- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Robin Roberts from GMA comes out.
Enjoyed watching the Hungarian Music awards videos…I know they are not huge awards in the scheme of things, but I liked the way they were done, and Adams segments, and the fact that he beat out some of the biggest names in the music industry…
re photo…there were a couple that I click on that at the tie I thought ‘thats the photo for the nest thread’……but of course can’t remember which ones they were now, or when I saw them! I will be happy with whatever is chosen.
and ulti. I actually didn’t like the suit with the chain across, thought it made it look even smaller, as thought the jacket wouldn’t meet, so had to have a chain. Must say Adam looked much better in it than Matthew whatshisname…
I’m liking all the choices for thread pic so far. Boy has been looking
delicious lovely handsome lickable yummyfiiiiiine lately.I liked the fit of the suit. It’s very stylish and modern.
I don’t like the vest and chain. It’s just, too much.
Also, for new thread pics, boy just might have some new ones from tonight and NYE. Very likely.
Sweet Biloxi Dreams, ALL!!!
Nile Rodgers @nilerodgers 44m
@adamlambert You’re a singing somebody. I hope to see you soon. Happy Next Year!
IntenseForwardMotion @ALAlwayz 5m
@adamlambert & @QueenWillRock! MT @CW_network: Watch the first night of the iHeart Radio Music Festival at 8/7c! http://pic.twitter.com/tgUK8u2p15
The first vid (I’ve seen it before) by 2BlackGeeks with the Adam Lambert virus is still one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen – tears rollin’ down from laffin’ –
Chunkey is amazing. That was such a hilarious review. Such great choices, and the gifs!!!
Just read over on another blog that Shane Bitney Crone has posted on his Facebook that some folks are petitioning Redbox to not carry the movie Bridegroom. They offered places where you could offer support for the movie and wishes to have the opportunity to see it and urge them to supply it. 1-866 Redbox or 1-866-730-2693, twitter @ redboxcare and e-mail at redbox.custhelp.com/app/ask. Shane is upset by this and I don’t blame him. I’m getting tired of these folks who say they are for freedom and equal rights but only when it’s theirs. They are making this old(er) lady mad.
Go Jo! Tweet it out, get the Glambert Army in action.
We have our ways of making things happen…( Said in my best Artie Johnson Laugh In voice ).
Gonna go watch Adam and Queen on my TV. I Heart repeat.
couple of Adam mentions…
Loved watching iHeart again – so many shots of AFL looking fabulous.
Sweet IHeart Q&A Dreams, ALL!
Adam Lambert in 1-6-14 Life & Style mag
Only 30 mins to go here.
Wishing you all at ALL a Happy, healthy and prosperous New Year x
Dear ALL,
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2014 !!!!!!!!
Love and peace,
PS. I’m going to winstar but won’t get to meet any of you guys because the whole gang from here are tagging along. I’m still in the closet about being on the blog. Can’t get to internet either because we will be on the road.
See you all later sometimes in January when I get home. I miss all of you so much.
I’ve been on the road for 2 weeks now. Ready to be home.
Love you all.

Happy New Year ALL!

, raise a glass
and party like it’s 2014!!

To get the celebration started early, I posted the thread for WinStar already.
Time to get your boogie shoes on
Happy New Year to ALL of you. Thanks for all the shared fun, excitement, and friendship.
Adam Lambert Rocks iHeart – One of best Idol Alum Moments of 2013
Adam Lambert’s 5 Most Unforgettable Moments of 2013 – See more at: http://www.ryanseacrest.com/2013/12/31/adam-lamberts-most-unforgettable-moments-of-2013/
MTV Buzzworthy – 36 Things That Need to Happen In Music In 2014:… Adam Lambert Solo Album…
Love this one from MTV, too, AL –
MISC. Things We Want In 2014:
33.) Adam Lambert Gets A Permanent Spot On “Glee”: Actually, just give him his own show.
old Happy New Year pic
New 2014 thread is now up. Hope you like the main photo!