday. We didn’t stay very long, only until midnight, but long enough for me to sing in karaoke
(OMG) and have a special shot
with aely. It’s something very Finnish, a vodka kind of shot with salty licorice
. It’s black. I think she liked it?
I wish I had stayed longer, the others stayed late dancing, I heard later DJ played a lot of Adam’s songs! But we tried to be reasonable and go to bed early. Which didn’t help because I woke up at 4.30
to be continued…
My recap from Helsinki show, part 2
Concert day – getting ready!
It’s Friday! Finally! I visited some Finnish people at my hotel, I new their room numbers. The whole hotel was full of glamberts. Some Finnberts had bought gifts for Adam and glamily, over 50 fans (also I) participated them and signed the card for Adam. The presents were taken to Hartwall Arena by the organizer. Adam got a silver necklace, which is designed by an older Finnish rock star for famous Finnish jewelry design company Kalevalakoru. The meaning of that jewelry series was perfect for Adam. We are anxious to see him wearing it
! This is the translation:
Michael Monroe, a rock star and a designer, about the meaning of this jewelry series AStarAllHearts: “During all these years in my life and career it’s been important to me, that I don’t harden my heart or lose my soul for any price. Truth, love and gentleness are above all and as a “star” I want to shine positive energy and light to everyone’s hearts around the world”. That describes so well Adam too
OK, back to the business. I met Agatha.hb again in riskies’ room. I found out later that Adam and Sauli were outdoors from noon to 2 pm, walking around the town giving autographs. Damn! When they returned to their hotel, aely saw them. Damn! I stayed at my hotel resting and read tweets what was going on around
It was freezing cold wind that day!
At 4 pm me, riskies and aely met to go to the venue. German glambert we met on the Thursday dinner was also with us. We all had VIP tix, which included buffet at the venue restaurant. When we got there, there was already a big VIP standing line inside VIP restaurant. We had seats, so we had our dinner in peace and quiet, we even missed the opening act. We had our seats on the same stand close to each other.
I was sitting next to a very nice Finnish glambert of my age, she was also alone. We had great time dancing together, she told she was a die-hard fan since 2009 and had seen him on GNT Helsinki. I had a great view from my seat, although the stage was quite front of the area, it’s a damn large venue. There were few empty seat areas, but not that much, so it was almost sold out.
Before the show was about to start, I decided to visit bathroom. On my way there in the corridor I passed by two Finnish TV-celebrities, an interior designer and his boyfriend. I watch the show they are in weekly, designer is quite a character, a big personality and very entertaining. He just turned 50, his bf is much younger, less than 30. They are a great couple, been together for 8 years. I don’t know what happened in my head (maybe those 2 gin tonics
I had on the VIP buffet
) but I just said hi like an old friend (big lol) and we began to talk.
Boyfriend Niko is a huge fan of Adam and makes music himself, Teuvo the designer said he thinks Adam has a good voice but he is not a big fan of his music. I told them I have fan friends online, who have come around the world to this concert and what a wonderful fandom this is. Niko thought it’s really cool.
I didn’t get a chance to talk with them after the show, but later I saw an interview where Teuvo told he became a fan during this concert, because of Adam’s incredible charisma and the way he performs! And those two were at the same private club afterwards as A&S and glamily and were so happy to meet them all, pics can be seen in a magazine article that came out today. So this is my celebrity glambert story of the evening
My Helsinki recap, part 3
Helsinki, let’s get Kinky!
Lights go off. You can hear the first sounds of IIHY and then the light show starts. The whole venue begins to scream and yell and wave yellow & white scarfs. That was one of the flash mobs planned earlier for this concert. You can see standing area doing later it in this video which is taken far, as well as the light show at the beginning.
I think I can’t tell every detail of the show or song. I couldn’t see Adam’s expressions from my place, so I decided to dance during faster songs and use my binoculars during slow ones and special moves. I was surprised that there were no screens in use. On a big venue like that it would have been necessary. I was hoping for some good vids late – luckily we got them, so we all have a chance to see every move and gesture he made.
