- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
I saw him – pointing at his head or something. Having a great time from the looks of it.
cwm, my thoughts are with you.
Gonna go take my sick and aching and coughing and yucky self to the TV to watch some Queenbert.
Just heard from my brother in China again
So I sent him a picture from IHeart. Not very effeminate there. Nope.
Adam and his trusty sidekick Rob. Wonder what Rob does in the “off” times?
You can see not much audience reaction to Chris Brown.
Oh, I just read back about the bolding. I would laugh out loud, but I’m afraid that would trigger a coughing jag. So I’ll just snicker instead.
Oh crap. Now I’m nauseous…ugh.
Breaking Bad last night was simply what great acting and writing and directing are supposed to be. So sad it’s over now, but they sure went out with …a bang.
Yeah, they are playing up the collab between Nate & Queen.
Where was I on Friday Sept. 20th? Seriously. Yeti was there? mmm222, help!
HEHEHEHEHEHEH – that was GREAT!!!!!! Gawd – hope someone puts up a YT of THAT!
OMG…they were great. Amazing closeups. Of course not enough. Now the collab. Guess you can go to the iheart website to see the whole thing. Hope people do that.
eta…collab tomorrow. Boy oh boy what this tv audience is missing by no WWTLF.
Don’t rub it in luval!
mils, I’m with you, dripping and sniffling and coughing. yuck!
Have Nate’s vocals been enhanced for the broadcast?
nkd…you may be right about Nate’s vocals. Yup, told ya so!
Wonder if this is a goodbye hug?
If it is I hope they’re saying “we have to do this again sometime”.
Did they really enhance Nate’s vocals?
Is his performance on iHeart or something somewhere?
I don’t know ulti, but it sure sounded better than what we have on various recordings from the live show.
Thank you thank you aely! Since my CW station decided to show Monday Night football instead, Aely let me log into her tv and watch the iheart show tonight. Was disappointed at the shortness of Queen with Adam and the fact that they gave Fun the pimp spot at the end. However was very happy to have been able to see it at all. Now tomorrow Nate is gonna get featured again? Oh well. I like him but stay away from Queen!
Was very happy to have met with tlkc and ronny Had a great time gabbing and catching up.
CWM and cocoglam sorry to hear about your parents’ health issues. Just saw my mom in Toronto. Health is ok, memory failing fast.
The bee sting was deserved. I should’ve left the bee alone. My pinky still is a bit sore and itchy but I’ve had worse. When I arrived, tlkc asked me if I was wearing perfume. When I answered yes, she said “Good, maybe now the bees will leave Ron alone”!!
Marsha @vistadiva 22m
.@adamlambert’s name belongs on a Grammy and his pants belong in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.
.@adamlambert’s name belongs on a Grammy and his pants belong in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.
so true vistadiva!!
Very disappointed in the CW broadcast. They played up the collaboration with Nate, and downplayed Adam. It seemed like they barely mentioned him. I swear, they changed the mix so I could barely hear Adam sing–the guitar was overpowering his voice, and you know that doesn’t happen!
I really hope we get WWTLF tomorrow night. I know it’s good that he’s even included in this big name festival, but I wish he’d get a little bit more attention.
I haven’t seen anything yet, but if they really “enhanced” Nate’s vocals and reduced Adam’s volume I will be so mad.
Think they removed that “squeaking mic sound” from the end of WATC.
I thought it was terrific – turned the show off after Adam – didn’t hear Nate.
You give me hope, ulti!
The new October thread is up – http://www.adamlambertlive.org/2013/october-2013-chat
Hope you like the selection of pics!
ulti I think that little cutie is a Pomeranian
I have a friend with one and she calls him “Foofie” I have to laugh every time I hear that name, LOL.
When I was in high school one of my friends dated a guy named “Foofie”. I kid you not. She was crazy about him. It was Foofie this and Foofie that. He was in his 20’s and she was 14. According to her he was a real gentleman, never “tried anything”. I always wondered why a guy, especially an Italian guy, would be okay with being called Foofie and hang around girls and never “try anything”. I think I know the answer now. (