- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Fantastic! Spectacular! Brilliant! Epic! My favorites: Under Pressure, I Want to Break Free, Who Wants to Live Forever, The Show Must Go On and Somebody to Love! Amazing what Queen and Adam were able to do on a week’s worth of practice!
Page of fan videos
Finally got power back (MD)- that was one helluva wind that blew in – trees were practically horizontal – it was brief, but deadly. Called an “A derecho” – moves in a straighter direction than a hurricane or tornado. Anyhow it was a “rare, extraordinary” event according to the WaPo.
Finally, got to see the concert – a barnburner – everyone was great – so much fun and to think it will get even better – wow. My fav so far – “Another One Bites the Dust” – Adam’s right about that bass line – it’s intoxicating (and wasn’t that bass player spectacular). Loved Adam’s moves – really made that performance outstanding for me.
Going back to watch again.
I feel so fulfilled… Yesterday I had to violently cut my emotional state to get some night sleep, but I have experienced it again today after watching that best quality video many times. Show comes better and better every time, when the more unknown songs become more familiar. During livestream (on tv screen) I was just living in it and jamming on the coach. On the lap top it was easier to see all the expressions, details. The whole show was so great. Brian with his hot guitar sounds, Roger and the son competing on the drums. I LOVE this idea of generation exchange – Brian and Roger rebirth Queen by taking two talented younger fellows on board. Adam’s vocals were so killing – how can he do it so perfectly song after song?
My biggest favorites are quite the same than sparkle‘s – I also liked Another one bites the dust, because Adam seemingly enjoyed performing it
And the beginning of the show was very massive too… The energy that came out. During Radio Gaga I saw some very cool camera views, it looked fabulous to see all the audience waving their hands the same way. Every time I watch I find something new.
I feel it was best possible thing to see one great tv-perspective of this show first, and then go and see (and hear and experience!)it live. I really want to be that audience! We are not such a crowd, but will certainly be loud!
Those of us meeting up in London need to organize something AFTER these shows because we’ll need to talk, flail and bert!
Little Dutchess, you are so right! My bf really liked the show, but he is a very calm and tranquil person who doesn’t experience such strong emotional outbursts like me
So I suppose I need some Glambert sharing and feedback, because it’s my virgin tour and concert.
I’ve been told today to have a time out a couple of times… He was laughing (nicely though) at my intense staring and focusing when I watched the show again. The last time I went to another room. I love to read everyone else’s comments and feelings, sharing is important. I shared the videos in my fb, but NOBODY commented anything. So frustrating. Maybe all are on vacation (it’s the season right now).
Lol – at the end, Brian’s shirt was cut way lower than Adam’s – the Glambert influence?
Some internet music site write-ups
LadyNorth – I agree with your comment about the generation exchange and I’ll go a bit further. The vibe was very much like it was Roger and his son and Brian and his “son” Adam. Both Roger and Brian looked and sounded like proud papas whan their offspring equalled or exceeded their performance. They all seemed so comfortable with one another that it felt like a family performing together!
His personal Queen documentary!!!
I think this is the page mils was sending us to.
Thank you mils!
Did you scroll all the way down to see they used “our” poster?? It is beautiful. The only thing better than fierce Adam is smiling Adam.
The more I watch it the more I love it. Adam really showed nerves of steel up there. How does he do it? My favorite part right now: I Want to Break Free followed by Another One Bites the Dust.
I’ll be MIA for a while but should be back in time for the London concerts. Flail for me!
Thanks to nkd and mils and others for the links. I love to read the comments – especially in Rolling Stone there was a lot of very long-time Queen fans who praised Adam much. Didn’t read all of them, but 2-3 pages of the newest. So many people have experienced something epic. It was a great show, every piece of it.
Sparkle, I was thinking the same about the generation “family”. Also many Queen fans have commented that Brian and Roger seemingly enjoyed much the co-operation, it must be thrilling to them too. Young fresh energy with huge talent. I don’t remember if Brian has a son, but he really seems to love Adam
During Radio Gaga when Adam walked over and put his hand on Brian’s shoulder, the warmth they shared, and Adam’s face of total reassurance, and like saying to himself “Brian approves, I’ve got this.” And of ” wow, the crowd is responding just like at Wembley and Live Aid” and knowing , just knowing that this was a re-creation of a musical history moment.
I’ll never forget the look on Adam’s face. It brought tears to my eyes. Radio Gaga is one of my “Go-to” Queen songs, videos, and quite frankly, a touch-stone musical memory for me. Live Aid. Whenever I need a pick-me-up there are certain songs that do it for me. Radio Gaga and the visual of the hand clapping just thrill me. Seeing it happen for Adam was an emotional experience.
I hope that expressing this isn’t too much, but, I have a feeling that many Queen and Adam fans feel the same way. It is a blending of fandoms, of music and entertainment worlds that I am reacting to in a visceral way. I didn’t expect to have this strong of a reaction. But, I’m glad that I can feel free to express it here and not be judged.
I thank you all.
One more, I can’t resist, it’s so ironic, the lyric of Radio Gaga explores the growth of music videos versus pure music on the radio. “when we grow tired of all this visual.” And, what gets me about the song isn’t just the music, which is gorgeous, but, the hand clapping visual.
