- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
CWM and everyone, have fun, enjoy your time together and recap when you are able!!
Here’s a good photo of the back.
Thanks AL. Not really a ‘tail’, is it. It just dips in the back a bit.
I was on the phone with a friend who wondered how he could sit in those shorts.
I had to say that I was pretty sure there were no studs on the seat of those pants. 
Have to chime in for just a minute to say that Adam looked absolutely adorable and incredibly hot tonight in that sleeveless shirt (he does take off the vest), those spiked shorts, and boots. He looked so young and not lulzy at all, in my opinion. Those boots were definitely made for dancing! By the way, we had a great view from our spot on the lawn.
Ron, enjoy your special time tomorrow! We’ll be thinking about you and looking forward to hearing all about your “special date”. Adam will enjoy meeting you every bit as much as you will him.
Thanks dcglam!
Sounds like you had a wonderful time and I couldn’t be happier for you. I know you were in excellent company and in a beautiful setting as you watched Adam give another great performance. So glad you were there and had a good time!
LOOOOVE this picture – he is perfect from the back!! The arms, the back of his head, those calves….YUM!
I agree, riskylady! And perfect from the front, too….

Both the company and setting were truly magnificent. I never thought I could have so much fun spending four hours in the sweltering heat!

Hi dcglam! So glad you had such a great time and that you’re already “back” to share with us!
Man, Adam sure has some gorgeous legs, doesn’t he?
And I like those boots with the shorts a lot better than the boots he wore last night. What a hottie!!
I loved those boots, too, Texas! They really were perfect for dancing on stage, and they looked hot, too. About those gorgeous legs, he pretty much is built perfectly all over.
Gosh, I just wanted to rush the stage and squeeze him tonight — so precious!
dcglam, I really can’t believe how he’s re-sculpted his body in the last year or so. He has always been gorgeous, but has been a little “fluffy” at times, or thinner at other times but still not toned. He’s hit the trifecta now – thin, toned and very healthy and wholesome looking. Oh yeah, he sings pretty well too!
Ditto to these sentiments exactly.
Good night, all!

And I echo your desire to rush the stage and hug him!
Guess who just might get an Adam hug tomorrow??… RON!! Have a wonderful time at your Adam signing tomorrow, Ron. Which outfit did you decide on? You looked very handsome in all three!
G’night, dcglam!
Ron, have a great meeting with Adam tomorrow. Shake his hand as you’ve always wanted to do. I can’t wait to hear about your experience! Love ya sweetie!
Am I the only one who isn’t crazy about boots in the this heat? I loved the GNT when he was barefoot. And I loved mils idea of
like in the IIHY video
Have these been posted?
Trespassing & Kickin In
Chokehold & banter
Thanks to HannaB20′s channel
banter about IIHY and NCOE
Naked Love
Broken English
Shady & banter
Thanks rs! All videos are now up top!
My pleasure AL. That is one advantage of living in an earlier time zone. I might miss the live show, but I get to see the vids sooner
Mea culpa about any shorts-dissing last night.
That “from the back photo” by needacoke is all kinds of hot and awesome.
Remember needacoke? She’s the one who did a whole GN taping of JUST the GB for an entire show!! {{ What dedication }}
And, I agree, he looks toned and healthy. Every, um, inch of him.
rs, I still would like to see my idea of a hot weather outfit sometime. I am thinking of that white shirt at that one outdoor venue pre-GN.
I’m finally awake enough after the weekend Adam marathon to give my recap of Freshtival. Other than the heat, the day and the setting were beautiful. The stage was at the base of a rolling hill overlooking the Potomac. There were 8 in our group: kradamour, adamized, dcglam, cwm, nkd, little duchess, the Duke and me. We got there as soon as the gates opened and kradamour found a perfect spot on the lawn at the edge of the first rise of the hill just as it leveled. We were very close to the stage at eye level with no one in front of us. (Thanks to mils for her detailed description of the SPG’s. It gave me a greater appreciation what I was observing in close proximity on the lawn.) The opening acts were decent and made our sweltering a little more tolerable. There also was a breeze periodically. Our main topic of conversation was what the heck was Adam going to wear. The pants and boots from Six Flags were the same ones he wore to the bus the night before. Did he just roll out of bed in them? Really, that outfit was so bad that it was good. It was in such contrast to the movie star glamour from Wilkes Barre. So what to wear outside when it’s hot as hell? Well, just as the sun got low in the sky and the temperature became tolerable, we found out. His outfit was perfect! It was very light weight but wonderfully stylish at the same time. The shorts were like a gym short material with studs in the front and on the back pocket. He took the vest off after the first couple of songs. Then he really looked fabulous! His shoulders, arms and calves are so toned. The photos don’t even begin to do him justice. The show was great, of course. Adam was obviously enjoying himself, and gave his usual perfect vocal performance. He had some issues with the sound system. At one point he told them to turn down the bass, which did improve the sound. He also had sound issues in IIHY, but then laughed about it and gave us one of the lines changing keys every couple of words. It was funny. He went down to the water after the show, and we didn’t see him again. We then moved to another hill overlooking the Potomac for the fireworks. By then, the night was beautiful. The fireworks were dazzling and a great way to end this amazing Adam holiday weekend. Well almost, as you can see from cwm’s and nkd’s posts from last night, we hung out eating and carrying on until after midnight. It really was a perfect weekend.