The beginning of the show was like a big dancing thing. I waved my glow stick, took some photos, used my binoculars and danced and sang. I saw those glow sticks all around the venue. People in the standing area were so wild, but I just saw their backs because they had crushed themselves mostly in the area in front, ahead of our stand.
What amazed me most, was the incredible voice of Adam’s. I was surprised that I didn’t need my ear plugs, the sound was very perfect where I was sitting (=standing and waving). Adam’s voice was crystal clear, it cut the air like a knife, filled me. People didn’t scream that much during the songs – well at least I didn’t hear them in my spot, which I am very happy about. Adam had so many high notes I can’t remember which songs and when. But we all have heard him using them in those songs somewhere. So my feeling was that this time he did it in EVERY song, almost the best he could. I noticed he didn’t move as much as sometimes, probably because he needed that air for singing. I talked to some peeps later, who were in the first rows of the standing area. Some fans said they had difficulties to hear Adam, because some others sang next to them, or because of the acoustics. That’s what I was thinking earlier – whether to choose to hear perfectly, or go standing and see him close. My health made a choice, I would have never survived alive down there with my 5 feet height!
When Better than I know myself came, I decided to take a video
. I wanted to take one slow song. So I kneeled down by the rail in the front, which helped to keep the camera stable. But it was hard anyway! BE with the dedication to Sauli and the venue exploded in screams. Have you noticed those yellow hearts on vids and photos? Another flash mob, hearts raised up during Naked love and Broken English. My heart was in my bag, because it was too dark to see it in the stand. But it’s a nice souvenir. I finished it on VIP buffet with aely’s help.
When FYE came, Adam really put the high gear on. From that on, OMG those vocals!! Bending down on his knees or butt
And the audience went bananas, dancing and screaming. I was sweaty and feeling high, didn’t want it to end. I was going through the set list in my head, and screamed for joy when I recognized Hot Stuff and other extras. More songs to party! And big party it was. It was clear that’s what Adam wanted. As much as I would love to hear Stay and Underneath live, he obviously wanted to concentrate on up beat songs and put on a fabulous party. Helsinki, Helskinky. I loved the audience singing part, it was so much like in Queenbert. Also that clapping of hands above your head. It looked as great as Radio Gaga in Hammersmith, I had a great view over the whole venue.
When Shady was over they left and audience yelled and clapped their feet on the floor until they came back. AYGGMW and I was jumping, jumping! I love rock Adam. I didn’t notice that stealing of the drums during Music again, it was a dead spot for me. I guess I was dancing like hell? Great Trespassing and then it was over. Fellow fan next to me said isn’t it wonderful to go crazy like this at your 40’s? YES IT IS! It was so great live. Feel the atmosphere, live in it, lose your mind like a maniac. I feel live, I feel happy and younger in mind. I need this drug. This high stayed on many days. I felt warm inside. I can only imagine feelings of those, who saw him close. Or hugged him at the M&G. Those are cherries that I still have to pop
To be continued…
My recap of Helsinki part 4
In the Aftermath
Like I said, that high feeling stayed. Actually it was stronger the next day than right after the concert. After the concert we returned to our hotels, I really needed to lay down for a while. I was alone, but on Twitter reading what’s happening. I uploaded my first and only video. And commented here how I was feeling, I had a need to share it. I was physically tired and fulfilled, but after some rest I left for after party, which was near. Possible opportunity to see Adam and Sauli? The whole after party thing was a disappointment, but it didn’t matter because I was still high.

The morning after I just wanted to experience it all again. I didn’t want to leave my glambert heaven, so I asked on Twitter if there are any other fans around for a cup of coffee. Luckily some others from Finland felt the same (team ALL was visiting old town nearby or traveling to Kotka), and we had a long, wonderful chat about the concert, Adam and fandom. It was their first time too. We agreed no matter where you’re from and what age you are we share the same feelings.