Just clicked on the link asif posted over at mj’s – full circle moment for Adam – very, very touching. If you’ve already posted it here and I missed it, asif, I apologize – just making sure everyone sees it!
mils, I totally agree with you on Radio Gaga! The more I watch these videos from Saturday, the more goosebumps I get! I’m still on cloud nine… still can’t believe how incredible everything about this show was, from Adam’s vocals, beautiful working of the stage/crowd, the fantastic camera work, Brian, Roger, Roger’s son, bassist, keyboardist, set list, etc. Almost too much to really absorb – I’m so proud for Adam!
After a few days out of town with bad internet connection I was just able to watch the whole thing AND I´M SPEACHLESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
English it´s not my native language so I´m having a hard time putting into words what I´m feeling after seeing Adam with Queen! Just a couple of weeks of reharsals and they´re THAT GOOD!?
Queen´s songs are very hard to sing not only because of the range but because we identify the songs so much with Freddie´s voice! It´s really hard to any artist to sing them and make us forget about the original one. At least for me, everytime I hear a Queen song sang by someone other than Freddie I keep having Freddie´s voice in the back of my mind comparing them…
And Adam in some of these songs (ok in most of them) just makes me forget about Freddie. And this is a lot for this die hard Queen fan to state! And I really think that Adam actually sang better than Freddie in some songs if we take as comparison some youtube videos of Freddie live. Maybe because of Adam´s really trained voice!
All I can say is that by the time Queen and Adam get to the London shows it will be perfection! And I really hope the London shows to help Adam be notice there, breakthrough and consolidates his world domination!!!!!!!!!!!
Check this beautiful fan made poster!
renataademelo, I agree with you that vocally Adam beats Freddie in some live videos I’ve seen. I remember watching earlier a Queen’s fan made video (funny, not insulting) of Freddie’s bad live moments (forgetting lyrics, singing wrong etc). Sometimes it was really bad, so even the great ones mess up sometimes
Adam Lambert ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ Performance Makes Waves
and from FemaleFirst, a UK celebrity gossip website.
The story is getting picked up.
Now on IdolChatter
Great picture!
Article with more pics.
A North Carolina classic rock radio station…(used the abc article)
and here it is translated. Not sure what to make of the Adam comments though. Could just be the translation. Anyone here who can translate Russian?
I’m with you AL, not sure about the comments either. Did they like it or not?
I’ve sat here today and looked at the Bohemian Rhapsody (the version that has been posted in several articles) over and over again. I just now noticed the image of Freddie waving goodbye at the end and Adam saluting his image just before the image turns and walks into the darkness. That was chilling for me. Wow.
Hi Ceddies…I can’t stop listening to Under Pressure & Who Wants to Live Forever.
Some great vids from the audience. Almost like being there!
I Want To Break Free – http://youtu.be/2B6ZPQmj3cQ
View through the clapping hands – Radio Ga Ga – http://youtu.be/HENOlH6MnBA
The Show Must Go On – http://youtu.be/sJyNj1ykBNM
Bohemian Rhapsody – http://youtu.be/ud8tROy2WpI
We Will Rock You-We Are The Champions – http://youtu.be/Y2Kd6CK9Jb8
Another complete concert vid – great video and sound (including the pre-show part) – thanks to mlg for pointing me to this vid!
and Elton John too – http://youtu.be/C5A_yeqzyg4
I love this quote:
Got home late today, and literally raced through dinner like a kid waiting to go do something naughty! And watched the whole show again. I am still breathless and amazed. Stunned.
No tears this time. Just flailing and singing along. My throat hurts! My family is thinking of having me committed. Joking, but, my son said that I need a new hobby! I told him I was just fine with my current one. Thanks.
Good evening, I’m gradually adding videos of various songs from different views, thanks y’all for bringing the links here!
Moscow thread will be posted in the morning around 8am Eastern time, the show starts at noon EDT. I do not know of any streams at this point, looks like we will have to settle for the twitter list then videos later.
Mils, I had similar thoughts to you during Radio Ga Ga, was incredible to realize that this was actually happening, and I was so happy for Adam. Watching him performing those legendary songs with Queen in front of that enormous crowd, I had the feeling that this is one of the things Adam was always meant to do, and was grateful that things came together to make it happen.
Whatever happens in the future, Adam will always have the experiences of Saturday night and the next several Queen shows. Hopefully Adam, Brian and Roger will enjoy these shows so much that they decide to play at least a few North American dates too.
Okay. My new favorite is Dragon Attack. And in my humble opinion, I think Adam’s version is better than Freddie’s. This slowed down and bluesy arrangement is incredible. It’s funky and stanky, and lawdy, he dances so fine to that bassline!
I won’t be around for showtime tomorrow, but, I’ll be quite distracted where I am, that’s for sure!
Thanks eywflyer for this site and work you do!!
I had lost the link to this site when my computer crashed but mlg gave it to me again. so happy to find everyone. thanks for all you do! I’ve been having so much fun working on the posters with mlg. Hope you all are enjoying them.
that poster u commented about was from tuke18. She is one of the TALC ladies and she will be in London for the first two and possibly the third show. Can’t wait for the pictures!
Weelassie11, thanks for the info! I have thought that TALC(vid) is one person… Interesting to know
Oh mine, how some people are talented with art and technology!
I love all this “Aftermath” Queen + Adam in Kiev is causing
So many people are bananas, different sites are spreading the video, previously suspicious are eating their words. This certainly is a big thing, like you mils and eywflier said too. I share your feelings about how big this is to Adam too.
And it certainly gives a Kick-in to Trespassing too
Couple of new links to the articles.
Load your ready Kiev MP3s here!
Wow. Hollywood reporter praises
Moscow thread is posted:
Google translation
Photos – http://mr1470.livejournal.com/54509.html