Oooooooh, that Chokehold is a thing of beauty.

Great recap mmm222! You’ve captured many of the details so well! I’ll just add a few of my own impressions…
After sweltering all day through the opening acts (who were actually quite good), the anticipation for Adam was tremendous by the time he came out. The reaction of the crowd when he walked onstage was hilarious. Before he came out, the female DJ announcer had warned us that he looked HOT HOT HOT, so anticipation was high. When he came out in those studded shorts, high-top/boot tennies, black tanktop, long flowy vest, and sunglasses, he just looked so unexpectedly amazing that the crowd just laughed and cheered in delight. It was wonderful.
The show of course was awesome. He gave us amazing vocals with powerful runs (many WOW moments) and some A+++ dancing in those shorts. Boy knows how to move. And with the sun setting behind him and the stage lights shining on him, it was such a sight.
He did struggle some with sound issues, starting with too much bass in Shady. Throughout a couple of songs, he kept signaling to the sound guys to try to get them to turn down the bass and turn up the keyboards and guitars. IIHY was a mess due to technical issues, but he just laughed it off and let us sing it. LOL. At first I thought he was forgetting the lyrics and was surprised that he would have forgotten so many of the lyrics to that song, but then it became obvious that it was a technical issue with his in-ears and they were throwing him off. You should have seen him strut over to the sound booth after that and have an intense little “animated chat” with the sound guys. Hoooweee, Mad Adam is a sight to behold! But then he came back onstage all sweet and smiley and apologized for tech issues and did that little “6 keys of IIHY” thing and all was well again. He gave up on the in-ears after that and things sounded great from there on out.
All of the sound issues were so ironic because I was fortunate enough to be able to watch the soundcheck. (I felt like I got a bonus little mini-concert of Shady, NCOE, Broken English (with Adam), and Kickin In and IIHY (band only).) Adam was meticulous and perfectionistic in getting the sound just right. Actually, it was fascinating to watch. Don’t know what happened between soundcheck and actual performance, but it must be frustrating for him.
Anyway, he was happy and chatty and relaxed with us and made lots of jokes about the heat (and his shorts). Before Naked Love, he invited us to “take off a layer” (rather than get naked, since it was a family- friendly show) but suggested that one day at a show he would love to invite us to actually get naked. LOL
Hmmm… what else? Oh yeah! The BEST part of all this was being able to enjoy Adam with such wonderful peeps! We all had a blast hanging out all afternoon, enjoying Adam’s show together, seeing the fireworks, then recapping and rehashing it all over late-night burgers and wine, punctuated by much laughter, story-telling, and general carrying on.
I truly enjoyed meeting all of you and look forward to the next time we can rock out at an Adam show together!
great recaps cwm & mmm222. I didn’t really recap my shows but gave the omg play by plays so I’ll consider that my recap!
One funny thing after the WB concert at the buses…I had my cd and was stretching my arm in to hand it to Adam when csesq took the cd and handed it to Adam and he signed it. But I really wanted to get closer so I had the same cd, flipped it over and got close enough myself. He took the cd & turned it over and said “Oh, I already signed this!” and handed it back to me. (although me was just an arm lol). But dang…he caught me! Later I had Tommy sign the other side.
Haha I’ve watched my videos from last night and they’re pretty great. I made no real effort to capture a steady visual image because I wanted to dance. So I just tried to hold my camera in the general direction of the stage with my right hand, while the rest of my body danced. I figured the video image would be close enough to capture the gist of what was going on onstage.