There were so many glambert people from around the world in Helsinki on that beautiful winter-spring weekend, I wish I had had time and chance to meet them all in person. But it all continues on Twitter, Facebook, chats and sites and other online living rooms – until the next time we meet each others and Adam live
LadyNorth I love you. Amazing recap. I felt the excitement. You lucky gal. The high lasts for several days doesn’t it? I clicked on all the Finnish articles in the link you provided and read the translations. Adam got really good coverage.
Thank you TLKC
I wanted to make a detailed recap to keep myself still high and remember it all. I wrote it first in Windows Office Word so that it doesn’t accidently disappear in process. Feeling exhausted now… But I am happy if I managed to pass my feelings to you in my Broken English 
Thanks LadyNorth That recap was WONDERFUL!
And you write better English than I read in some of the newspapers here in North America!
Ladynorth great recap! Oh, everyone, I have video of the karaoke!
BTW. She is great!!!!!
Loved reading your recap, LadyNorth – Adam attracts such wonderful, kind, loving people as fans. And so enjoyed your comments about hearing his voice live – just nothing like it. Great about Teuvo, too – another Glambert!
Great recap ladynorth! We could feel your excitement. Thanks a lot.
I’ll only add a tiny bit to LadyNorth’s excellent and exuberant recap.
When we were leaving our VIP buffet, we peeked out at the arena during the last part of the opener’s set. We were “where are all the people!?!?..” Only about 20 percent of the seats were filled, and just the front part of the floor! Bou then, as we made our way around the corridor to our seats, it was PACKED wall to wall with people eating, drinking, hanging out! After we sat down, we watched happily as the seats, balconies and floor filled up while the stage was being readied.
I can never get enough of that moment when Adam steps into view – when the roar increases to almost unimaginable levels of joyous sound, and his voice soars above it. Nirvana!
The first songs are so fun, choreography so amusing and campy, dresses up but doesn’t detract from the vocals. That moment when Terrence and Johnnie come flying off the top of the stairs always amazes me – no bad landings! The Pop that Lock vogueing by Adam is sooooo sexy live!
Sound where we were was excellent – his voice stunning, especially with the ballads. BTIKM, Chokehold, BE, OOL, goosebumps.
But LAdyNorth and I felt the same thing. With FYE the roof blew off and it was a mad, crazy, delirious party until the last note of Trespassing. You could feel the whole crowd IN SYNC with Adam and each other. We sang, we pumped and waved arms, screamed, all in perfect unison. Every song upped the energy. Hot Stuff was HOT, AYGGMW even more. Hubby was on his feet, dancing. This has NEVER happened.
There was one empty seat at the end of our row, which became occupied by two gorgeous 19-something yr old girls who bounced through the whole concert. After, they told the lady behind us someone sneaked them in at last minute, had never heard Adam, and were totally smitten.
Thank goodness for binoculars as surprisingly for such a large venue there were no large screens. When he dedicated BE to Sauli, his grin and expression were priceless.
One word EPIC. And for once, I remember everything. So glad we came. And now, just left the Arctic Circle at 7a.m. Traveled south through miles of fairy tale forests of frosted trees, unbelievably beautiful. We are on a train approaching Tampere, to visit LadyNorth. Saw about 15 minutes of emerald green northern lights last night during our snowmobile safari over the frozen river and into the forest under full moon. Finland is magical, I recommend it – such charming people and stunning country.
All for now, folks…..
Thank you everyone for your thanks
And yes, all kinds of goodies are waiting for my visitors here! This is the first day I have done also something else than Adam related, I did clean my house 
Ladynorth I wish I was still there! Already planning a trip back in Sept. Tell Risky hi!
Thank you very much LadyNorth, riskylady and aely for your wonderful recaps and experiences sharing with us.
