- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Thanks as always to mlg for the beautiful poster, this is the first one featuring Adam’s new look! I have to head to work about the time that Adam’s set begins, so please post any pix or vids you find in the comments and I’ll update the main post Wednesday morning. Enjoy!
Early bird fans at the venue.
Gorgeous poster mlg. Love platinum Adam in the centre.
This is the updated link for the concert.
mlg. mlg. mlg. mlg. Thanks!
One fan’s view of the stage.
Word is no audio on the streams. It is to air on Fuji Tv, so at least we will get a good video whenever that might be.
Hmm – anybody here? Twitter feed went dead 20 minutes ago…is everybody there leaving now?????
Did twitter come up with anything interesting?
Okay, so maybe feed went dead cause Adam came on. Finally a tweet that says “Adam ended” from a fan. Then AdamLambertJP tweets
. I give up!
Well – seems to be TR, NL, Cuckoo, and NCOE
Grey T-shirt w/statue of liberty painted on
grey gradiated jeans
Rick Owens sneaker boots
RT @kai357: Today’s show is being taped, will be aired on TV later on (31 Aug) though!
Little stage pic courtesy Natsumi http://desmond.yfrog.com/Himg860/scaled.php?tn=0&server=860&filename=fylvs.jpg&xsize=640&ysize=640
d’awww RT @kai357: Sauli is watching the show from the wing! He’s wearing a bright green sleeveless shirt “@100e_: サウリは明るいグリーンのノースリーブ。”
Sauli was watching Adam with a drink in hand, fanning himself w/Japanese fan, and smiling happily! He was so cute! (via http://bit.ly/TDGIMH
유경 Yuki Kim Ohsaki@seraphimhymn
Adam wore grey Tshirt w/ a statue of liberty painted, grey gradianted jean and Rick owens sneaker boots
Photo of the show
another one,
In the stage photo it looks like the glove he just bought. (only one glove?). But the it’s fingerless. Bet he cut them off.
Adam certainly knows how to match his clothes to his hair! That gray shirt looks very good with his hair! And the silver glove.
It seems like we have to wait until 31st to get a view to this show…
Photo collage from Mezamashi live
He looks so delicious and happy. The hair looks shorter on top, and a deeper shade of blond. The sides still look silver. He looks so monochromatic. And is that the Milwaukee white glove I spy? I hope we can see this performance soon.
I also just love it when he still wears his grandfather’s ring. For a couple of reasons, he seems to wear it a lot when he’s traveling, maybe for good luck, who knows? But, also, because my father wears the exact same ring on his pinkie finger as his wedding ring. It’s a blue star sapphire. I’d wager that my dad and Leila’s dad would be the same age. And since Leila was from Jersey, and my dad had an uncle in the jewelry business in NY, maybe a popular style out east back then was that ring.
I just love the sentimentality of him wearing it.
mils, is there a photo with a good image of the ring?

I love family rings. On my hands almost every day are my grandmother’s gold wedding band, my great-great-aunt Mary’s garnet, my mother’s chased platinum band, and my great-great-grandfather’s gold signet ring (men were smaller then, fortunately! and I can wear it on my pointer finger). So I love that Adam keeps a family member close in this way, also.
Some photos from the concert
Our hero ninja @bani_ captured an audio recording of the entire show and posted it to Soundcloud on her Adamholic blog, along with some good photos. Thank you bani!! (Scroll to the bottom for the Soundcloud audio.)
Also, GREAT set of professional photos here:
Adam looks and sounds fantastic! Of course. I love the 50 shades of gray on him, with his silver platinum hair. Great look. And his performance is really high energy and his voice perfect as always. I love hearing the audience enjoying themselves so much.
Set list – http://instagram.com/p/OVbSoRvJ68/
and http://ow.ly/i/QPW0
Updated with photo links, the soundcloud audio link, and the set list. Thanks to everyone for posting the links. Looks like videos are going to be hard to come by due to very tight security.
nice crowd shot and some others
Kradamour, the picture is here. It’s the ring he wears on his index finger. It’s also a blue star sapphire. It’s exactly like my dad’s.
I wear my grandmother’s diamond from her wedding set in my engagement ring. I’m named for her. She died when my mom was 13. So, mom named her first daughter for her mom. It means so much to me.
According to posts on twitter, it sounds like the concert was just broadcast on Japanese tv a short time ago. I’m betting that we’ll get recordings of whatever was broadcast even if we can’t get fan videos of the whole show.
From JustJared
glambotgram find –
Mezamashi Live coverage. VIDEO! RT @es_v1: にゅ~ http://youtu.be/aumVkyt4Umg まし http://youtu.be/XD7yPSCXDPo
Thanks, mils. I thought that was the ring you meant; hadn’t noticed that it is a sapphire before.
I love the story for your grandmother’s diamond and your name. I think that rings are especially important pieces of jewelry: the symbolism of the circle, the fact that they are usually worn daily and absorb some of the essence of the wearer…

I love those two broadcast clips. Wow, those Japanese fans are fantastic – a sea of sunflowers and black-striped bananas (boomerana?), arms waving to Naked Love, fists pumping for NCOE, hands clapping in time to Trespassing… awesome. It was obvious that Adam was loving the crowds’ enthusiasm.
He also looked and sounded fabuloso. And so so happy.
I FLOVE those sunflowers!

Such a creative idea. The Japanese audiences (at the risk of stereotyping) are consistently high-energy and participatory.
Almost as much fun to watch the audience as Adam!
Well, okay, that is going too far…
Fabulous poster as always mlg Just fabulous!
I like the contrasting looks but I still prefer the dark hair. Whatever he does is fine with me though. That’s our bb.
That truly is a gorgeous poster, mlg. Your posters are always gorgeous, of course. But I love that this is the first one including a pic with blond hair – and that’s a particularly beautiful shot of Adam.
I’m loving the blond hair on Adam. It’s a fun change. I’m not prepared to say that I love it more than the dark hair, but I definitely think it looks great on him. Shoot, he would probably look great in pretty much any hair color.
Another family ring story for Mils and Krad. My grandmother had an antique Eastern Star ring which she treasured and my sister as a child loved. In Fact she almost obsessed over it. When my grandmother died the only thing she wanted was the ring. She had it for about 15yrs when my two daughters joined Rainbow Girls and since they were heavily involved (worthy advisers and one even held a state office)I joined the Eastern Star. My proud sister insisted that I take the ring and wear it as she would never join Eastern Star. I wore it for many years even tho my interest in Rainbow Girls and the Star waned. One day my husband gave me a beautiful Jade ring I wanted to wear on that finger. I put the ring away for awhile, then one day I realise I had to do something with it. I put it in a nice box and invited my sister to lunch. During lunch I surprised her with the ring. She broke into tears and sobbed. The beautiful square cut ruby antique ring was again where it should be. It will always be a memory of our Grandmother. Now onto Adam, I’m really not minding his new hair and he looks young and energized with it. I love the Japanese audience.
Jo, what a nice story. Family jewelry brings out so many emotions in people.
Added full song videos above. Thanks HK fan!
adam at the Mezamashi live concert part 1
part 2
And we have a few little gif treats from that show, too: (from cwm)