Well, what ended up happening is that you can clearly discern my dancing style from the way the video image shakes around from song to song. On Naked Love in particular, sometimes I’m bouncing up and down, sometimes I’m swaying side to side, sometimes I got a little funky groove going on. So funny to watch. But I’m proud to say that my swaying camera was always in time to the music! LOL
What a crack up. Although I met my goal of capturing the gist of what was going on onstage, I don’t think I’ll be posting these on youtube!
Haha good story luval! Busted for double dipping!
Thank you for those wonderful recaps, mmm222 and cwm! Both of you did an awesome job of recreating our moment in the sun (literally)!
Other than Adam’s performance, I have to admit that the highlight of my day was spending time with and getting to know some of my ALL friends. I loved reconnecting with Kradamour and Adamized. Ultimathule, I saw you on a nearby blanket and waved — not sure you saw me. I also loved meeting for the first time and getting to know mmm222, nkd, cwm, little dutchess, and the Duke. I know we talk about Adam 24/7 on this blog (as it should be). However, please know how much I enjoy hearing about the real lives of all of you posters out there. Wow….. What an incredible bunch!!
Have to share a funny moment from the show. Well, you know how Adam introduces his Shady performance with something about getting “nasty”. Well, we did have some “nasty” peeps at the show. Just before Adam was due to arrive, many peeps began standing (including myself). There was a group right next to me who was standing as well. There happened to be a group right behind them who began yelling at them to sit down because nobody behind them would be able to see. The group next to me turned around and said…. “You obviously have never been to an Adam Lambert concert before. No one sits during an Adam Lambert concert!!”
LOL…. The second highlight of my day!
Hi Peeps! Not much to add to the wonderful recaps but did want to mention that there were teenage girls there and people with skin tones other than white. Good to see that Adam is reaching a broader range of folks. I overheard two tweens squealing about how much they loved Adam. Made me very happy.
I was very sad to see this weekend come to an end. I got the same feeling I did when leaving St Agathe last summer. At that time I mentioned it was like leaving summer camp. The time we get to spend together may be very short but it is intense and filled with joy. It always takes me a few days to loose my sense of ennui.
Ceddies, I missed having you there with us. Didn’t seem quite right without you.
Ron, I am dying with anticipation to hear about your brief encounter with our BB and hopefully to see a picture of both of you in your glory.
You did a great job with this thread! Thanks!
That’s funny Luval. Didn’t u have anything else to sign? hahaaha
Thanks cher!
Now it will only be another month before the next concerts start – Queen+Adam! And then we’ll be asking you for a recap of both the restaurants and concerts in London!
One other thing I forgot to mention….
We arrived at the Gaylord Hotel exactly in time to see Brian and Ashley exit the bus. They walked right passed us as they entered the hotel. They were both very sweet and friendly as they replied to our hellos.
Thanks so much for the recaps everybody!
You are so right about the “summer camp” analogy. That’s exactly what it felt like when our Labor Day multiple concert GN trip ended, and after our trip to Hawaii. It does take time to get over an experience like these.
AL, thanks so much for all your dedication the last week or so. It is very appreciated!
mmm222, are you saying that you spotted some of “them?” You know, the fans who may not be mentioned?
Hi ALL. Sorry I missed everyone at the Freshtival. I didn’t come into the concert area until just before Adam came on as I was running around with my granddaughter. I sat over to the side and tried searching the crowd for some familiar faces but didn’t see any of you. I checked on the site later up in our room and found this picture.
http://via.me/-1gu57g8 posted by sparkle.
In the upper right side of the picture is my daughter standing looking at a camera, and my granddaughter standing by her leg. I am sitting on the ground by their feet but you can’t see me.
My daughter took pictures for me and a couple of videos. I am sure my pics don’t compare to all the great glamberts that already post pics but I do have one pretty good leg shot. I could send it to someone to post here if you guys want. Altogether she took about 100 pictures. some good, some blurry but a great souvenir.
WB and the Freshtival were amazing and I will drive 1250 miles roundtrip again in a heartbeat. I wish I could have spent more time with the peeps from here, I would heve tried harder to look for you after the concert, but our granddaughter spent the night with us in the hotel so we went up right after the fireworks.
Adam was perfection in WB everything from sound to dancing to pure joy on his face made it so worth going. I will never forget that concert as I feel it is up there at the very top of the list of performances, and I was there.
I also had a very rushed M&G there, and a picture with 3 others, no individual pics allowed. But I decided to make the most of it. I went in, smiled and said “this is my second time seeing you today, I saw you when I was getting off the elevator.” He said “oh Yeah”, and smiled a megawatt smile. I put my arm around him and snuggled in he put his arm around me and squeezed. We had to shuffle over for the pic, I held on tight. Then when the pic was taken one of the other girls came in for a hug, I waited and went in for my own hug. Everyone is right he hugs really well, and I got in my sniff and he smelled WONDERFUL, I think it was the Tokyo Milk Dark. YUM
DC was great too but sound issues put a little damper on it. I looked over at my daughter and said ” he is getting upset about the sound” she said “oh he doesn’t look mad, just concerned”. Then came the march over to the sound guys and animated arm flailing. She looked at me and said “oohh he is pissed now” LOL
We got to watch him come up the stairs and get his pack and earpieces on. At one point he turned around and said, “you not supposed to watch this part.” And kind of waived his hand, like, get out, and smiled. LOL
I have decided I LOVE elevators because in addition to my elevator encounter in WB after I checked into the Gaylord we went to the elevator to take our bags up and the elevator doors opened and there was Tommy. He was walking with someone from the hotel staff and got just past me and I said “Tommy” he stopped and turned around and smiled and waved. So all in all I ran into and said at least something to everyone but the vajayjays. We talked to Isaac and Ashley, on the street in WB.
A word about the shorts. I loved them especially from my angle over to the side. Because they were loose, and there was “plenty” bouncing around in there.
I am not going to the corner because today is my birthday and I just had the most fabulous weekend. I deserve to be a little naughty.
I am so happy I got to meet, nkd and luval and have a nice breakfast with them. My roomie in WB turquoisewaters was so much fun. Made bracelets with MMM222 and sparkle. Also met little duchess and the duke, they are so nice and so much fun. Great to also meet eywflyer, Kradamour, adamized, cgesq, and ovationimpact…
I hope to do it again sometime when I can devote more time to the group.
My daughter said she really enjoyed the concert, my son-in-law and my husband did too, they walked around and listened from the outside. Hubby said “he has an awesome drummer. (he plays drums so he knows of these things)
Tommy sounded wonderful, does Adam read here for tips and pointers? It sure seems that way sometimes, it was just discussed about not hearing him and voila he was miked perfectly for DC.
Also I am loving Brian so much, especially after he was mocking Adam’s epic key failure in IIHY. You can tell there is great camaraderie there. And I love Adam so much for laughing at himself.
I know this jumps all over the place but a writer, I am not. I just wanted to give a few quick impressions of my weekend.
In close I just love this site and I love Adam Mitchel Lambert.
Awww great recap glambotgram! Loved all the details!
I’m sorry that I didn’t get a chance to meet you in DC. Would’ve been fun! We were at center stage, on the first “flat” spot after the first slope away from the stage.
cwm Thank you and I am sorry I didn’t get to meet you also. I kept looking out over the sea of people and just couldn’t find a familiar face. I was basically on the same flat spot but all the way to the right. Hopefully next time.
Thanks for the recap glambotgram. Too bad you didn’t connect with the others there but at least you got to meet them in Wilkes-Barre.
And videos from TALCvids have been added above. Great audio and video!
Haha, AL…. I see you did stay up to watch the NCOE video last night. I’m afraid I caved and went to sleep, but did manage to watch it first thing this morning before work. By the way, thank you for adding the great TALC vids above and for all your help with these special threads.
And glambotgram…. Love your recap, and I also was so disappointed I didn’t get a chance to meet you. As a matter of fact, I asked a couple of the gals I was with who met you in WB if you were anywhere around. No luck!
Next time for sure!!
LOL….. The guy in the green shirt is so funny. Love this!
Awwwwdcglam Thank you, next time for sure. I was sorry to miss you also. It was a little hard for me with the grandkids. The three year old is “all my time consuming” so the only time I really had to myself was the actual concert. LOL Then it was off with her again. We were all so close it is amazing we didn’t spot each other, but all our focus was on AFL.
luval LMAO about your double sided CD story. I, too, wanted to get close which was really hard for us shorties. Sorry you got “caught”!!!!
glambotgram’s D.C. Concert Photos (via Ron)
glambotgram, loved your recap, especially the little bit of insight re Adam “waving you away” while he suited up for the concert with his sound equipment. Thank you so much for posting!