I feel like I were there with you all.
Love the magical, charming, stunning and beautiful Finland and the people there.
More recaps, sightings and gathering in Finland … Please !!!
The whole experience sounds magical! Thank you aely, LadyNorth and riskylady for sharing it with us in your wonderful recaps.
What vivid, wonderful recaps! Thank you so much, LadyNorth, riskylady and aely. I could just feel the excitement and the adrenal rush as if I were there. That feeling is so addictive! I’m so happy you were able to experience this amazing concert and share it with us.
You’re welcome everyone
I’m slowly coming back to the earth, I feel very tired and a bit sick. So resting in bed…
Here is a link to my few concert pics. There was not enough light to take close pictures from that distance
But I’m happy many others have got them!
LadyNorth and riskylady: I am sooo late but thank you both for your wonderful recaps.
LadyNorth and riskylady – I’m late too, but thank you so much for posting such rich, luscious, and yummy recaps! I slurped it all up!!
Here is a little treasure trove of gifs from the Helsinki show.
Shady: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-oPh8OBIZcDc/UVJH3V1Du2I/AAAAAAAAAIQ/Iyxii3KpdYE/Shady-1.gif
Dragon Attack: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-pzwpCroWuFQ/UU4yuZmBpeI/AAAAAAAAhLY/GjDxKK-T3U8/s1600/GIF+DA+TONGUE+BUTT+SHAKE+lilybop.gif
Same move, another angle: https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-pov4gBO6xnc/UVJC5VWIsjI/AAAAAAAAAIE/2fb4jYXjP7w/DA-1.gif
Dragon Attack #2 (love this one): http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-kLk9w1xSFSw/UU4uOqwbiFI/AAAAAAAAhK4/r0x6BkB5uGQ/s1600/GIF+DA+HELSINKI+FRINGE+TONGUE+lilybop.gif
Broken English (connect the neck to what’s below – YOWZA!!) https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-P4jWve6rwl0/UVIq1hnB3fI/AAAAAAAAAHA/gERCH6wfKh4/BE-1.gif
Fever butt shimmy: https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-JN3Ofu__BbE/UVIweKqKvgI/AAAAAAAAAHY/7xS_r8vIPWI/Fever-1.gif
AYGGMW: https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-mwDsuqHepNg/UVI2KObOI4I/AAAAAAAAAHs/GFsLKw2rAhQ/AYGGMW-1.gif
Chair spinning: http://24.media.tumblr.com/b6c10f690726ec0282809d170a1b5430/tumblr_mk8t2hgXTa1qkok43o1_400.gif
Here are ScorpioBert’s MP3 download links for the “best” captures of each song from the Helsinki show only, with the sources identified:
And here’s the entire Helsinki show all in one big mp3 file:
This is bayoulady’s playlist of all of the videos from Helsinki: (wow, that’s dedication!)
Part 1 (200 videos): http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8FJVGbfjBTK1KK_kXnwVrMfOtvu8AUF0
Part 2 (164 videos): http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8FJVGbfjBTJkHI34GdB6P2DKNbsjutuD
Great photos:
BTIKM: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=gzS7BW3fe6M
Broken English: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=D8VjFlLh290
Another Broken English: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXUb__fX8R8&feature=youtu.be&a
IIHY opening: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3huTRHwEcXY&feature=youtu.be
Dragon Attack and Shady: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_alDR5bgxK0&feature=youtu.be
Trespassing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6xYmKmPado&feature=youtu.be
More photos:
A Couple of Best Of WAG Tour playlists:
Highlights of the WAG Tour: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=pgF1WLQRVyo
More great pics:
More and more and more great pics (as you may have guessed, I came across a treasure trove):
Broken English, dedicated to Sauli: https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-hWhZ8VCkqWg/UU9AKd0bbZI/AAAAAAAAAGE/4FLY1mdGDqM/BE-DedicatedToSauli.gif
And still more pics: